Long Beach, CA
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/3/2013 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 333 W. Ocean Boulevard Council Chamber Courtyard by Marriott Chicago Arlington Heights South Hotel Lobby 100 West Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13-0995 21.FM - Entertainment Permit - Paradise LB D8Public HearingRecommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the hearing and grant a Permit with conditions on the application of Quyen T. Seaman, dba Paradise LB, 4911 Long Beach Boulevard, for Entertainment Without Dancing by Patrons. (District 8)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1033 12.FM - Entertainment Permit - El Dorado Bar and Grill D5ContractRecommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the hearing and grant a Permit with conditions on the application of Kwazule Companies, Inc., dba El Dorado Bar and Grill, 3014 Studebaker Road, Suite C, for Entertainment Without Dancing by Patrons. (District 5)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1035 13.FM - Entertainment Permit - Roam Tek Roam D6ContractRecommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the hearing and grant a Permit with conditions on the application of Austin Plong Physician Assistant, Inc., dba Pka Roam Tek Roam Restaurant, 1360 East Anaheim Street, Suite 205, for Entertainment With Dancing by Patrons. (District 6)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1036 14.CC - Mins 11/5&11/12/13Agenda ItemRecommendation to approve the minutes for the City Council meetings of Tuesday, November 5, November 12, and November 19, 2013.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1037 15.CC - Claims 11/11-25/13Agenda ItemRecommendation to refer to City Attorney damage claims received between November 11, 2013 and November 25, 2013.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1038 16.CC - Res Rec Destroy - CMResolutionRecommendation to approve the destruction of records for the Department of the City Manager, as shown in Exhibit A; and adopt resolution.approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
13-1039 17.CC - Res Rec Destroy - PDResolutionRecommendation to approve the destruction of records for the Long Beach Police Department, as shown in Exhibit A; and adopt resolution.approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
13-1072 18.CC - LBMC 2.03.065Agenda ItemRecommendation to receive and file correspondence of the City Clerk Department to the Chair and Members of the Personnel and Civil Service Committee pursuant to Long Beach Municipal Code Section 2.3.065.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1040 19.FD - Agrmnts w/Vessel Emergency ResponseContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute any and all documents necessary to enter into agreements with vessel emergency response and salvage companies for the purpose of executing vessel firefighting response plans, for a term of five years, with the option to extend the agreements for two additional five-year terms. (District 2)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1041 110.LS - Agrmnt w/LB Library Fdn D2ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager to amend Agreement No. 31146 with Long Beach Public Library Foundation, through which the Foundation provides services and financial support to the Long Beach Public Library system, to extend the term for an additional five years. (District 2)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1042 111.PRM - Fitness Provider permit - Rahk Solid D3ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager to execute a new Fitness Provider Permit with Rakh Solid, Inc., for the provision and operation of outdoor fitness classes and personal training on the beach, east of Junipero Avenue, for a term of three years. (District 3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1043 112.PRM - FItness Provider permit - Elite Bodies in Motion D2,3ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager to execute a new Fitness Provider Permit with Elizabeth and Samuel Santos, individuals doing business as Elite Bodies in Motion, for the provision and operation of outdoor fitness classes and personal training on the beach, on either side of Junipero Avenue, for a term of three years. (Districts 2,3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1044 113.PRM/FM - Contract for Sports EquipmentContractRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. PA-04013 Rebid and award a contract to BSN Sports, Inc., of Corona, CA (not an MBE, WBE, SBE, or Local), for furnishing and delivering sports equipment, in an annual amount not to exceed $150,000, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager or his designee. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1046 114.PW - Sole Source for LED Train Warning Signs D126789ResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager to execute a contract with Wells Sign Manufacturing and Distributing, Inc. (WSMD), for the purchase of 36 LED Train warning signs on a sole source basis in an amount not to exceed $104,400. (Districts 1,2,6,7,8,9)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
13-1047 115.Various - MinsAgenda ItemRecommendation to receive and file minutes for: Civil Service Commission - November 6, 2013. Planning Commission - October 17, 2013.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1069 116.MAYOR - Charter ApptsAppointmentRecommendation to, subject to prior review and consideration by the Personnel and Civil Service Committee in accordance with Long Beach Municipal Code Section 2.03.065, confirm a Charter Commission appointment pursuant to Section 509 of the City Charter and Section 2.03.065 of the Long Beach Municipal Code; or in the alternative, if for some reason the Personnel and Civil Service Committee does not meet prior to or on December 3, 2013, waive the requirement for consideration and recommendation by the Personnel and Civil Service Committee in accordance with Section 2.03.065D, and confirm a Charter Commission appointment pursuant to Section 509 of the City Charter and Section 2.03.065 of the Long Beach Municipal Code.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1048 117.CD9 - Surplus FundsAgenda ItemRecommendation to respectfully request the Long Beach City Council to approve the use of the Ninth Council District's FY 12 Office Budget Surplus Funds for FY 14 neighborhood events, improvements and enhancements, and increase FY 14 appropriations in the General Fund (GP) in the Development Services Department (DV) by $13,692.