Long Beach, CA
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/18/2022 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 411 W. Ocean Boulevard Civic Chambers
Special Meeting - Revised
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-1209 11.CC - Damage ClaimsAgenda ItemRecommendation to refer to City Attorney damage claims received between October 3, 2022 and October 10, 2022.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1210 12.CM - LBRA – Addressing Health Disparities Contract ApprovalContractRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFP HE-22-068 and award contracts to Community Medical Wellness Centers USA, of Long Beach, CA, Community Partners, of Los Angeles, CA, as a fiscal agent for Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition, of Long Beach, CA, Filipino Migrant Center, of Long Beach, CA, Interval House, of Long Beach, CA, Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc., dba Heluna Health, of City of Industry, CA, as a fiscal agent for Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee, of Long Beach, CA, Sustainable Health Empowerment, of Long Beach, CA, and The G.R.E.E.NE Foundation dba The G.R.E.E.N Foundation, of Santa Ana, CA, for COVID-19 education and vaccination outreach service, in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $1,119,189, for a period of one year, with the option to renew for one additional one-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contracts, including any necessary subsequent amendments. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1211 13.DPREP - 2021 EMPG ARPA $4,880ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract and all necessary documents, including any necessary subsequent amendments, with the County of Los Angeles to receive and expend Department of Homeland Security grant funding for the 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant-American Rescue Plan Act, in an amount not to exceed $4,880, for a period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023; and Increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund Group in the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications Department by $4,880, offset by grant revenue. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1212 14.DPREP - 2021 EMPG $77,846ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract and all necessary documents including any necessary subsequent amendments, with the County of Los Angeles, to receive and expend Department of Homeland Security grant funding for the 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant, in an amount not to exceed $77,846 from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023; and Increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund Group in the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications Department by $77,846, offset by grant revenue. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1213 15.DPREP/FD/DHHS - 2021 State Homeland Security ProgramContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary subsequent amendments including term extensions, with the County of Los Angeles to receive and expend Department of Homeland Security grant funding for the 2021 State Homeland Security Program to enhance the capability of local agencies to prevent, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism, in an amount not to exceed $644,000, for a period of September 1, 2021 to May 31, 2024; and Increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund Group in the Fire Department by $600,000, and in the General Grants Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $44,000, offset by grant revenue. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1214 16.ED - ROI for Long Beach Tourism BID D1245ResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution approving the Annual Report for October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023, for the Long Beach Tourism Business Improvement Area, declaring its intention to levy the annual assessment, and setting the date of hearing for November 1, 2022. (Districts 1,2,4,5)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
22-1215 17.ED - LA County Youth@Work ProgramsContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and all necessary documents or subcontracts including any subsequent amendments extending the grant term or changing the amount of the award, with the City of Los Angeles, Economic and Workforce Development Department, to accept and expend up to $286,631 in Los Angeles County Youth@Work Programs - Work Based Learning (WBL) funds, to provide eligible at-risk youth and young adults between the ages of 14-24 with subsidized work experience, for the period of July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1216 18.FM - Contract w/Quinn Company for a paving compactor and a tandem vibratory compactorResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary documents including any necessary subsequent amendments, with Quinn Company of the City of Industry, CA, for the purchase of a paving compactor and a tandem vibratory compactor, on the same terms and conditions afforded to Sourcewell, of Staples, MN, with Caterpillar, Inc., contract number 032119-CAT, in a total amount not to exceed $225,573, inclusive of taxes and fees. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
22-1217 19.FM - Mobile Source Air PollutionContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute contract amendments, including a term extension to January 4, 2029, to Contract ML16017 for Local Government Match Program funding with the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee through the South Coast Air Quality Management District. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1218 110.FM - Contract w/Walters Wholesale Electric Co for as-needed electrical suppliesContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 33519 with Walters Wholesale Electric Company, of Long Beach, CA, and Contract No. 33518 with Consolidated Electrical Distributors Inc., of Los Angeles, CA, for furnishing and delivering as-needed electrical supplies, to increase the aggregate contract amount by $500,000, for a revised aggregate contract amount not to exceed $4,170,000 and extend the terms of the contracts to March 31, 2023. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1219 111.FM - Contract w/John GrossContractRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFP FM-22-157 and award a contract to John Gross, dba Financial Management and Systems Consulting, of Scottsdale, AZ, for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) embedded quality assurance and other sponsor support, in an amount not to exceed $165,600, for a period of six months, with the option to renew for one additional six-month period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary subsequent amendments. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1220 112.DHHS - CDPH Workforce Allocation grantContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all necessary documents and any subsequent amendments, including any amendments to the award amount, with the State of California Department of Public Health (CDPH), to accept and expend funding in an amount not to exceed $2,807,624, for public health workforce and infrastructure, for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, with the option to extend for an additional one-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and Increase appropriations in the Health Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $2,807,624, offset by grant revenue. