Recommendation to direct City Attorney to prepare a resolution to declare an Inclusive Language Policy for all future Long Beach Municipal Code ordinances presented to the City Council, as well as for future City Council Policies and ballot proposals for City Charter amendments; and
Direct City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the Long Beach Municipal Code to state that all gender references in the Code shall be considered neutral and inclusive in form and context. (Citywide)
The City of Long Beach government represents, supports, and serves all residents throughout the City of Long Beach. While the City acts on behalf of all Long Beach residents, the current Municipal Code and Council Policies do not fully reflect the diversity of its people. Inclusive language is defined as “language that avoids the use of certain expressions or words that might be considered to exclude particular groups of people, especially gender specific words”.
The Long Beach City Council has periodically amended its policies and codes to reflect societal changes and the needs of the people it serves. It is time for the City and Council to move forward and promote inclusivity of all Long Beach residents, including but not limited to the City’s Non-binary and Transgender residents.
Our Transgender and Non-Binary community face stigma surrounding who they are from an early age. Often rooted in inaccurate beliefs and politically motivated attacks on transgender and non-binary identities, this stigma erects barriers in virtually every facet of life, denying transgender and non-binary people the equal opportunity to succeed and be accepted for who they are. Moreover, stigma against transgender and non-binary people can have long-term impacts on mental health and economic and housing stability, especially if individuals experience familial rejection and isolation from social support systems.
Sadly, 2021 has already seen at least 48 transgender or gender non-conf...
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