Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to terminate Revocable Permit No. 19586, and enter into a new revocable permit with Bay Shore Nursery School, a.k.a. Bayshore Co-op Preschool, a nonprofit organization, to continue to provide a parent-participation preschool in the building in the Bayshore area of Alamitos Bay, for a term of five years, from September 1, 2018 through June 10, 2023, with one, five-year renewal option from September 1, 2023 through June 10, 2028, at the discretion of the City Manager. (District 3)
Since 1948, Bayshore Co-op Preschool (Permittee) has operated a parent-participation preschool in the Bayshore area of Alamitos Bay, for children ages three to five years. On November 11, 1986, the City Council approved the issuance of Revocable Permit No. 19586 to Permittee to use a very small existing building to operate a parent-participation preschool from September through mid-June each calendar year. During the last half of June and the months of July and August, the Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine (PRM) uses the preschool building as a part of the Summer Day Camp program.
PRM is in the process of reviewing and updating older contracts to bring them up to current City of Long Beach (City) contract standards and to clarify the terms of the contracts. Revocable Permit No. 19586 has not been updated since 1986; therefore, City Council action is requested to terminate said permit, and enter into a new revocable permit (Permit) with the Permittee.
The proposed new Permit contains the following major provisions:
Permit Term: Five years, commencing September 1, 2018 through June 10, 2023, each calendar year. The Permit term shall observe the Long Beach Unified School District’s traditional school year, and will begin one week after the start of the school year, and conclude one week before the end of the school year. The City reserves the right to revoke th...
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