Long Beach, CA
File #: 21-0641    Version: Name: Belmont Beach Ord 2
Type: Ordinance Status: Adopted
File created: 7/2/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/13/2021 Final action: 7/20/2021
Title: Recommendation to declare ordinance amending the Use District Map of the City of Long Beach as said Map has been established and amended by amending portions of Part 5 of said Map from Belmont Pier Planned Development District (PD-2) Subarea 4 to R-4-R (Moderate-Density Multiple Residential), and from PD-2 Subarea 5 to PD-2 Subarea 4, read and adopt as read. (District 3)
Sponsors: Development Services
Attachments: 1. 072021-ORD-20att.pdf, 2. 072021-ORD-20 Corresp. Weinstein.pdf, 3. ORD-21-0026.pdf
Related files: 21-0639, 21-0644, 21-0645, 21-0643
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
7/20/20212 City Council approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/13/20211 City Council declare ordinance read the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final readingPass Action details Meeting details Not available
Recommendation to declare ordinance amending the Use District Map of the City of Long Beach as said Map has been established and amended by amending portions of Part 5 of said Map from Belmont Pier Planned Development District (PD-2) Subarea 4 to R-4-R (Moderate-Density Multiple Residential), and from PD-2 Subarea 5 to PD-2 Subarea 4, read and adopt as read. (District 3)

On January 21, 2020, the City Council denied the appeals, adopted an Environmental Impact Report Addendum, amended the Local Coastal Program (LCP) Element of the General Plan, adopted a Zoning Code Amendment to the Belmont Pier Planned Development District (PD-2), adopted a Zone Change, approved a modification to a previous Site Plan Review, approved a Local Coastal Development Permit, and directed the Director of Development Services to submit a LCP Amendment to the California Coastal Commission (Coastal Commission), all related to approval of the Belmont Beach and Aquatics Center (BBAC) project at 4200 East Ocean Boulevard (Application No. 1910-05), which is the replacement facility for the former Belmont Olympic Plaza Pool at 4000 Olympic Plaza.

On February 11, 2021, the Coastal Commission denied the appeals and approved Coastal Development Permit Nos. 5-18-0788, A-5-LOB-17-0032, and A-5-LOB-20-0007 requested by the City of Long Beach (City), subject to conditions, for development of the BBAC project. The Coastal Commission also approved, with modifications, LCP Major Amendment No. LCP-5-LOB-20-0014-1, which amends the Implementing Ordinances and Land Use Plan of the certified LCP to revise the Belmont Pier Planned Development District (PD-2) to allow development of the BBAC.

Because the Coastal Commission approved the LCP amendment with modifications, LCP Amendment No. LCP-5-LOB-20-0014-1 will not be effective for implementation in the City’s coastal zone until:

1) The City Council adopts the Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications;
2) The City Council forwards t...

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