Recommendation to receive and file an update on the Open Streets Initiative plan regarding temporary parklets on the 2nd Street Corridor in Belmont Shore. (District 3)
In response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Long Beach (City) launched its Open Streets Initiative (Initiative) that included temporary parklets, outdoor dining spaces, and Outdoor Activity Permits (OAP) in the Spring of 2020. The Initiative was implemented to achieve two primary goals: support businesses citywide by providing additional space for restaurants and bars to safely expand their operations outdoors and provide more space for proper social distancing and adherence to the City’s Safer at Home Health Order for Control of COVID-19 (Health Order).
Over the past 18 months, the Initiative has been successful in allowing temporary parklets and outdoor dining to be installed at over 130 locations throughout the Long Beach. The Public Works Department has been responsive to expressed concerns regarding the Initiative and has engaged stakeholders in an effort to keep temporary parklets safe and utilized to the general satisfaction of residents, businesses, and the City Traffic Engineer, who is responsible for the safety of the temporary parklet installations.
On September 14, 2021, the City Council supported the extension of the previously approved Initiative, allowing restaurants and other related service industries to continue to utilize temporary parklets and OAP through June 30, 2022. Additionally, the City Council asked the Department Public Works to return with a report and presentation regarding the ongoing use of temporary parklets along the 2nd Street corridor before December 31, 2021. This request included an evaluation process for parklets and other installations specifically along the 2nd Street corridor in Belmont Shore.
As part of the recommendation, the City Council requested Public Works to establish a process for residents to share com...
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