Recommendation to recommend that the City Council approve an Addendum to the Midtown Specific Plan Programmatic Environmental Impact Report; Approve Zone Change ZCHG18-006 from Regional Highway (CHW), Community Automobile Orientated (CCA) and Two Family Residential (R-2-N) to Midtown Specific Plan (MTSP) Transit Node (TOD-L) Districts, over the following nine lots addressed as: 201 – 245 W. Pacific Coast Highway and 1827 Pacific Avenue (APN 7209-022-900, 7209-022-028; 7209-022-027, and 7209-022-023) and approve Zone Text Amendment ZCA18-008 to reflect the boundary change of the Zone Change expanding the area within the Midtown Specific Plan. Approve Site Plan Review SPR18-054 to allow the construction of two, five-story buildings, consisting of 138-market-rate residential units and 24,911 square feet of commercial space located at 201 - 245 W. Pacific Coast Highway and 1827 Pacific Avenue, in the Midtown Specific Plan (SP-1); and Approve Lot Merger LMG 18-032 to merge nine lots into tw...