Recommendation to find the project within the scope of the previously-certified Downtown Plan Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) (SCH#2009071006); Approve and adopt the Downtown Plan Program EIR Land Use Equivalency Program and 7thand Locust Development Downtown Plan EIR Addendum (EIRA 06-20) as an Addendum to the Downtown Plan Environmental Impact Report (DPEIR) (SCH #2009071006) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. (District 1 and District 2); Approve Site Plan Review SPR20-011 to allow the demolition of on-site structures and construction of a new seven-story mixed-use building containing 108 dwelling units, 1,188 sq. ft. of ground floor commercial uses, and an integrated four-level, 135 stall parking garage located at 636 Locust Avenue in the Downtown Plan (PD-30) Zoning District. (District 1)