Long Beach, CA
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/7/2023 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 411 W. Ocean Boulevard Civic Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-0174 11.CD4-Fund Transfer LB Little LeagueAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,500, offset by the Fourth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide support to Long Beach Little League for their recently launched Girls with Game Initiative; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,500 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0175 12.CD6-Funds Transfer Speak Up EmpowermentAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $500, offset by the Sixth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to Speak Up Empowerment Foundation, Inc. to support their 7th Annual Ms. Single Mom Empowerment Forum; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $500 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0176 13.CD6 - Funds Transfer Cambodia TownAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $2,500, offset by the Sixth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to Cambodia Town, Inc. to support their 15th Annual Cambodia Town Parade and Culture Festival; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $2,500 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0177 14.CC - Damage ClaimsAgenda ItemRecommendation to refer to City Attorney damage claims received between February 13, 2023 and February 27, 2023.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0178 15.CM - GO-BIZ Grant from the State of California Cannabis Equity Act Grant FundingResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and any necessary documents including any subsequent amendments, with the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), to receive and expend grant funding in the amount of $1,454,089, to support the Cannabis Equity Program, from April 1, 2023 to October 31, 2024; and Increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,454,089, offset by grant revenue. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
23-0179 16.CM - LBCC Classroom spaceContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement with the Long Beach Community College District to provide access to City of Long Beach facilities at no cost for free educational opportunities for the Long Beach community. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0180 17.CP - Reso CA Dept. of Justice Tobacco GrantResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution designating and authorizing City Manager and City Prosecutor to execute applications, agreements, and other documents including amendments, to accept and expend funding from the California Department of Justice's Tobacco Grant Program, in an amount not to exceed $505,146, for the FY 23 through FY 25 period; and Increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund Group in the City Prosecutor Department by $505,146, offset by grant revenue from California Department of Justice. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
23-0181 18.DS - Submission to HCD to receive a Pro-housing DesignationResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development to receive a Prohousing Designation; and Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents and agreements necessary to participate in the Prohousing Designation Program. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
23-0182 19.DHHS - Homeless Management Information System improvementsContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a Data Sharing Agreement, and all necessary documents, including any subsequent amendments, with Local Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Providers: L.A. Care, Health Net, and Senior Care Action Network (SCAN Health Plan), for the Housing and Homelessness Initiative Program (HHIP), for a three-year period, estimated to begin February 1, 2023, with the option to renew for an additional three-year period; Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and any necessary documents, including any subsequent amendments to the award amount, with L.A. Care and Health Net, to accept and expend grant funding in an amount not to exceed $85,760, for Homeless Management Information System improvements, for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026, with the option to extend for an additional three-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and Increase appropriations in the Health Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $85,760, offset by grant revenues. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0183 110.HR - Amend the 2022-2025 POA MOUResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution approving a Letter of Agreement between the City of Long Beach and the Long Beach Police Officers Association (POA) to amend the 2022-2025 POA Memorandum of Understanding - Article Two, Section IV, Subsection B: Detective 2 pay and Appendix F: POA Skill and Other Pays - Detective 2 pay. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
23-0184 111.PD - ABC License - La Vista Market D2ABC LicenseRecommendation to receive and file the application of Habhab LLC, dba La Vista Market, for an original application of an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License, at 1168 East 4th Street; determine that the application serves the public convenience and necessity, submit a Public Notice of Protest to ABC; and, direct City Manager to withdraw the protest if a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is granted. (District 2)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0185 112.PD - ABC License - Cassidy’s Corner Café LBX D5ABC LicenseRecommendation to receive and file the application of KMK Ventures LLC, dba Cassidy’s Corner Café LBX, for an original application of an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License, at 4150 McGowen Street Unit 7. (District 5)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0186 