| 1 | | PL-Minutes of 4.4.19 | PL-Agenda Item | Recommendation to receive and file the Planning Commission Minutes of April 4, 2019. | approve recommendation | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 1. | PL-2701 Atlantic | PL-Agenda Item | Recommendation to determine that the project is within the scope of the project previously analyzed under the Long Beach Memorial Medical Center Environmental Impact Report (LBMMC EIR) filed under State Clearinghouse No. 2004081142 and Addendum to the LBMMC EIR (Addendum EIR) and warrants no further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162; and approve Site Plan Review (SPR19-004) to construct an 80,000-square-foot, four-story medical office building located at 2701 Atlantic Avenue in the Midtown Specific Plan (SP-1-M) District. (District 6) | approve recommendation | Pass |
Action details