Recommendation to approve the 2022 Office of Sustainability Work Plan. (Citywide)
The Sustainable City Commission Ordinance (Ordinance) was adopted by a unanimous vote of the City Council on May 15, 2007. The Ordinance established the Sustainable City Commission (Commission), requiring that, "Each year the Commission shall prepare a work program outlining the focus for the Commission for review and approval by the City Council."
The attached 2022 Office of Sustainability Work Plan (Work Plan) was unanimously approved by the Commission on October 28, 2021, and in accordance with the Ordinance, is being submitted for City Council review and approval. The Work Plan includes multiple actions to be taken during the 2022 calendar year.
These actions are consistent with the Commission's seven focus areas included in the Sustainable City Action Plan of Buildings and Neighborhoods, Energy and Climate, Green Economy and Lifestyle, Transportation, Urban Nature, Waste Reduction, and Water. These focus areas provide a holistic approach to sustainability and will be used to guide the Office of Sustainability in its work.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Erin Weenser-McKinley on November 8, 2021 and Budget Operations and Development Officer Rhutu Amin Gharib on November 11, 2021.
The Work Plan is intended to guide the Commission and City staff in creating green projects, programs and policies, and making recommendations to the City Council over the next year.
City Council action is requested on December 7, 2021, to enable the Commission to move forward with new business at their monthly meetings.
This Work Plan is funded by a combination of grant funding, AB 32 Cap and Trade funding to support projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Measure US oil production tax revenues, and an interdepartmental Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for services. Sufficient budget to s...
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