Long Beach, CA
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/11/2022 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 411 W. Ocean Boulevard Civic Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-1177 11.CC - Damage ClaimsAgenda ItemRecommendation to refer to City Attorney damage claims received between September 26, 2022 and October 3, 2022.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1178 12.DS - Two RefundsAgenda ItemRecommendation to authorize Development Services Department to process two refunds totaling $20,719 for withdrawn planning applications. (Districts 6,9)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1179 13.FD - Palomar college paramedic programContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an Affiliation Agreement for a period of three years, and all necessary amendments including term extensions, with the Palomar Community College District for the Long Beach Fire Department to provide supervised field service experience for Emergency Medical Service Program students. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1180 14.FD - Agrmnt w/Culver City for Lucas devicesContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Culver City to provide the Long Beach Fire Department nine automated chest compression devices purchased by the City of Culver City utilizing Los Angeles County Measure B funding. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1181 15.DHHS - Increase contract w/Grand Food and BeverageContractRecommendation to receive and file the Fourth Amendment to Contract No. 35972 with Choura Venue Services dba Grand Food Beverage, The Grand, Grand F&B, of Long Beach, CA, to increase the contract amount by $325,238, for a total contract amount of $854,367, made pursuant to Chapters 2.69 and 2.85 of the Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC) and in response to the proclaimed emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1182 16.DHHS - Contract w/Hologic for diagnostic molecular test kitsContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 35178 with Hologic, Inc., of San Diego, CA, for the continued purchase of diagnostic molecular test kits in an annual amount not to exceed $250,000, and extend the term of the contract to September 30, 2023. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1183 17.DHHS - Agrmnt w/CalAIM Incentive Payment ProgramContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute agreements, and all necessary documents, subcontracts, and any subsequent amendments, with the LA Care Health Plan and Health Net, to receive and expend grant funding in the amount of $480,077 for capacity building support to develop Community Supports, Housing Transition/Navigation Services, under California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal’s (CalAIM) Incentive Payment Program for a one-year period, estimated to begin in November 2022 with the option to extend the agreements for an additional one-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and Increase appropriations in the Health Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $480,077, offset by grant revenue. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1184 18.DHHS - Agrmnt w/Hilton Fdn for Unsheltered Homeless Services Enhancement ProgramContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement and all necessary documents, subcontracts, and any subsequent amendments, with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, to receive and expend $1,335,000 for the Unsheltered Homeless Services Enhancement Program, for an estimated period of November 1, 2022 through October 31, 2025, with the option to renew for an additional three-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and Increase appropriations in the Health Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department by $1,335,000, offset by grant revenues. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1185 19.PRM - Abandoned Vessel Exchange ProgramContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a grant agreement, including any necessary documents or subsequent amendments, with the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways, to accept and expend grant funding in an amount not exceed $200,000 for the Surrender and Abandoned Vessel Exchange Program effective through September 30, 2024; authorize a 10 percent cash or in-kind match requirement of $20,000; and Increase appropriations in the Tidelands Area Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $200,000, offset by grant revenue. (Districts 1,2,3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1186 110.PRM - After School Education and Safety Program D1279ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute agreements, and all necessary documents including any necessary subsequent amendments, with the Long Beach Unified School District for the operation of the After School Education and Safety Program at Burbank, Edison, Garfield, Grant, King, Lafayette, and Herrera Elementary, and Hudson K-8 school sites, in an amount not to exceed $1,875,128, for the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, authorize a 15 percent in-kind match of $281,269; and, authorize any extension periods approved by Long Beach Unified School District; and Increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund Group in the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department by $1,875,128 offset by grant revenue. (Districts 1,2,7,9)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1187 111.PRM - Fee waiver for the 224th Sustainment Brigade Best Warrior Competition D3ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to approve a fee waiver for the California Army National Guard, in an amount not to exceed $345, for use of Marine Stadium Park during the 224th Sustainment Brigade Best Warrior Competition on October 15, 2022. (District 3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1188 112.PD - ABC License - Dan Modern Chinese D3ABC LicenseRecommendation to receive and file the application of Dan Long