Recommendation to receive supporting documentation into the record, conclude the public hearing, and consider an appeal filed by Jennifer Celio, Marybeth Wall, Tony Glavis, Gayle Shapiro, Susan Taylor (APL21-004); Determine that the project is within the scope of the project previously analyzed as part of the Downtown Plan Program EIR (SCH #2009071006) and warrants no further environmental pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162; and uphold the Site Plan Review Committee’s decision to approve Site Plan Review SPR20-009 to allow the demolition of on-site structures and construction of a seven-story mixed-use building containing 48 dwelling units, 5,090 square feet of ground level commercial uses, and an integrated three-level, 60 stall parking garage, located at 525 East Broadway in the Downtown Plan (PD-30) District. (District 2)