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1049 118.CD6 - Electronic Cigs & DevicesAgenda ItemRecommendation to request that the City Council direct City Attorney to amend the Long Beach Municipal Code Section 5.81.010 to include electronic cigarettes, vapor devices, and products containing biologically active amount of nicotine in the definition of tobacco products, and to make other changes to the tobacco retailers permit and self-service display of tobacco products, as well as to prohibit the use of such devices in No Smoking areas.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1064 119.CD2,9 - Food Finders CampaignAgenda ItemRecommendation to respectfully request a brief presentation from Food Finders about their campaign to collect new pajamas, slippers, books and robes for children aged infant to 18 years old by way of residential donations at drop off locations of participating businesses.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1065 120.CD8 - ORD Req for Donated Collect BinsAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Attorney to draft an ordinance to regulate outdoor donation collection bins, including requiring a City permit for the outdoor donation bin, written permission of the property owner where the donation bin is located, information be visibly posted on the collection bin about the organization's non-profit status and contact information, and that the bins must be attended by an employee of the non-profit organization operating the donation bin during all times that donations are accepted.received and filedPass Action details Not available
13-1070 121.CA - RES - 777X AssemblyResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution of the City Council of the City of Long Beach expressing full support for the Boeing Company to bring the 777x Assembly Work to the City of Long Beach, to continue C-17 production in Long Beach, or both.approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
13-1050 122.CM - RFP for Civic Center Consultant Svcs D2Agenda ItemRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. FM13-062 and authorize City Manager to execute a contract and all related documents with Arup North American Limited, of Los Angeles, California (team members include WBE/DBE/SBE and Local), in the annual amount of $987,798, plus a ten percent contingency of $98,780, for a total of $1,086,578 for financial, architectural and community outreach consultant services related to the preparation and issuance of a Request for Proposals for a new Civic Center, review and analysis of submittals and assistance in the selection of a preferred proposer; with two optional one-year renewals; and Increase appropriations in the Civic Center Fund (IS 380) in the Public Works Department (PW) by $1,086,578 from fund balance. (District 2)substitute motionFail Action details Not available
13-1050 1 CM - RFP for Civic Center Consultant Svcs D2Agenda ItemRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. FM13-062 and authorize City Manager to execute a contract and all related documents with Arup North American Limited, of Los Angeles, California (team members include WBE/DBE/SBE and Local), in the annual amount of $987,798, plus a ten percent contingency of $98,780, for a total of $1,086,578 for financial, architectural and community outreach consultant services related to the preparation and issuance of a Request for Proposals for a new Civic Center, review and analysis of submittals and assistance in the selection of a preferred proposer; with two optional one-year renewals; and Increase appropriations in the Civic Center Fund (IS 380) in the Public Works Department (PW) by $1,086,578 from fund balance. (District 2)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1051 123.CM/PRM/FM - Dock 10 Replacement D2ContractRecommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-6910 for the Dock 10 Improvement Project (Project); award the contract to John S. Meek Co., Inc., in the amount of $2,244,564, and authorize a 15 percent contingency of $336,685 for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,581,249; and authorize City Manager or designee to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments thereto. (District 2)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1052 124.CM/PRM - Amend contract for Peter Archer Rowing Ctr Dock D3ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager to execute the Seventh Amendment to Contract No. 31687 with Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc., for an additional $162,300, plus a ten percent contingency of $16,230, for a total increase not to exceed $178,530 to perform emergency maintenance dredging and repair of the Peter Archer Rowing Center Dock, located in the Alamitos Bay, for a revised contract amount not to exceed $39,510,295. (District 3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1053 125.CM/PRM/FM - Plans/Specs for Marina Vista Electrical Switchgear D3ContractRecommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-6926 for the construction of the Marina Vista Electrical Switchgear; award the contract to California Building Evaluation and Construction, Inc., of Buena Park, CA (WBE and SBE), in the amount of $323,630, and authorize a 20 percent contingency in the amount of $64,726 for a total contract amount not to exceed $388,356; authorize City Manager or designee to execute all documents necessary to enter into a contract, including any necessary amendments thereto; and increase appropriations in the Tidelands Operation Fund (TF 401) in the City Manager Department (CM) by $407,000. (District 3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1054 126.FM/TS - Parking Citations RFP Vendor and Consultant selectionContractRecommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFP FM13-020 and authorize City Manager to execute a contract, and any amendments thereto, with Data Ticket, Inc., of Newport Beach, CA (MBE, WBE and SBE), for parking citation system replacement, implementation, processing and collection services, in an annual amount not to exceed $336,422 for a five-year term, a one-time expense of $236,900 for equipment, conversion, and training costs, plus a contingency amount not to exceed $287,852 over the contract term, with the option to renew for an additional five-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and Execute a contract, and any amendments thereto, with NexLevel Information Technology, Inc., of Carmichael, CA (SBE; not an MBE, WBE or Local), for project management and related consulting services, in an amount not to exceed $131,400, for a period of one year. (Citywide)laid overPass Action details Not available
