Long Beach, CA
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/17/2021 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 411 W. Ocean Boulevard Civic Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
21-0792 11.CA - Agreement with Brutzkus GubnerAgenda ItemRecommendation to authorize City Manager to execute an agreement with the firm of Brutzkus Gubner in the Bankruptcy matter entitled EHT, US1, INC., et al, Case No. 21-10036-CSS.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
21-0793 12.CC - MinutesAgenda ItemRecommendation to approve the minutes for the City Council meeting of Tuesday, August 3, 2021; and the City Council Study Session of Tuesday, August 3, 2021.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
21-0794 13.CC - Damage ClaimsAgenda ItemRecommendation to refer to City Attorney damage claims received between August 2, 2021 and August 9, 2021.approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
21-0795 14.DS - Civic Spark Service AgreementContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and any necessary documents including subsequent amendments, with the Local Government Commission, on behalf of the CivicSpark program, for the placement of a fellow, in a total amount not to exceed $34,000, for an 11-month period. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
21-0796 15.ER - Transmission of customer owned natural gas through the City of LB pipeline systemContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a Customer Natural Gas Transportation/Service Agreement with Equilon Enterprises, LLC, dba Shell Oil Products US, a Delaware limited liability Company (Equilon), for the transmission of Equilon-owned natural gas through the City of Long Beach pipeline system, for a period of five years, with automatic one-year renewal options. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
21-0797 16.FD - Temporary transfer of a Type VI fire engineContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into an agreement with the State of California Office of Emergency Services for the temporary transfer of a Type VI fire engine and related equipment. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
21-0798 17.PD - ABC License - Jinya Ramen Bar D3ABC LicenseRecommendation to receive and file the application of BLN Partners, LLC, dba Jinya Ramen Bar, for a premise to premise and fiduciary transfer of an Alcoholic Beverage Control License, at 6480 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 130. (District 3)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
21-0799 18.PW - Subdivision map for 1500 E. Anaheim St. D6Agenda ItemRecommendation to find that all requirements of the final subdivision map to create a ground lot and four airspace lots for a five-story apartment building, with ground floor commercial space for a medical clinic, at 1500 East Anaheim Street, have been met; approve the final map for Tract No. 82260; authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute subdivision agreements; and Determine the project is within the scope of the project previously analyzed as part of Mitigated Negative Declaration IS/MND-05-18 (State Clearinghouse No. 2019059114) and no further environmental review is required. (District 6)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0800 19.PW - Agrmnt w/PFMG Solar to allow connectivity w/the new PV solar systemsResolutionRecommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute all necessary interconnection agreements with Southern California Edison (SCE), to allow for connectivity between the new Photovoltaic (PV) solar systems implemented by PFMG Solar, LLC, and SCE’s service panels. (Citywide)approve recommendation and adoptPass Action details Not available
21-0801 110.TI - Public, Education, and Government (PEG) fee revenueAgenda ItemRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to allocate Public, Education, and Government (PEG) fee revenue equally among the three categories of cable access providers, each receiving one-third of the total available; and Increase appropriations in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department by $874,041, offset by PEG fee revenue. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Not available
21-0817 111.Study Session - Infrastructure Needs and Funding StrategiesAgenda ItemRecommendation to conduct a study session to receive and file a presentation and update on Citywide Infrastructure Needs and Funding Strategies.laid over  Action details Not available
21-0802 112.FM - Continued Budget Hearing (ED, CS, FD)Public HearingRecommendation to conduct a Budget Hearing to receive and discuss an overview of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2022 Budget for the departments of Economic Development, Fire, and Civil Service. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0803 113.CD3 - Electric Scooter Feasibility ReportAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Manager to work with the Public Works Department and the City Attorney to evaluate the feasibility of including a Third-Party vendor as part of the future electric scooter program agreements with operators.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0804 114.CD2 - Fund Transfer - Matter 2 Youth Fashion Show and Music ConcertAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $500, offset by Second Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to California Families in Focus to support their I Matter 2 Youth Fashion Show and Music Concert on September 1, 2021; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $500 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0805 115.CD9 - Long Beach Center for Economic Inclusion Year in ReviewAgenda ItemRecommendation to receive and file a presentation from the Long Beach Center for Economic Inclusion on their progress and activities in their first year of operation; and Direct City Manager and Economic Development to prepare a memo on the implementation status of the city’s Everyone in Economic Inclusion Plan and present to council within 90 days.