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1221 113.DHHS - Contract for ClFresh Healthy Living ProgContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 35376, including changes to the grant award amount, with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to continue to receive and expend grant funding to provide nutrition, physical activity, and chronic disease prevention activities through the Healthy Active Long Beach (CalFresh Healthy Living) Program, to increase the contract amount by $859,392, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $3,437,568, and to extend the term to September 30, 2023, with the option to extend the agreement for an additional one-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1222 114.LBA - Agrmnt w/Kilroy Realty for short-term use of a portion of parking lot for Festival of Flight D45ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute any and all documents necessary for a License Agreement with Kilroy Realty, LP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, for the short-term use of the parking lot at 3800 Kilroy Airport Way, for the Long Beach Airport Festival of Flight. (Districts 4,5)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1223 115.LBA - Amended and restated lease with Bonseph D45ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute any and all documents necessary for an Amended and Restated Lease with Bonseph Long Beach, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for City-owned property at 3605 East Spring Street at the Long Beach Airport. (Districts 4,5)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1224 116.LBA - Contract w/Convergint Technologies for improvements to the security system D45ContractRecommendation authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute any and all documents necessary for the First Amendment to Contract No. 35455 with DG Investment Intermediate Holdings 2, Inc., dba Convergint Technologies, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, to: continue to provide maintenance, repair, support, and improvements to the security system at the Long Beach Airport, increase the contract amount by $100,000 for the current term ending January 2023, extend the term for one additional year and increase the contract in an annual amount of $300,588; increase the contract in an annual amount of $315,618 if final extension option is exercised, and, authorize an annual contingency in the amount of $350,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,144,013; and, evidence changes to certain administrative procedures; and Increase appropriations in the Airport Group in the Airport Department by $458,000 offset by Airport operating revenue. (Districts 4,5)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1225 117.PRM/PW - Grant app to RMC for the Duck Pond Restoration Project D4ResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to submit a grant application to Rivers and Mountains Conservancy for their Climate Resilient Grant Program for the El Dorado Duck Pond Restoration Project; if awarded, accept an amount up to $1,500,000 for completion of the Duck Pond Restoration Project; and, execute all documents necessary to accept the funds and implement the project. (District 4)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
22-1226 118.PW - Final parcel map for the Broadway Block project at 330 E. 3rd St and 333 E. Broadway D1Agenda ItemRecommendation to find that all requirements of the final parcel map for the construction of a new 21-story mixed-use high-rise, containing 187 dwelling units, for the Broadway Block project, located at 330 East 3rd Street and 333 East Broadway, have been met; approve the final parcel map for Parcel Map No. 82965; showing a 10 foot width easement for public utility facilities, limited height easement and surface easement for public access, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute subdivision agreements; and Determine that the development project is within the scope of the previously certified Downtown Plan PEIR (State Clearinghouse No. 2009071006) and the Broadway Block Project Downtown Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Addendum, and that no further environmental analysis is needed. (District 1)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1227 119.TI - Agrmnt w/Knight Fdn for LB Collaboratory programAgenda ItemRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and any necessary documents including any necessary subsequent amendments, with the Knight Foundation and/or the Long Beach Community Foundation, to accept and expend grant funding in the amount of $150,000 for the Technology and Innovation Department’s Long Beach Collaboratory Program, for program activities including community engagement, technology deployment, and technology training; and Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $150,000, offset by grant revenue. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1257 1 Water PresentationAgenda ItemDean Wang, Director of Water Resources, spoke; and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Councilwoman Saro spoke.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1228 120.DS - Small Cell Wireless Application Appeal - 4351 Clark Ave D5Public HearingRecommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the public hearing, and consider an appeal of the environmental review for a small cell permit in the public right-of-way abutting 4351 Clark Avenue by Kathryn Pettit of Chatten-Brown, Carstens & Minteer, LLP, on behalf of Moira Hahn and Mark Hotchkiss; Determine that the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15302 (Class 2 - Replacement or Reconstruction) and 15303 (Class 3 - New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines and none of the exceptions in 15300.2 apply, (CE19-013); and Deny the appeal, determine that the project complies with CEQA and, on that basis, affirm the approval of a Small Cell Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (Small Cell) Permit (PWRW48749-8) for the replacement of an existing streetlight pole (#HB1300) and replacement with a new streetlight pole with a small cell wireless telecommunications facility on a new foundation in the same location within the public right-of-way, abuttinapprove recommendationFail Action details Video Video
