Recommendation to adopt resolution directing the Los Angeles County Auditor-Controller to include on the 2020-2021 Secured Tax Roll certain levies made pursuant to the provisions of the Long Beach Municipal Code, for weed and debris removal, administrative citations, securing of buildings and vacant buildings, in the amount of $228,174. (Citywide)
The attached Resolution authorizes the City to collect delinquent weed removal charges, delinquent building abatement charges, vacant building monitoring fees, incidental enforcement costs, interest, and lien transfer charges from the responsible property owners through their property tax bills for properties cleaned, abated, and/or monitored from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Interest accrues at an annual rate of 12 percent from the delinquency date through June 30, 2020.
The City is authorized to undertake enforcement activities, assess levies for delinquent charges, and accrue interest pursuant to Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC) Chapters 8.56, 9.65, 18.20, and 18.21, following the specified notification and appeal process. The interest rate charged is cited in LBMC Sections 8.56.130, 9.65.140, 18.21.040, and 18.20.210.
Upon approval by the City Council, the Financial Management Department will forward the authorizing Resolution, and the prescribed reporting forms, to the Los Angeles County Auditor-Controller, Tax Division, for incorporation into the 2020-2021 County Secured Tax Roll.
Total code enforcement delinquency charges to be placed on the 2020-2021 tax roll are $228,174, inclusive of interest, representing 131 properties. Unless noted, all delinquent charges relate to the Code Enforcement Bureau in the Development Services Department. These are comprised of:
a) Weed removal and cleaning charges including interest in the amount of $8,643 levied against the 3 listed properties (see Resolution Exhibit A);
b) Administrative citation charges including interest in the amount of ...
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