Recommendation to approve the Downtown Long Beach Property and Business Improvement District Annual Report for the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, automatically extending the agreement for funding with the Downtown Long Beach Alliance for one year; authorize payment of $551,056 in City property assessments from the Civic Center Fund (IS 380) in the Public Works Department (PW) and $5,603 from the Successor Agency Fund (SA) in the Development Services Department (DV); and
Increase appropriations in the Civic Center Fund (IS 380) in the Public Works Department (PW) by $120,815, offset by a reduction in funds available. (Districts 1,2)
Downtown Long Beach Alliance (DLBA) has three established sources of revenue that pass through the City of Long Beach (City) to the organization. These include business operator assessments, property owner assessments, and downtown parking meter revenue sharing. This recommended action relates to property owner assessment funds for expenses related to security, maintenance, public relations, special projects, advocacy, and economic development in downtown Long Beach. City Council approves the business operator assessment separately. DLBA’s Approved FY 2018-19 Budget Narrative, including all sources of revenue, is provided for reference in Exhibit A.
The Downtown Long Beach Property and Business Improvement District (DLBPBID) was established by the City Council on August 4, 1998. On August 7, 2012, the City Council re-established the DLBPBID. This re-establishment required a majority vote of the property owners in favor of re-establishing the district for a new term of ten years.
On January 12, 2001, City Council and DLBA executed an agreement for funding setting forth the duties and delegations of the parties. This agreement is automatically extended on a year-by-year basis upon approval of the Annual Report and the related levy of assessments by the City Council. The Fiscal Year 2019 ...
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