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0806 116.CD3 - Evaluation of Nuisance Violation Fine StructureAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Manager to work with the City Attorney’s Office, the City Prosecutor’s Office, and the Code Enforcement Bureau, to provide a report on the current nuisance violation fine structures and the feasibility of increasing penalties and/or fines or fees on property owners/managers or tenants depending on staff’s recommendations, to allow for more effective enforcement tools and resources to address nuisance activities. This should also include evaluating options for fines or fees to be based on income qualifications, and if community service was feasible in place of fines where appropriate. This report will also include evaluating opportunities and the feasibility of bolstering the Code Enforcement ordinances and relevant provisions of the Municipal Code and aligning with best practices.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0809 117.CD1 - Transfer AOC7Agenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $689, offset by the First Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a donation to Partners of Parks to support the AOC7 Neighborhood Group; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $689 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0810 118.CD1 - Transfer California Families in FocusAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $1,000, offset by the First Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a donation to the California Families in Focus to support the I Matter 2 Youth Fashion Show and Music Concert; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $1,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0811 119.CD1 - Transfer Long Beach SuffrageAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $800, offset by $400 from the First Council District One-time District Priority Funds and $400 from the Seventh Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to Wild West Women Inc. to support the Long Beach Suffrage Women’s Equality Day Tea Event; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $800 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0812 120.CD1 - Transfer - Willmore City Heritage AssociationAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $5,000, offset by the First Council District One-time District Priority Funds, transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a donation to the Willmore City Heritage Association; and Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $5,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0813 121.CD9 - SB679Agenda ItemRecommendation to request City Council to support SB679 (Kamlager), which would create a new independent countywide agency to raise public and private funds for renter protections and support programs, affordable housing preservation, and affordable housing production-with a guaranteed seat for the City of Long Beach on the governing board and guaranteed annual funding for the City of Long Beach; and request City Manager to communicate the City’s support to the bill’s author and our state legislative delegation.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0814 122.CD8 - Transfer Jazz CelebrationsAgenda ItemRecommendation to increase appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Group in the City Manager Department by $25,000, offset by Eighth Council District One-time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a contribution to the Partners of Parks to support the Summer’s End Community Jazz Celebration; and Decrease appropriations in the Special Advertising and Promotion Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $25,000 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0815 123.CD8 - LEWIS RegistryAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Attorney to draft a resolution in support of the establishment of the Law Enforcement Work Inquiry System (LEWIS) Registry, and request City Manager to have the Long Beach Police Department partner with the LEWIS Registry at the University of Southern California Price Safe Communities Institute, to help in the development, pilot and Beta-testing of a unified national database that documents all officers who were terminated or resigned due to misconduct.withdrawn  Action details Not available
21-0807 124.ED/PRM/PW - Beach Concession agrmnts D3ContractRecommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to enter into Beach Concession Agreements with Monty's Beach, a California limited liability company, and Downey Restaurant Company, Inc., dba Gaucho Grill, for the operation of a food concession at Granada Beach and Alamitos Beach, respectively, on the stated terms and conditions, including options to renew at the discretion of the City Manager; and Authorize City Manager, or designee, to negotiate and execute any necessary modifications to the proposed terms that may be necessary to expedite establishment of the beach concessions operation. (Districts 2,3)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0808 125.PW - Request Attorney to amend Muni Code relating to Speed Limits on City StreetsAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending Long Beach Municipal Code Sections 10.12.010 to 10.12.030, relating to Speed Limits on City Streets, on the street segments listed in Attachment A. (Citywide)approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0826 126.CA - COVID-19 Health OrdersEmergency OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Chapter 8.120, temporary enforcement of Long Beach Health Orders related COVID-19, and declaring the urgency thereof, and declaring that this ordinance shall take effect immediately, read and adopted as read. (Citywide) (Emergency Ordinance No. ORD-21-0029)approve recommendation to declare an emergency to existPass Action details Video Video
21-0826 2 CA - COVID-19 Health OrdersEmergency OrdinanceRecommendation to declare ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code by adding Chapter 8.120, temporary enforcement of Long Beach Health Orders related COVID-19, and declaring the urgency thereof, and declaring that this ordinance shall take effect immediately, read and adopted as read. (Citywide) (Emergency Ordinance No. ORD-21-0029)approve recommendation to declare Emergency Ordinance No. ORD- , read, and adopted as read and laid over to the next regular meeting of the City Council for final readingPass Action details Not available
21-0827 127.CD9 - Recall OppositionAgenda ItemRecommendation to request City Attorney to draft a resolution in opposition to the Recall Election of the Governor of California.approve recommendationPass Action details Video Video
21-0828 128.Supp MemoAgenda ItemSupplemental Memorandum - Corrections and/or additions to the City Council Agenda as of 12:00 noon, Friday, August 13, 2021.received and filed  Action details Not available