Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-7096 for the Heartwell Park Central Irrigation Renovation Project; award the contract to American Landscape, Inc., of Canoga Park, CA, in the amount of $1,298,989, with a 25 percent contingency in the amount of $324,747, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,623,736; authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments; and
Accept Categorical Exemption CE-18-182. (District 5)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with American Landscape Inc., for construction of the Heartwell Park Central Irrigation Renovation Project (Project).
Heartwell Park’s central parcel, located between Bellflower Boulevard and Woodruff Avenue, has one of the oldest irrigation systems in the City, which has led to frequent costly repairs, increased staff resources for manual watering, uneven irrigation coverage, and inefficient use of water. To conserve the limited supply of reclaimed water and improve landscape maintenance and turf grass quality at Heartwell Park, replacement of the outdated irrigation system is necessary. A comprehensive irrigation design was completed for Heartwell Park and several community outreach meetings were held in 2015 and 2016 to solicit the community’s feedback.
The Project is designed to increase irrigation efficiency and improve landscape maintenance by implementing an automated, weather-based watering system, upgrading the existing irrigation pumps, and replacing irrigation lines, sprinkler heads, and damaged turf grass and sod. These changes will greatly improve the condition of the field, make maintenance more manageable, and are expected to reduce water usage.
The bid was advertised in the Long Beach Press-Telegram on July 20, 2018, and 4,643 potential bidders specializing in construction services, and construction materials and supplies were notified of the bid o...
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