Recommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the public hearing, and adopt resolution in accordance with Section 10.28.130 of the Long Beach Municipal Code to set operating days and hours for Parking Meter Zone 34 to Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays as defined in the Long Beach Municipal Code, during the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., for a maximum of two hours and at a rate of $1.00 per hour;
Request City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending Section 10.28.130 of the Long Beach Municipal Code, to establish Parking Meter Zone 34 along 4th Street between Hermosa Avenue and Temple Avenue, including side streets intersecting 4th Street; and
Request City Attorney to prepare an Agreement with the Fourth Street Business Improvement Association to equally share the net parking meter revenues generated from parking meters located in Parking Meter Zone 34. (District 2)
City Council approval is requested to establish Parking Meter Zone 34 along 4th Street between Hermosa Avenue and Temple Avenue, including side streets intersecting 4th Street (Attachment A), and adopt a Resolution to set operating days and hours for Parking Meter Zone 34 to Monday through Saturday, excluding holidays as defined in the Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC), during the hours of 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, for a maximum of two hours, at a rate of $1.00 per hour. Installation of parking meters in the commercial area of 4th Street will promote parking turnover for customers and create revenue from the additional 197 metered parking stalls that can be re-invested in the City. To facilitate the installation of parking meters at these new spaces, creation of Parking Meter Zone 34, as defined in Section 10.28.130 of the LBMC, is required.
The Fourth Street Business Improvement District (BID) supports the establishment of Parking Meter Zone 34 and the installation of parking meters. Following the recovery of meter collection and main...
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