Long Beach, CA
File #: 21-1278    Version: 1 Name: ED/DHHS - Winter Shelter D1
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 11/11/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/7/2021 Final action: 12/7/2021
Title: Recommendation to adopt resolution redeclaring a shelter crisis, suspending applicable provisions of local law, including those contained in the City’s Zoning Ordinances of the Long Beach Municipal Code and regulations; and, authorizing the operation of a Winter Shelter for the period of December 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022; and Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a Lease Agreement, including any necessary documents and subsequent amendments, with the Volunteers of America Los Angeles, for approximately 5,400 rentable square feet of space at 1718-1722 Hayes Avenue, for use as a Winter Shelter. (District 1)
Sponsors: Economic Development, Health and Human Services
Attachments: 1. 120721-R-38sr&att.pdf, 2. RES-21-0151.pdf
Related files: 36148_000
Recommendation to adopt resolution redeclaring a shelter crisis, suspending applicable provisions of local law, including those contained in the City’s Zoning Ordinances of the Long Beach Municipal Code and regulations; and, authorizing the operation of a Winter Shelter for the period of December 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022; and

Authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute a Lease Agreement, including any necessary documents and subsequent amendments, with the Volunteers of America Los Angeles, for approximately 5,400 rentable square feet of space at 1718-1722 Hayes Avenue, for use as a Winter Shelter. (District 1)

The County of Los Angeles (County) and the City of Los Angeles provide funding to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) through a Joint Powers Agreement to oversee countywide homeless services and to operate the Winter Shelter Program (Program). The Program is a coordinated effort to increase the number of temporary emergency shelter beds available in the County during the period from December 1 through March 31 each year, when the region usually experiences its most inclement weather. As such, the County places winter shelters in each of the five Supervisorial Districts. To accommodate a location for Los Angeles County Supervisorial District 4, on November 17, 2020 the City Council adopted Resolution RES-20-0035 redeclaring a shelter crisis, pursuant to California Government Code Sections 8698.1 and 8698.2, which allows local jurisdictions to suspend local laws and regulations “to the extent that strict compliance would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay the mitigation of the effects of the shelter crisis,” for any City of Long Beach (City)-owned, leased or maintained property. The 2020-2021 Program was operated at City-owned property at 5571 Orange Avenue; however, the property is planned for development of affordable housing necessitating the 2021-2022 Program to be relocated. For Los Angeles County Superv...

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