Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement with Public Corporation for the Arts of the City of Long Beach, Inc., a California nonprofit corporation, dba the Arts Council for Long Beach, in the amount of $479,300 to fund arts and cultural activities for a period of one year. (Citywide)
The City annually enters into an agreement with the Arts Council for Long Beach (Arts Council), to administer City funding for the promotion and development of community-oriented cultural activities and artistic programs. The cultural and artistic programs help bring the diverse Long Beach community together and enhance civic pride. Through this funding from the City, the Arts Council has provided financial support and assistance to over 100 local arts organizations and more than 1,000 area artists, with the objective of making arts and culture available to all residents of Long Beach.
On September 4, 2018, the City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2019 (FY 19) Budget, which includes $479,300 for the Arts Council agreement. This amount is an increase of $25,000 from the prior fiscal year, and includes a one-time allocation of $50,000 for the Challenge Grant intended to provide an incentive for future donors to contribute funds by matching donations. The Challenge Grant would be paid out by the City on a one-to-one basis between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019 from non-government sources to support initiatives for artist sustainability and professional development, efforts for arts equity in underserved communities, and strategies that increase marketing of the arts and cultural community of Long Beach.
City Council approval is requested to enter into a one-year agreement with the Arts Council in the amount of $479,300. In FY 19, the Arts Council will utilize the City's assistance to fund a community arts grant program in the amount of $190,000; $239,300 will be used to fund general operations of the Arts Council;...
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