113.PW - Contract to On-Site Truck WashContractRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFP PW22-092 and award a contract to On-Site Truck Wash, Inc., of Huntington Beach, CA, for providing vehicle washing services on a regular and as-needed basis for City of Long Beach-owned refuse trucks, roll-off trucks, and street sweeping vehicles, in an annual amount not to exceed $125,000 for the first and second contract years, increasing to $250,000 annually for the third and fourth contract years, for a total contract amount not to exceed $750,000, for a period of four years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods in an amount of $250,000 annually, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,500,000, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0187 114.PW - Contract w/Allied Refrigeration for as-needed heating/ventilation/HVACContractRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. ITB LB21-035 and award a contract to Allied Refrigeration, Inc., of Signal Hill, CA, for furnishing emergency as-needed heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) parts and supplies, in a total annual amount not to exceed $250,000, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary subsequent amendments. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0188 115.TI - Contract w/Deloitte Consulting for stabilization/enhancements of the CRM software systemAgenda ItemRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 35451 with Deloitte Consulting, LLP, of San Diego, CA, for stabilization and enhancements of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software system, to increase the annual contract amount by $24,000 for a revised annual contract amount of $264,000, with a 25 percent contingency in an annual amount of $66,000 for a revised total annual contract amount not to exceed $330,000, and to extend the term of the contract for an additional one-year period to December 31, 2023, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
23-0226 1 Sister City PresentationAgenda ItemSusan Refield, President of Sister Cities of Long Beach, spoke; and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Mike Vaughan, Chair of the Board of the Sister Cities of Long Beach, spoke; and continued the PowerPoint presentation. Mayor Richardson spoke.received and filed  Action details Not available
23-0229 1 PC - Charles SongAgenda ItemCharles Song spoke regarding Cambodian New Year; and submitted a handout.   Action details Not available
23-0189 116.CD2, 1, 6 - Increasing Off-Street Parking in Alamitos BeachAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Manager to work with the Public Works, Economic Development, and Development Services Departments and report back in 120 days identifying vacant and/or underused properties beginning first in Alamitos Beach, and potentially later expanding to other parking-impacted areas, that could be utilized to increase off-street parking supply; and develop a streamlined process for private property owners to alter or open up their properties to provide additional parking supply. The report back should also explore revenue and assessment tools to pay for the improved provision of public parking.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0190 117.CD6 - Pres on City's Rental Assistance ProgramsAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Manager to work with the Development Services Department to present current rent assistance programs and resources for tenants and landlords to the City Council in 30 days.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0191 118.CM - Affordable Housing Trust JPAResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution approving City of Long Beach execution of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement relating to membership in the Gateway Cities Affordable Housing Trust; and Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute the Gateway Cities Affordable Housing Trust Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Agreement. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
23-0192 119.DS - Submission to HCD to receive loan and grant funds from AHSC for 946 Linden Ave D1Agenda ItemRecommendation to approve the submission of an application to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development for up to $50,000,000 in loan and grant funds available through the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program; and Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents and agreements necessary to apply for and utilize these funds for the construction of a proposed affordable housing project, and surrounding infrastructure and transportation improvements, at 946 Linden Avenue. (District 1)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0193 120.FM - Purchase and delivery of petroleum fuelsContractRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. ITB FM 23-183 and award contracts to Merrimac Petroleum dba Merrimac Energy Group of Long Beach, CA, Falcon Fuels, Inc., of Paramount, CA, and Pinnacle Petroleum Inc., of Huntington Beach, CA, for the purchase and delivery of petroleum fuels, in an annual aggregate amount of $4,500,000, and authorize a 15 percent contingency of $675,000, for a total annual aggregate amount not to exceed $5,175,000, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into contracts, including any necessary subsequent amendments; and Increase appropriation in the Fleet Services Fund Group in the Financial Management Department by $907,000, offset by funds available generated by revenue collected from user departments through the Fleet Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0194 121.FM - FY 23 1st Dept. and fund budget appropriation adjustmentsAgenda ItemRecommendation to approve the Fiscal Year 2023 first departmental and fund budget appropriation adjustments in accordance with existing City Council policy. