| 1 | | PL - Minutes of 1.21.21 | PL-Agenda Item | Recommendation to receive and file the Planning Commission meeting minutes of January 21, 2021. | approve recommendation | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 1. | PL -100 E Ocean | PL-Resolution | Recommendation to adopt a Resolution Certifying an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 4-20) (State Clearinghouse No. 2018121006), make findings of fact, adopting a statement of overriding considerations, and approving a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP); Approve Site Plan Review SPR 18-14 and Local Coastal Development Permit LCDP 18-005, for the construction of a 30-story, 537,075-square-foot building of up to 375.5 feet in height containing 429 hotel rooms, 23,512 square feet of restaurant space, and 26,847 square feet of meeting and ballroom space, with valet-only parking with 151 on-site parking stalls in a two-level garage with additional off-site parking spaces, on a 1.36-acre site located in the Coastal Zone at 100 East Ocean Boulevard in the Downtown Shoreline Planned Development District (PD-6 [Subarea 7]). The project scope includes improvements to the portions of Victory Park abutting the project site and the restoration of the Jergins Trust Tunnel. (Council District 2) | approve recommendation and adopt | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 2. | PL - 1387-1395 Coronado | PL-Agenda Item | Recommendation to accept Categorical Exemption CE21-016 and approve Modification to a Previously approved permit, Application No. 1910-25; CUP19-40 (MOD20-009) to modify Condition #8 to allow exterior speakers within the courtyard, and to modify Condition #20 to allow the sale of alcohol for consumption off site as part of the existing Alcoholic Beverage Control - License Type 47 in conjunction with a restaurant and art gallery at an existing 6,250-square-foot building located at 1395 Coronado Avenue in the Light Industrial (IL) Zoning District. (District 4) | approve recommendation | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3. | PL - 200 E 14th St | PL-Agenda Item | Recommendation to accept Categorical Exemption CE20-046 and approve Tentative Tract Map TTM20-001 to consolidate four parcels into a single 43,587-square-foot lot and create thirty-six condominium units within four buildings on a 43,587-square-foot property located at 200 E. 14th Street in the Transit Node of the Midtown Specific Plan (SP-1). (District 1) | approve recommendation | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 4. | PL - 433 Pine | PL-Agenda Item | Recommendation to recommend that the City Council find the proposed Zoning Code Amendment exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15308 (Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment) and Section 15061(b)(3) (Common Sense Exemption), as it will not result directly or indirectly in significant environmental impacts; Recommend that City Council approve a Zoning Code Amendment (ZCA20-015) to amend language within Title 5 of the Long Beach Municipal Code and within the Downtown Planned Development District (PD-30) to allow the operation of adult-use cannabis dispensaries within Mixed-Use buildings in Downtown by way of Conditional Use Permit approval (Districts 1 and 2); and, Accept Categorical Exemption 20-147 and approve a Conditional Use Permit (CUP20-016) to allow the establishment and operation of an adult-use cannabis dispensary located at 433 Pine Avenue in the Downtown Planned Development District (PD-30). (District 1) | laid over | Pass |
Action details