Recommendation to extend City Council review period for continuing the local emergency caused by conditions or threatened conditions of homelessness within the City of Long Beach from fourteen (14) days to thirty (30) days pursuant to Section 2.69.060 of the Long Beach Municipal Code. (Citywide)
On January 10, 2023, the City Council proclaimed the local emergency caused by conditions or threatened conditions of homelessness within the City of Long Beach, in accordance with the provisions of Long Beach Municipal Code Chapter 2.69. This section required review by City Council every fourteen (14) days until the City Council terminates the local emergency or amends the requirements for reporting frequency. On May 9, 2023, at the direction of the City Manager, the City Attorney prepared an ordinance amending Chapter 2.69 to extend the fourteen (14) day review period for continuing a local emergency by minute order for a time period in compliance with State law requirements. Cal. Gov. Code Section 8630 provides that a governing body shall review the need for continuing the local emergency at least once every 60 days until the governing body terminates the local emergency.
Due to a unique situation resulting from cancellation of the upcoming Council meeting that falls on the July 4th holiday, the next Council review will not be provided within the 14-day time period previously scheduled. This request is to authorize the City Manager to schedule upcoming City Council emergency reauthorizations within a 30-day time period for the duration of the local homelessness emergency.
Considering the necessity for timely updates and reporting major milestones and accomplishments, staff update reports on the emergency declaration, which are separate and independent from the City Council’s required vote to authorize the continuation of the local emergency, will continue to be provided by staff approximately every fourteen (14) days, or as otherwise directed by the Mayor and City Council.
Since the emergency proclamation on January 10, 2023, the city has made significant strides in four key areas; (1) Increasing access to services, (2) Engaging Community in data, planning and assistance, (3) Building capacity to address the crisis, and (4) Increasing interim and long-term housing access. Though there are still a significant
number of people experiencing homelessness, the City is much better positioned to respond to homelessness going forward from a resource and policy perspective because of the program infrastructure and other efforts established since the emergency proclamation.
Statement of Urgency
This item requires urgency to allow the City to continue its response efforts under the declared state of emergency on homelessness.
[Timing Considerations]
There is no fiscal impact to this item.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayor Rex Richardson
June 20, 2023