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0195 122.PW - El Dorado Duck Pond ProjectContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 36153 with Los Angeles Engineering, Inc., of Covina, CA, for construction work on the El Dorado Duck Pond Rehabilitation Project, to increase the contract amount by $1,097,384, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $6,584,302. (District 4)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0196 123.PW - Contract to Bitech Construction Co. for the Davenport Park Phase II – Park Expansion ProjectContractRecommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. 3004020020-Rebid and award a contract to Bitech Construction Company, Inc., of Buena Park, CA, for construction of the Davenport Park Phase II - Park Expansion Project, in the amount of $5,464,200, authorize a 20 percent contingency in the amount of $1,092,840, for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,557,040; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments; and Increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $3,500,000 to be made available through the Measure A bond program in Fiscal Year 2023. (District 8)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0197 124.TI - Purchase/financing of personal computersContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all necessary documents with Dell Marketing, LP (Dell), utilizing the approved Dell Master Purchase Agreement No. 28280, for the purchase of personal computers, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000; and Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a lease-purchase agreement, and related financing documents, with Banc of America Public Capital Corp, of San Francisco, CA, for the financing of personal computers, payable over a five-year period at an interest rate to be determined when the agreement is executed. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0074 225.DS - 1911 E. PCH Appeal Ord 1OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance amending the Use District Map of the City of Long Beach as said Map has been established and amended by amending portions of Part 10 of said Map from Regional Highway Commercial (CHW) and Low-density Multi-Family Residential, small lot (R-3-S) to Community R-4-N Commercial (CCN), read and adopted as read. (District 6)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
23-0158 226.CA - Local Preference CapOrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code Section 2.84.030(C), Local preference, to raise the preference cap, read and adopted as read. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
23-0165 227.Sick Leave ORDOrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance repealing Ordinance No. ORD-20-0017 and Chapter 8.110 of the Long Beach Municipal Code, read and adopted as read. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
23-0201 128.Mayor - Grow LBAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Manager to work with the Economic Development Department to develop targeted strategies, policies, and benchmarks to propel the growth of key growth sectors in Long Beach - including aerospace and aviation, ports and supply chain, entertainment and hospitality (arts, culture, tourism, restaurants), healthcare and hospitals, and education - and refer to the Economic Development and Opportunity Committee for input and discussion.These strategies should include sector-specific revenue targets that will help secure Long Beach’s financial future as well as analysis on how the City can support the recruitment, growth, retention, and success of the City’s leading growth sectors; and Request City Manager to work with the Financial Management Department to identify a menu of alternative revenue generating strategies and opportunities to offset projected reductions in oil revenues and its associated impacts over the next decade and grow the City of Long Beach’s revenues in the short, medium, and long term, and refer to the Budget Oversight Committee for input approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0202 129.CD2 - Women's MonthAgenda ItemRecommendation to receive and file a presentation on Women’s History Month and receive an update on the Commission on Women and Girls.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0203 130.CD2 - Community Events Fund TransfersAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $3,600, offset by the Second Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide contributions to the following: ? $200 to the Bluff Heights Neighborhood Association to support neighborhood events; ? $600 to the 4th Street Business Improvement Association for their Earth Day Celebration on April 28, 2023; ? $500 to the United Cambodian Community for the inaugural Long Beach Cambodian Food Week; ? $500 to the Kahlo Creative, LLC to support the Absolute Best of Long Beach Awards 2023; and ? $1,800 to the International Imperial Court of Long Beach to support their 52nd Annual Coronation Gala on March 4, 2023; Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $3,600, to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department; and Restate the recommendation approved by City Council on December 6, 2022, to correct the name of the recipient receiving the $250 donation of Secondapprove recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0199 131.CM - Homeless UpdateAgenda ItemRecommendation to continue the local emergency caused by conditions or threatened conditions of homelessness within the City of Long Beach, which if not corrected, constitute an imminent and proximate threat to the safety of persons and property within the City; and Receive and file an update on the emergency declaration and associated activities and provide any additional direction to City staff regarding the emergency. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
23-0207 134.supp memoAgenda ItemSupplemental Memorandum - Corrections and/or additions to the City Council Agenda as of 12:00 noon, Friday, March 3, 2023.received and filed  Action details Not available