Beach, LLC, dba Dan Modern Chinese, for an original application of an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License at 6460 Pacific Coast Highway, Space D-100. (District 3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1189 113.PD - ABC License - Forno Banci D3ABC LicenseRecommendation to receive and file the application of January, LLC, dba Forno Banci, for an original application of an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License at 6430 Pacific Coast Highway, Space 120. (District 3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1190 114.PW - Easement deed from CJDT Dev. Group for 628 E. Anaheim St. D6ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to accept an easement deed from CJDT Development Group, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, property owner at 628 East Anaheim Street, for alley widening purposes; and Accept Categorical Exemption No. CE-17-190. (District 6)withdrawn  Action details Not available
22-1191 115.PW - Final subdivision map for condos at 4800 LB Blvd. D8ContractRecommendation to find that all requirements of the final subdivision map for consolidation of five existing parcels into a single 48,003-square-foot parcel and the subdivision of airspace for 18 three-story townhome units for residential and commercial purposes located at 4800 Long Beach Boulevard have been met; approve the final map for Tract No. 77097; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute subdivision agreements; and Determine that the project is within the scope of the project previously analyzed as part of Mitigated Negative Declaration IS/MND-04-20 (State Clearinghouse No. 2020050229) and no further environmental review is required. (District 8)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1192 116.PW - Final subdivision map for 5801 Atlantic Ave D9ContractRecommendation to find that all requirements of the final subdivision map to create two lots, with 84 airspace residential condominiums on Lot 1, and a 3,600-square-foot site for the commercial use on Lot 2, located at 5801 Atlantic Avenue, and dedicating three feet to 59th Street, dedicating five feet to Atlantic Avenue, and dedicating fifteen feet to South Street have been met; approve the final map for Tract No. 83407; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute subdivision agreements; and Accept Categorical Exemption No. CE-21-055. (District 9)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1202 126.CD9 - Excused AbsencesAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Attorney to draft a resolution to excuse Councilmember Roberto Uranga’s absence from City Council pursuant to Long Beach City Charter Section 204.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
22-1253 1 NDEAM PresentationAgenda ItemJennifer Kumiyama, Citywide Accessibility Coordinator, spoke; and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Kim Vuong, Chair, Citizens' Advisory Commission on Disabilities, spoke. Councilwoman Zendejas spoke. Vice Mayor Richardson spoke.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1238 1 PC - Armando Vazquez-RamosAgenda ItemArmando Vazquez-Ramos spoke regarding Proposed Distillery; and submitted a handout.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1239 1 PC - Jeff MillerAgenda ItemJeff Miller spoke regarding Parklets; and submitted a handout.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1240 1 PC - Rodolfo CortesAgenda ItemRodolfo Cortes spoke regarding various topics; and submitted a handout.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1193 117.CD4 - Funds Transfer for AbilityFirstAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $500, offset by the Fourth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to AbilityFirst for their Rainbows event; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $500 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1194 118.CD9 - Opposition to National Abortion Ban LegislationAgenda ItemRecommendation to direct City Attorney to prepare a resolution by the City Council meeting on November 1st in opposition to S.4840 and H.R.1080, the so-called “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act” and refer said opposition’s inclusion in the 2023 Federal Legislative Agenda to the Federal Legislative Committee.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1195 119.CD5 - Various ContributionsAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $8,000, offset by the Fifth Council District One-Time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide donations to the following: 1) Partners of Parks, in the amount of $500, in support of the Admiral Kidd Park fundraiser. 2) Able ARTS Work, in the amount of $2,500, for capital campaign fundraiser. 3) City Manager's Office of Special Events and Filming, in the amount of $2,500, in support of the Dia de los Muertos event. 4) McBride High School Health and Medical Boosters, in the amount of $2,500, in support of the McBride Senior Banner Program. Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $8,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1196 120.ED/FM - PSA for 125 Elm D1ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute any and all documents necessary, including a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Agreement), with Southern California Edison Company, a California corporation (Seller), for the purchase of certain real property located at 125 Elm Avenue, Assessor Parcel Numbers 7281-018-800, -804, -805, -806, in an amount not to exceed $21,000,000; Increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Economic Development Department by $21,000,000, offset by various funding sources; Increase appropriations in the Gas Fund Group in the Energy Resources Department by $12,224,429 offset by budgetary funds available; and Accept the Categorical Exemption CE-22-157. (District 1)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1197 121.ED - ENA w/Century Affordable Development for 6845 Atlantic Avenue D9ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with