Recommendation to adopt resolution approving repaving/resurfacing projects proposed to receive Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account funding totaling approximately $9,200,000 in the Fiscal Year 2022 Paving Program. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to adopt a Resolution approving a list of projects proposed to receive Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) funding for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 22).
Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017), was passed by the California Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in April 2017, to address significant multi-modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide. The City of Long Beach (City) will receive an estimated $9,200,000 in RMRA funding for FY 22. This RMRA funding is part of proposed $34,307,000 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) work in FY 22 designated to maintain and upkeep the City's roadway assets through a series of street improvement projects, which also include: Capital Projects Fund, Long Beach Measure A, Los Angeles County (County) Measures M and R, and County Propositions A and C.
Proposed street improvement projects to be funded with RMRA funds are listed below:
• Elm Avenue (6th Street to 8th Street)
• 16th Street (Pacific Avenue to Elm Avenue)
• Hoffman Avenue (10th Street to 11th Street)
• 11th Street (Orange Avenue to Gardenia Avenue)
• Costa Del Sol Way (South End to Loynes Drive)
• Bixby Village Drive (Loynes Drive to Channel Drive)
• 5th Street (Margo Avenue to East End)
• Margo Avenue (6th Street to 7th Street)
• Grand Avenue (10th Street to 11th Street)
• 17th Street (Cherry Avenue to Junipero Avenue)
• Reservoir Drive (Pacific Coast Highway to Northwest End)
• Outer Traffic Circle (Pacific Coast Highway to Ximeno Way)
• Woodruff Avenue (Palo Verde Avenue to Conquista Avenue)
• Monlaco Road (Clark Avenue to Tulane Avenue)
• Monlaco Road (Woodruff Avenue to Palo Verde Ave Service Road)
• Coralite Street (Gondar Avenue to Los Coyotes Diagonal Service Road)
• Gondar Avenue (Wardlow Road to Conant Street)
• Peabody Street (Bellflower Boulevard Service Road to San Anseline Avenue)
• Ebel Street (Greenbrier Road to Charlemagne Avenue)
• Osler Avenue (Hanbury Street to Parkcrest Street)
• Parkcrest Street (Osler Avenue to Bellflower Boulevard)
• Albury Avenue (Conant Avenue to Parkcrest Street)
• 11th Street (Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue to Orange Avenue)
• 19th Street (Technology Place to Santa Fe Avenue)
• Cota Avenue (25th Street to Willow Street)
• 27th Street (Delta Avenue to Gale Avenue)
• 37th Street (Country Club Drive to Pacific Avenue)
• Country Club Drive (San Antonio Drive to Pacific Avenue)
• Pacific Avenue (Bixby Road to Country Club Drive)
• California Avenue (South Street to 60th Street)
• 60th Street (Atlantic Avenue to Orange Avenue)
• 72nd Street (Atlantic Place to Myrtle Avenue)
Eligibility requirements under SB 1 require that a list of projects proposed to receive RMRA funding be identified in a Resolution approved by the City Council, which must include scope, location, schedule, and useful life information. The bill also requires the use of a Pavement Management System (PMS) to develop the SB 1 project list to ensure revenues are being used on the most high-priority and cost-effective projects.
The City's street paving program is guided by the citywide Infrastructure Investment Plan (llP) and the Pavement Management Program (PMP), in coordination with other CIP projects, and in consideration for the most efficient use of public funds. The llP was generated based on the passage of Measure A and takes a citywide approach to holistically consider where the City and its residents can reap the most benefits from infrastructure investment. Supporting the llP, the PMP inventories and assesses the structural integrity of every street in Long Beach every three years and provides an evaluation to systematically manage and prioritize street paving projects based on efficiency and effectiveness. All projects listed above were recommended based upon the llP and PMP and comprise a partial list of only those streets being funded with SB 1 monies.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Amy R. Webber on May 19, 2021 and Budget Management Officer Rhutu Amin Gharib on May 25, 2021.
City Council action is requested on June 15, 2021, to ensure eligibility to receive RMRA funds in accordance with SB 1.
To receive RMRA funds, the City must adopt a Resolution that lists the projects planned to be funded with RMRA funds in FY 22. SB 1 is estimated to provide the City funds totaling approximately $9,200,000 in FY 22. The recommended action is for the City Council to adopt the Resolution and does not include a budget appropriation at this time. If a Resolution of proposed RMRA projects is approved, the appropriation of these funds will be incorporated into the FY 22 budget development process and included in the FY 22 CIP Budget for approval by the City Council. This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. There is no local job impact associated with this recommendation.
Approve recommendation.
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Respectfully Submitted,