22-1259 1 PC Carly MagalskiHandoutCarly Magalski spoke regarding roof top solar; and provided a handout.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1260 1 PC - Venecia HernandezHandoutVenecia Hernandez spoke regarding roof top solar; and provided a handout.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1261 1 PC - Diana PerezHandoutDiana Perez spoke regarding rooftop solar; and provided a handout.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1229 121.Mayor - SB 1100Agenda ItemRecommendation to request City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC), as necessary, to clarify the procedure for removal of disruptive individuals from public meetings in accordance with California Senate Bill 1100, to be effective January 1, 2023; and Request City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the LBMC, as necessary, to remove any requirement for a person to state their name and address prior to addressing the City Council or other City board, commission, or committee. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1230 122.CD4 - Mothers Against Drunk DrivingAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,000, offset by the Fourth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for their annual Teen Influencer Summit; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1231 123.CD9 - Unleaded Aviation FuelAgenda ItemRecommendation to direct City Manager to work with the Long Beach Airport and stakeholders to establish a plan to reduce lead pollution and implement programs to transition to unleaded aviation fuels, and report back to City Council in 60 days.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1232 124.CAUD - KPMG ContractContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 33203 with KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, of Irvine, CA, for specialized services in connection with the annual financial audits, to increase the contract amount by $931,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $9,131,476, and extend the term of the contract to June 30, 2023. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1233 125.DPREP - Hazard Mitigation Plan UpdateResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution to submit the 2022 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (Plan) in accordance with the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 - Public Law 106-390; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to amend and update the Plan annually or as requested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
22-1234 126.FM - Request Atty amend Muni Code to increase the refund thresholdAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code to increase the refund threshold for City Manager and City Attorney authorization to $50,000. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1235 127.HR - MOU w/Long Beach Firefighter's Assoc.ResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution approving the 2022-2025 Memorandum of Understanding with the Long Beach Firefighters Association. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
22-1207 228.CA - Emerg ORD Military EquipmentEmergency OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance of the City Council of the City of Long Beach adopting a Special Order of the Long Beach Police Department creating a policy for the funding, acquisition, use and reporting requirements for military equipment as mandated by Assembly Bill 481, and declaring the urgency thereof, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
22-1243 129.CD3 - Solidarity with Women of IranAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Manager work with the City Attorney to draft a statement of solidarity with the women of Iran who are protesting their government in light of the killing of Masha Amini.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1244 130.CD3 - CAT Annual EventAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotions Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $2,913, offset by the Third Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a donation to the Community Action Team for their annual community events; and Decrease appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotions Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $2,913 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1245 131.CD8 - UCC Fund TransferAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $200, offset by the Eighth Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide a donation to United Cambodian Community in support of their Business Expo event; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $200, to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1246 132.CD3 - Greenbelt Heights GoblinsAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotions Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $375, offset by the Third Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a donation to the Belmont Heights Community Association for their annual Goblins on the Greenbelt event; and Decrease appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotions Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $375 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1249 133.CD2 - Latina Empowerment & Harvey Milk ParkAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,350, offset by the Second Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide contributions of: ? $150 to Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) for their Latina Empowerment event on Friday, September 30, 2022; ? $1,200 to the Promenade Area Residents Association (PARA) to support the Harvey Milk Park Inductee Ceremony on Saturday, October 22, 2022; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,350, to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1250 134.CD6 - MLK JR. FestivalAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $75,000, offset by Sixth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to support the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Festival; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $75,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1251 135.CD5 - McBride HS EventAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,000, offset by $250 Fourth Council District One-time District Priority Funds, $250 Fifth Council District One-time District Priority Funds, $250 Third Council District One-time District Priority Funds, and $250 Eighth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to the McBride High School Criminal Justice & Investigation Booster Club for their October 26, 2022 Community Trunk or Treat Event; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1252 136.CD8 - Vacant Commercial Property FeeAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Manager to work with the all appropriate departments to review the recommendations provided in the feasibility study for a Vacant Commercial Property Fee or Tax Program and return to the City Council with a plan to implement a consequent policy in 90 days.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1254 137.CD9 - Filipino American HIstory MonthAgenda ItemRecommendation to receive and file a presentation on Filipino American History Month.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1247 138.CA - Uranga Excused ResoResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution granting Councilmember Roberto Uranga a Leave of Absence from City Council Meetings. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
22-1248 139.CM - MOU w/Long Beach Lifeguard Assoc.ResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution approving the 2022-2025 Memorandum of Understanding with the Long Beach Lifeguard Association. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
22-1255 141.Supp MemoAgenda ItemSupplemental Memorandum - Corrections and/or additions to the City Council Agenda as of 12:00 noon, Friday, October 14, 2022.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1256 142.eCommentsAgenda ItemeComments received for the City Council meeting of Tuesday, October 18, 2022.received and filed  Action details Not available