Recommendation to receive and file a presentation on the implementation and launch of the City’s new public-facing calendar system. (Citywide)
In March 2020, the Office of the City Manager launched its Citywide Strategic Communications Plan (Plan). The five-year Plan outlines the strategic focus areas, goals, objectives, and tactics the City is and will develop and implement to enhance City communications efforts, while strengthening engagement and increasing transparency. In the Plan under the Strategic Focus Area of Local Public Engagement, Goal 1 is to make a more well-informed community and Objective 1A is to increase awareness of City priorities, projects, programs, initiatives, services, events, and meetings. One of the communication tactics to meet this objective is to develop a more comprehensive public-facing City events calendar to provide the public with a one-stop shop for City-sponsored events and meetings, enhancing engagement and transparency.
The calendar will provide the public with an intuitive and dynamic interface and functionality that: can be tailored to an individual’s preferences; is searchable by date, keyword, event type, department and zip code; has subscribing options; can send alerts; and, can easily add specific events or meetings to one’s personal calendar or share on social media.
Over the last few months, City staff responsible for updating department calendar items have been undergoing training and the calendar is ready to be launched to the public.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Taylor M. Anderson on May 26, 2021 and by Budget Manager Grace H. Yoon on May 28, 2021.
City Council action on this matter is not time critical.
One-time costs for initial training and website integration were $7,346. These costs were initially incurred in the General Services Fund Group in the Technology and Innovation Department but will be reimbursed by the Special Adv...
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