Recommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the public hearing, and adopt resolution continuing the Bixby Knolls Parking and Business Improvement Area assessment for the period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to extend the agreement with the Bixby Knolls Business Improvement Association for a one-year term. (Districts 7,8)
The Bixby Knolls Business Improvement Association (BKBIA) promotes and markets the commercial area along Atlantic Avenue and Long Beach Boulevard using funds generated through the assessment of businesses located in the Bixby Knolls Parking and Business Improvement Area (BKPBIA). To continue the assessment levy, State law requires that a public hearing be held on the proposed program and assessment. A copy of the Annual Report describing proposed assessments, activities, and allocations is attached to the Resolution as Exhibit A.
The Annual Report describes boundaries, proposed activities, and budgetary information, as well as the method and basis for continuation of the assessment. The Annual Report proposes no change in the district boundaries, the basis and method of levying the assessment, and no significant change in proposed activities.
At its October 9, 2018 meeting, the City Council approved Resolution No. RES-18-0153 granting approval of the Annual Report, declaring the intention of the City Council to levy the assessment, and setting October 23, 2018 as the date of the public hearing. A hearing notice, including a copy of the Resolution, was published in local media.
State law provides that the City Council shall hear and consider all protests against the assessment, program, boundaries of the area, and/or any benefit zone as proposed in the Annual Report. State law further provides that protests may be made orally or in writing. Protests regarding the regularity or sufficiency of the proceedings shall be in writing. ...
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