Recommendation to receive and file annual reports on Community Facilities District No. 2007-1 - Douglas Park Commercial Area (CFD No. 2007-1); Community Facilities District No. 2007-2 - Belmont Shore (CFD No. 2007-2); Community Facilities District No. 5 - Long Beach Towne Center (CFD No. 5); Community Facilities District No. 6 - Pike Public Improvements (CFD No. 6); and, Community Facilities District No. 2011-1 Douglas Park - North of Cover Street Area (CFD No. 2011-1), to comply with the Local Agency Special Tax Bond and Accountability Act. (Districts 2,3,5)
The Local Agency Special Tax and Bond Accountability Act (Act) was enacted by the California State Legislature through Senate Bill 165 to provide accountability measures for any local special tax and/or bond measure subject to voter approval on or after January 1, 2001. The Act requires annual reporting to the City Council on Community Facilities District (CFD) project funds for Special Tax bonds issued after January 1, 2001. The Act also requires that the annual report contain a statement indicating the specific purposes of the Special Tax, a requirement that the proceeds of the Special Tax be applied for those purposes, that the funds be separately held, and the amount of funds collected and expended. This annual report requirement applies to CFD No. 2007-1 (Attachment A), CFD 2007-2 (Attachment B), CFD No. 5 (Attachment C), CFD No. 6 (Attachment D), and CFD No. 2011-1 (Attachment E). The issued bond amounts include funds for construction and/or improvements due to costs related to issuing the bonds and amounts required to be held in reserve accounts. Interest earned on funds is generally included in balances, see attachments for details.
The CFD No. 2007-1 - Douglas Park Commercial Area A Bonds totaling $15.1 million were issued in 2007, of which $12.9 million funded the acquisition and construction of various public improvements including sewer, water, roadway, and traffic signalization systems, installation of streetlights, and construction of dry utilities, and landscaping and irrigation improvements. CFD No. 2007-1 assesses Special Tax A for construction of infrastructure, debt service payments, and District administration costs. As of September 30, 2021, the Special Tax A balance is $53,359. The CFD also assesses Special Tax B for infrastructure maintenance within the District. As of September 30, 2021, the Special Tax B balance is $1,542,483.
The CFD No. 2007-2 - Belmont Shore 2009 Bonds totaling $3.7 million were issued, of which $3.2 million funded the acquisition of property for parking lot use, alleyway improvements and related costs, relocation of utilities, landscaping, signage, and other projects to provide public parking. As of September 30, 2021, the balance of $34,090 remains for ongoing improvements in this area.
The CFD No. 5 - Long Beach Towne Center 2008 Refunding Bonds totaling $14.6 million were issued, of which $826,219 funded certain sidewalk and/or drainage improvements. The City used $13.8 million of the 2008 bond funds to refund the outstanding 2000 bonds previously issued for the District by the City, among other related bond costs and reserves. The project was completed and no balance remains.
The CFD No. 6 - Pike Public Improvement Bonds totaling $43 million were issued, of which $32.1 million funded the acquisition, construction and installation of the Pike parking structure and the Catalina Landing parking lot, and ancillary improvements, which included storm drains, metered on-street parking stalls, installation of underground utilities and related improvements. The project was completed and no balance remains.
The CFD No. 2011-1 - Douglas Park - North of Cover Street Area has not issued any bonds. Although no bonds have been issued for this District, an annual report is included to show the assessed funds collected to date, and related expenses. As of September 30, 2021, the balance is $410,996.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Richard F. Anthony and Revenue Management Officer Geraldine Alejo on November 9, 2021.
City Council action is requested on December 7, 2021, as State law requires the reports to be filed by the end of the calendar year.
This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. There is no fiscal or local job impact associated with this recommendation.
Approve recommendation.
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Respectfully Submitted,