Century Affordable Development Inc., of LongBeach, CA, to commence negotiations in connection with the disposition and development of City-owned Exempt Surplus property at 6845 Atlantic Avenue (Subject Property). (District 9)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1198 122.PRM - Agrmnts for Animal Care svcs to multiple citiesContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into agreements with the cities of Cerritos, for a not to exceed amount of $572,468; Los Alamitos, for a not to exceed amount of $146,857; Seal Beach, for a not to exceed amount of $306,000, and Signal Hill, for a not to exceed amount of $147,683; for the provision of various animal care services by the City of Long Beach's Animal Care Services Bureau from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024, with two additional two-year renewal options and an adjusted compensation schedule based on costs of service per capita, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1199 123.PW - Artesia Great Boulevard Project D89ContractRecommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-7191 and award a contract to Granite Construction Company, of Watsonville, CA, for the Artesia Great Boulevard Project, in a total amount of $32,925,300, authorize a 10 percent contingency in the amount of $3,292,530, for a total contract amount not to exceed $36,217,830; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments; Increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group, Capital Projects Grant Fund, in the Public Works Department by $23,545,000, offset by Metro MR315.70 grant funds; Increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $24,045,000, offset by transfer of Metro MR315.70 grant funds from the Capital Projects Grant Fund and by $500,000 to be made available through the Measure A bond program in Fiscal Year 2023; and Accept Categorical Exemption CE 19-258. (Districts 8,9)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1200 124.PW - As-needed contruction materials testing and inspection svcsContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Contract No. 34486 with Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants, of Irvine, CA; Contract No. 34487 with RMA Group, of Carson, CA; Contract No. 34489 with Twining, Inc., of Long Beach, CA; Contract No. 34490 with Kleinfelder, Inc., of Long Beach, CA; Contract No. 34492 with Group Delta Consultants, Inc., of Torrance, CA; and, Contract No. 34493 with Willdan Engineering, of Industry, CA, for as-needed construction materials testing and inspection services, to extend the term of the contracts to December 31, 2023. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1207 125.CA - Emerg ORD Military EquipmentEmergency OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance of the City Council of the City of Long Beach adopting a Special Order of the Long Beach Police Department creating a policy for the funding, acquisition, use and reporting requirements for military equipment as mandated by Assembly Bill 481, and declaring the urgency thereof, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading. (Citywide)approve recommendation to declare an emergency to existPass Action details Not available
22-1207 1 CA - Emerg ORD Military EquipmentEmergency OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance of the City Council of the City of Long Beach adopting a Special Order of the Long Beach Police Department creating a policy for the funding, acquisition, use and reporting requirements for military equipment as mandated by Assembly Bill 481, and declaring the urgency thereof, read for the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final reading. (Citywide)approve recommendation to declare Emergency Ordinance No. ORD- , read, and adopted as read and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final readingPass Action details Not available
22-1205 127.MA - Funds Transfer Painters Union Local PIcnicAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase FY 23 appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,000, offset by the FY 22 Mayor’s Legislative Department budget, to provide a contribution to the Painters Union Local #1036 for their 2022 Annual Community Picnic, at El Dorado Park; and Decrease FY 22 appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Legislative Department by $1,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1204 128.CD8 - Fund Transfer Historical SocietyAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $500, offset by the Eighth Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide a donation to the Historical Society of Long Beach in support of their Annual Cemetery Tour; and Decrease appropriation in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $500, to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1206 129.CD2 - Fund Transfer to Painters UnionAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $667, offset by the Second Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department, to provide a contribution to the Painters Union Local #1036 for their 2022 Annual Community Picnic at El Dorado Park; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $667, to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1203 130.CD9 - Divide-by-9 Painters Local 1036 PicnicAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,166.67, offset by $500 of Ninth Council District Office Budget Funds and $666.67 of First Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a donation to the following: Painters Local 1036, in the amount of $1,166.67; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,166.67 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
22-1241 132.eCommentsAgenda ItemeComments received for the City Council meeting of Tuesday, October 11, 2022.received and filed  Action details Not available
22-1208 133.Supp memoAgenda ItemSupplemental Memorandum - Corrections and/or additions to the City Council Agenda as of 12:00 noon, Friday, October 7, 2022.received and filed  Action details Not available