13-1055 127.FD/PD - 2013 Port Security Grant fundingContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager to execute a contract and all necessary amendments, including term extensions, with the Department of Homeland Security to receive and expend Department of Homeland Security grant funding for the 2013 Port Security Grant Program, in an amount not to exceed $779,960 for a period ending August 31, 2015; and increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund (SR 120) in the Fire Department (FD) by $209,000, and in the General Grants Fund (SR 120) in the Police Department (PD) by $570,960. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1056 128.LBA - Submit apps to FAA for various projects D5ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager to submit applications for the Airport Improvement Program Grant for Fiscal Year 2014 to the Federal Aviation Administration for funding of the Taxiway J Reconstruction project; and to accept such grant, execute grant documents, and amend grant documents and grant amounts with the Federal Aviation Administration for entitlement and discretionary funds; and Authorize City Manager to execute all documents necessary to amend the existing Passenger Facility Charge program previously approved by the City Council and Federal Aviation Administration within the existing authorized Passenger Facility Charge level of $4.50 per enplaned passenger. (District 5)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1057 129.LBA - Agrmnt for LB Airport Noise an Operations Monitoring System (ANOMS) D5ResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager to execute an agreement and any amendments thereto with Brüel & Kjær EMS, Inc., a Delaware corporation, without advertising for bids for the Long Beach Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System (ANOMS) in an amount not to exceed $856,306; Authorize City Manager to execute a Noise Office Services Agreement with Brüel & Kjær EMS, Inc., a Delaware corporation, for the maintenance, upgrade and support of the Long Beach Airport ANOMS for a period of approximately one year (with two additional one-year renewal options) at the initial annual base rate of approximately $227,384 plus an annual CPI increase and a $50,000 annual contingency for additional services for a total amount not to exceed $856,306 for the proposed three-year total term; and Authorize City Manager to execute subsequent amendments to the Agreement to extend the term of such agreement, and authorize additional services, if required, within the provisions of the agreement and adjust the fee schedules for inflation. (District 5)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
13-1059 130.PRM/TS - Agrmnts for upgrade to facility reservation systemContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager to execute agreements and all related documents with The Active Network, Inc., of San Diego, California, for upgrades, and continued utilization thereafter, of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine’s facility reservation and registration system, at a cost not to exceed $150,000, for a term of three years, with three, one-year renewal options at the discretion of the City Manager or his designee. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1060 131.PW/CM - Port Headquarters Tenant Security Improvements D5ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager to execute contract amendments to increase the aggregate total of the contract authority for existing Job Order Contracting (JOC) contractors: New Creation Builders, Exbon Development, Bitech Construction, Allstate Engineering, and Thomasville Construction by $3,764,726 from $24,860,227 to $28,624,953 for Tenant and Security Improvements at the Interim Port Headquarters Building; and Authorize City Manager to execute an amendment to the contract with the Gordian Group for access rights to their proprietary Pro-Gen software and to provide professional services to manage the JOC program, and increase the amount by $75,000, from $492,500 to $567,500, for Tenant and Security Improvements at the Interim Port Headquarters Building. (District 5)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1061 132.PW/FM - Rehab of Redondo Avenue D234ContractRecommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-6968 for the Rehabilitation of Redondo Avenue, between 2nd Street and Anaheim Street; award the contract to Nobest, Inc., of Garden Grove, California (SBE, not an MBE, WBE, DBE or Local), for the base bid in the amount of $1,789,000 and the additive bid in the amount of $361,460, for a total of $2,150,460; authorize a ten percent contingency in the amount of $215,046, for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,365,506; and authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments thereto. (Districts 2,3,4)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
13-1066 133.ORD-SkateboardsOrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by amending Section 10.54.040 relating to skateboards, read and adopted as read. (District 3)declare ordinance read the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final readingPass Action details Not available
13-1071 134.HD - ORD - Airport Bldg.OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance conferring upon and delegating to the Board of Harbor Commissioners the authority to enforce statutes and ordinances, to arrest and to prepare, issue and deliver written notices to appear-all within the office building at 4801 Airport Plaza Drive in Long Beach, read and adopted as read.declare ordinance read the first time and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final readingPass Action details Not available
13-0996 235.CA - Fortunetelling Ord.OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by amending Section 5.38.010, Tables 32-1 and 32-1A in Chapter 21.32, by amending the Use District Tables for PD-25 (Atlantic Avenue Planned Development District), PD-29 (Long Beach Blvd Planned Development District) and PD-32 North and South (Douglas Park Planned Development District); and by repealing Sections 5.38.020 through 5.38.140, all relating to fortunetelling, read and adopted as read. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
13-0997 236.CA - Cash for Gold Ord.OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by amending Subsection 5.64.010.C and Section 21.15.2008, and by deleting Section 21.15.2401, all relating to secondhand dealers, read and adopted as read. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
13-0998 237.CA - Cottage Food Ord.OrdinanceRecommendation to declare the ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by amending Subsection 21.51.235.C.10; and by adding Subsection 21.51.235.A.4, relating to cottage food operations, read and adopted as read. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
13-1000 139.Supp MemoAgenda ItemSupplemental Memorandum - Corrections and/or additions to the City Council Agenda as of 12:00 noon, Wednesday, November 27, 2013.received and filed  Action details Not available