Long Beach, CA
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/11/2018 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 333 W. Ocean Boulevard Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-0745 21.FM - Budget Adoption; Harbor and WaterAgenda ItemWITHDRAWN Recommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the public hearing, and take the actions necessary to adopt the Fiscal Year 2019 budget as listed in Attachment A. (Citywide)withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0786 12.ED - Belmont Shore PBIA D3ResolutionRecommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the public hearing, and adopt resolution continuing the Belmont Shore Parking and Business Improvement Area assessment levy for the period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to extend the agreement with the Belmont Shore Business Association for a one-year term. (District 3)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
18-0787 13.FM - Ashley's Bar and Grill D2ContractRecommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the hearing, and grant an Entertainment Permit with conditions on the application of Mel Hospitality LLC, dba Ashley’s, 1731 East 4th Street, for Entertainment Without Dancing. (District 2)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
18-0851 1 Cynthia Williamson - FlyerHandoutCynthia Williamson spoke regarding a forensic fair; and submitted a flyer.received and filed  Action details Not available
18-0788 14.CC - Damage ClaimsAgenda ItemRecommendation to refer to City Attorney damage claims received between August 27, 2018 and August 31, 2018.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
18-0789 15.CC - RES/Dest. of Rec. CCResolutionRecommendation to approve the destruction of records for the Office of the City Clerk; and adopt resolution.withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0790 16.CC - RES/Dest. of Rec. LBPDResolutionRecommendation to approve the destruction of records for the Long Beach Police Department; and adopt resolution.withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0792 17.CM - Reso to opt into PACE FinancingResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing the City to join the CounterpointeSRE Program, the CleanFund Commercial PACE Capital Program, and the Petros PACE Finance Program; authorizing the California Statewide Communities Development Authority to accept applications from commercial property owners, conduct contractual assessment proceedings and levy contractual assessments within the jurisdiction of the City of Long Beach; and, authorizing related actions. (Citywide)withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0793 18.ED - ROI for Fourth St. PBIA D2ResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution approving the Annual Report for October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, for the Fourth Street Parking and Business Improvement Area, declaring its intention to levy the annual assessment, and setting the date of hearing for Tuesday, October 9, 2018. (District 2)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
18-0794 19.ED - WIOA funds for LA Basin Regional Workforce Development PlanContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents, and any needed subsequent amendments, with the City of Los Angeles to accept $45,000 in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds, in support of implementing the Los Angeles Basin Regional Workforce Development Plan. (Citywide)withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0795 110.ED - Living CitiesContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents, and any needed subsequent amendments, with Living Cities, a 501(c)(3) non-profit collaborative of 18 foundations and financial institutions focusing on impactful results for low-income people, to accept and expend National Innovation grant funding in an amount not to exceed $100,000, to foster entrepreneurship and job growth, for the period of September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019. (Citywide)withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0796 111.DHHS - FY18 Emergency Solutions GrantContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all necessary agreements and any subsequent amendments, with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, for the Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 18) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program allocation of $496,583, to fund four projects, administrative support, and the Homeless Management Information System, for the period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019, with an option to renew each ESG project with the FY 19 ESG Program allocation for the period of October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
18-0799 113.FM/DS - TEFRA Hrg for AMCAL Las VentanasResolutionRecommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record regarding the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) public hearing; and adopt resolution approving the issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds by the California Municipal Finance Authority (CMFA) to benefit AMCAL Las Ventanas Fund, L.P., for the development of Las Ventanas Apartments, at 1795 Long Beach Boulevard, in an amount not to exceed $45,000,000. (District 1)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
18-0801 115.DHHS - Shelter CrisisResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution declaring a shelter crisis pursuant to SB 850 (Chapter 48, Statutes of 2018 and Government Code § 8698.2); and suspending applicable provisions of local law, including those contained in the City's zoning ordinances and regulations. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
18-0798 112.CD2,3,8 - Human Resource Audit and Trauma-informed PracticesAgenda ItemRecommendation to direct City Auditor to partner with City Manager to conduct a review on the following areas relating to hiring, training and onboarding of new employees: 1. Request City Auditor to conduct an audit of the on-boarding process and policies for all new employees, including appointed and elected. This includes, but not limited to, the orientation process, the medical evaluation process, and the City's evaluation of an individual's physical and behavioral health and/or prior medical conditions; 2. Request City Auditor to conduct an audit of the process for employees, interns, volunteers, commissioners, and elected officials to be informed of their rights and responsibilities related to discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation; 3. Request City Manager to report on the City's efforts to review and improve the turnaround time for hiring new employees; 4. Request City Manager to work with the Department of Human Resources and the Department of Health and Human Services to report on current practices and trainings of trauma-informed methods as withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0800 114.FD - Renaming Regional Training Center after Dave Rosa D4Agenda ItemRecommendation to approve renaming the Long Beach Fire Department Regional Training Center located at 2249 Argonne Avenue, the “Captain David Rosa Regional Training Center."approve recommendation and refer Pass Action details Video Video
