File #:
PW - As-needed construction management and inspection svcs
On agenda:
Final action:
Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Agreement No. 34375 with AKM Consulting Engineers, Inc., of Irvine, CA, Agreement No. 34376 with AndersonPenna Partners, Inc., of Newport Beach, CA, Agreement No. 34379 with Cumming Construction Management, Inc., of Los Angeles, CA, Agreement No. 34380 with Harris & Associates, Inc., of Irvine, CA, Agreement No. 34384 with KOA Corporation, of Monterey Park, CA, Agreement No. 34385 with PSOMAS, of Santa Ana, CA, Agreement No. 34388 with S2 Engineering, Inc., of Rancho Cucamonga, CA, Agreement No. 34389 with Simplus Management Corporation, of Cypress, CA, Agreement No. 34390 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., of Irvine, CA, Agreement No. 34391 with Vanir Construction Management, Inc., of Sacramento, CA, Agreement No. 34392 with Willdan Engineering, of Industry, CA, Agreement No. 34359 with Berg & Associates, Inc., of San Pedro, CA, Agreement No. 34362 with Griffin Structures, Inc., of ...
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TITLE Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to amend Agreement No. 34375 with AKM Consulting Engineers, Inc., of Irvine, CA, Agreement No. 34376 with AndersonPenna Partners, Inc., of Newport Beach, CA, Agreement No. 34379 with Cumming Construction Management, Inc., of Los Angeles, CA, Agreement No. 34380 with Harris & Associates, Inc., of Irvine, CA, Agreement No. 34384 with KOA Corporation, of Monterey Park, CA, Agreement No. 34385 with PSOMAS, of Santa Ana, CA, Agreement No. 34388 with S2 Engineering, Inc., of Rancho Cucamonga, CA, Agreement No. 34389 with Simplus Management Corporation, of Cypress, CA, Agreement No. 34390 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., of Irvine, CA, Agreement No. 34391 with Vanir Construction Management, Inc., of Sacramento, CA, Agreement No. 34392 with Willdan Engineering, of Industry, CA, Agreement No. 34359 with Berg & Associates, Inc., of San Pedro, CA, Agreement No. 34362 with Griffin Structures, Inc., of Irvine, CA, Agreement No. 34363 with Totum Corp, of Long Beach, CA, Agreement No. 34366 with P2S Engineering, Inc., of Long Beach, CA, and, Agreement No. 34369 with Michael Baker International, Inc., of Irvine, CA, for as-needed construction management and inspection services for capital improvement projects, to increase the aggregate contract amount by $6,000,000, for a revised aggregate contract amount not to exceed $55,000,000, and extend the term of the contracts to August 31, 2023. (Citywide) DISCUSSION City Council approval is requested to amend the contracts listed in the recommendation for as-needed construction management and inspection services, to increase the aggregate contract authority by $6,000,000 and extend the term of the agreements to August 31, 2023. On July 5, 2016 and August 2, 2016, the City Council awarded several agreements for construction management and inspection services as part of the adoption of RFQ PW16-115 for a period of three years, with ... Click here for full text