Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to purchase property insurance for City buildings, contents, and vehicles through the Alliant Insurance Services, Inc., Property Insurance Program (APIP), for a total premium not to exceed $3,112,389, and purchase of Earthquake (Difference in Conditions Coverage), at a premium of $164,151 with the Insurance Company of The West, for the period of July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022. (Citywide)
The Human Resources Department requests City Council authorization to renew “all risk” property insurance and earthquake insurance coverage. The property market continues to harden with the market capacity being cut, there are fewer carriers willing to write the coverage and premiums have increased. Carriers are being more conservative in deploying limits on any risk. The commercial property market is continuing to go through a market “correction” because losses are significantly eroding their profits. Many of the catastrophic losses that were seen in 2017 through 2021 such as wildfires, hurricanes, hailstorms, and floods, continue to include higher than expected loss development. The Coronavirus pandemic and civil unrest activities have also added to the challenging market. In addition to an already difficult market, the City has a higher than average property five-year loss ratio. As a result of the loss ratio, the City is expected to receive up to a 55 percent loss rate increase in addition to an increase in the deductible. The City’s broker, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. (Alliant), has approached the market with a comprehensive tactic seeking coverage in the current APIP program as well as outside. This includes marketing all the package coverages that are currently part of APIP (flood, auto, pollution, and cyber) as well as the primary layer of coverage for the Queen Mary.
Through its property insurance broker, Alliant, the City annually purchases “all risk” property insurance ...
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