Long Beach, CA
File #: 21-1284    Version: 1 Name: PRM - Grant app for the Local Assistance Boat Launching Facility grant program
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 11/12/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/7/2021 Final action: 12/7/2021
Title: Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to submit a grant application to the State of California, Division of Boating and Waterways, for the Local Assistance Boat Launching Facility grant program for funding up to $5,990,078 for projects at the Davies Launch Ramp. (District 3)
Sponsors: Parks, Recreation and Marine
Attachments: 1. 120721-R-44sr&att.pdf, 2. RES-21-0154.pdf


Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to submit a grant application to the State of California, Division of Boating and Waterways, for the Local Assistance Boat Launching Facility grant program for funding up to $5,990,078 for projects at the Davies Launch Ramp.  (District 3)



As part of its commitment to provide clean, safe and enjoyable recreational boating and beach activities in California, and to preserve and protect the California shoreline, the State of California, Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW), offers grant funds to cities, counties, districts, and other public and private agencies through various programs.


One of these programs is the Local Assistance Boat Launching Facility (BLF) grant program. This program offers funding for projects related to boat launch ramps. Awarded grants can cover the cost of planning, design development, and procurement of equipment to create new or renovate existing launch ramps. Some of the allowable projects with BLF funds include: parking area development/improvement, restrooms (including potable water and sewer, if accessible), path of travel (to meet accessibility requirements), boat launching facility, breakwater protection, security lighting, dredging (as part of development of a new launch ramp or improvement of an existing ramp), project permitting, pay kiosk stations, simple signage, facility entry/exit adjustments to improve traffic and pedestrian safety, and boating safety improvements.


The Parks, Recreation and Marine Department has identified the renovation and modernization of the Davies Launch Ramp (Davies) as an excellent project for which the BLF grant funds can be utilized. Davies is located on the east side of Long Beach in Alamitos Bay, near the intersection of 2nd Street and Marina Drive. Davies features seven launch lanes, 185 parking stalls, restrooms, and boat washing stations. The Davies facility serves approximately 35,000 trailered vessel launches each year.


The Davies renovation and modernization project will address significant public access limitations. Davies’ parking area is in a state of disrepair, with deteriorated paving, worn striping, poorly marked drive areas, limited lighting, and a lack of ADA compliant parking spaces. All of these factors contribute to public safety and equal access issues. The ADA improvements will advance the City of Long Beach (City) commitment to provide equal access to all in connection with the Davies facility.

Upgrades to the Davies facility will include replacement of the 350 linear foot wood dock, piles and gangway, revetment repair, launch ramp replacement, new 800 square foot restroom, new sidewalk, grind and overlay resurfacing of an approximately 22,000 square foot parking lot, new striping plan and signage, fire protection system, potable water system, sewage station pump outs, waste dumpster enclosure, boat wash station, and area lighting. These improvements will create a cleaner, safer and more accessible boat launch area, which will allow for more people to enjoy the water and boating activities.


The estimated overall cost for construction of this project is $5,990,078. The City’s grant application requests funding for the entirety of the project. The DBW grant is competitive and therefore, the City may be awarded some or all of the requested BLF funds if the grant application is successful. The project components are designed to allow for completion of various phases, as grant funding is awarded.


On August 23, 2016, the City Council adopted a Resolution authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to submit a grant application to DBW for the BLF grant program which requested funding for this project in the amount of $4,160,000. On January 21, 2020, the City Council authorized grant agreements with DBW in the amount of $300,000 to be used specifically for the design phase costs related to engineering, permitting and inspection of the project. Upon award of the grant funds, the City began working with Tetra Tech, Inc., on plan development, permit application, and design within scope of the grant stipulations. The City has now reached 90 percent design phase and is now seeking to apply for additional DBW funding for the project’s construction phase following the design phase completion.      


This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Anita Lakhani on November 8, 2021 and by Budget Analysis Officer Greg Sorensen on November 11, 2021.



City Council action is requested on December 7, 2021, to meet the State of California, Division of Boating and Waterways, grant application submittal requirements.



The total project construction costs are estimated at $5,990,078 which covers final design, construction bid estimate, construction contingency, project management, construction management, inspection services, labor compliance, Percent for the Arts contribution, and project overhead. If the grant application is successful, grant funds of up to $5,990,078 will be received for the project. If awarded, staff will return to City Council to accept the award and appropriate funds. No match or in-kind service mandate is required. This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. There is no local job impact associated with this recommendation.



Approve recommendation.



[Enter Body Here]


Respectfully Submitted,

BRENT DENNIS