18-0802 116.DHHS - Update o nthe Veterans Affairs CommissionAgenda ItemRecommendation to receive and file an update on the activities of the Veterans Affairs Commission over the past 18 months. (Citywide)withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0803 117.HR - City's Healthcare ProvidersAgenda ItemRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute contract amendments with Anthem Blue Cross, the City’s third party administrator for the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) group health plans and Medicare Supplement plan; UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage PPO Plan; Scan Health Plan for the Medicare Advantage Plan; and Vision Service Plan (VSP) for the vision plan; CVS Caremark as the Prescription Benefit Manager (PBM) for the Prescription Drug Plan for the PPO and HMO plans; Delta Dental for the fee-for-service dental plan (DPPO) and Delta Dental USA (HMO plan); The Standard Insurance Company for employer-paid life insurance, voluntary life insurance, and short- and long-term disability insurance; Union Mutual Life Insurance Company (UNUM), through Larry Lambert & Associates Insurance Services, for long-term care insurance; and any subsequent amendments necessary to maintain current benefit levels and remain in compliance with state and federal laws on all plans, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
18-0804 118.LBA - Facility Modification for In-Line Checked Baggage Inspection Screening Facility D5ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a Facility Modification “Other Transaction Agreement,” and any necessary amendments, with the United States Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration, and increase reimbursement by $4,750,000, for a total reimbursement amount not to exceed $11,400,000, for the construction of an In-Line Checked Baggage Inspection Screening Facility at the Long Beach Airport. (District 5)withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0805 119.PW - Daisy Bike Blvd. IncreaseContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an amendment to Contract No. 34811 with Sully-Miller Contracting Company, Brea, CA, for additional improvements to the Daisy-Myrtle Bicycle Boulevard Project, increase the contract authority by $934,039, for a revised amount of $4,866,683, and authorize a 10 percent contingency in the amount of $486,668, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $5,353,351. (Districts 1,6,7,8,9)withdrawn  Action details Not available
18-0806 120.TI/FM - Public Safety Radio PurchaseResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary amendments, with Motorola Solutions, Inc., of Los Angeles, CA, for the purchase, delivery, and implementation of radio communications equipment, for a total purchase price not to exceed $17,700,000, which will be automatically reduced based on multi-agency purchase volumes achieved under Motorola Solutions, Inc., Territory Los Angeles Volume Subscriber Pricing Program; Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a lease-purchase agreement, and related financing documents, with Motorola Solutions, Inc., of Los Angeles, CA, for the financing of the radio communications equipment, in a total principal amount not to exceed $17,500,000, and in an aggregate amount not to exceed $23,300,000 including principal, interest, and fees, payable over terms not to exceed 12 years; Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund (IS 385) in the Technology and Innovation Department (TI) by $541,000 for implementation costs, offset by a transfer from the General Fund; and approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
18-0748 221.FM - ORD/RatesEmergency OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance approving Resolution No. WD-1392, a resolution of the City of Long Beach Board of Water Commissioners establishing the rates and charges to be charged for water and sewer service and declaring the urgency thereof, and providing that this ordinance shall take effect at 12:01 am. on October 1, 2018, read and adopted as read. (Ordinance No. ORD-18-0022). (A-3)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
18-0758 222.FM - ORD/Amending Departmental OrganizationOrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance adopting an amendment to Ordinance No. C-6496, adopted July 5, 1988, and amended on January 24, 1989, July 11, 1989, December 5, 1989, March 20, 1990, July 3, 1990, September 18, 1990, July 2, 1991, July 7, 1992, January 26, 1993, August 24, 1993, June 28, 1994, July 18, 1995, November 28, 1995, October 1, 1996, March 25, 1997, October 7, 1997, October 27, 1998, April 20, 1999, October 19, 1999, October 17, 2000, October 30, 2001, March 19, 2002, November 26, 2002, January 6, 2004, February 8, 2005, November 1, 2005, December 5, 2006, March 20, 2007, May 22, 2007, December 18, 2007, July 15, 2008, September 21, 2010, September 13, 2011, September 11, 2012, October 3, 2013, and September 9, 2014, September 22, 2015, September 20, 2016, and September 12, 2017, relating to departmental organization of the City of Long Beach, read and adopted as read. (A-13)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
18-0762 223.FM - ORD/AppropriationsEmergency OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance approving and adopting the official budget of the City of Long Beach for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019, creating and establishing the funds of the Municipal Government of the City of Long Beach and appropriating money to and authorizing expenditures from said funds for said fiscal year; declaring the urgency thereof, and providing that this ordinance shall take effect at 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 2018, read and adopted as read. (Ordinance No. ORD-18-0023). (A-17)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
18-0816 124.CA - RES/Opposition to Prop 6ResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution in opposition to Proposition 6: Voter Approval for Future Gas and Vehicle Taxes and 2017 Tax Repeal Initiative which will be considered Statewide by voters on the November 6, 2018 ballot.approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Video Video
18-0817 125.Supp MemoAgenda ItemSupplemental Memorandum - Corrections and/or additions to the City Council Agenda as of 12:00 noon, Friday, September 7, 2018.received and filed  Action details Not available
18-0848 126.eCommentsAgenda ItemeComments received for the City Council meeting of Tuesday, September 11, 2018.received and filed  Action details Not available