Long Beach, CA
File #: 21-1259    Version: 1 Name: ER - Contract w/Engineered Mechanical Services for rental and maintenance of a temporary HVAC chiller
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 11/11/2021 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/7/2021 Final action: 12/7/2021
Title: Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary documents including any subsequent amendments, with Engineered Mechanical Services, Inc., of Escondido, CA, for rental and maintenance of a temporary HVAC chiller, in a total annual amount not to exceed $150,000, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)
Sponsors: Energy Resources
Attachments: 1. 120721-C-19sr&att.pdf, 2. RES-21-0148.pdf
Related files: 36195_000


Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary documents including any subsequent amendments, with Engineered Mechanical Services, Inc., of Escondido, CA, for rental and maintenance of a temporary HVAC chiller, in a total annual amount not to exceed $150,000, for a period of two years, with the option to renew for three additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager.  (Citywide)



City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with Engineering Mechanical Services, Inc. (EMSI), for rental and maintenance of a temporary HVAC chiller. This service will be used as a temporary replacement for the currently inoperable HVAC chiller at the Energy Resources (ER) facility. 


EMSI is the sole supplier and the only authorized vendor to work on the ER facility’s HVAC system and parts. Using EMSI for the temporary replacement will ensure continuity of work and minimize any disruptions at ER’s facility. ER needs the temporary replacement HVAC chiller while a new building project for the facility is being developed. A new permanent HVAC system will be installed as part of the new project.


City Charter Section 1801 requires that contracts for City purchases be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder after a competitive bid process but allows for awards without a competitive bid process when authorized by a Resolution adopted by the City Council.


This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Richard F. Anthony on November 1, 2021, Business Services Bureau Manager Tara Mortensen on November 8, 2021, and by Revenue Management Officer Geraldine Alejo on November 10, 2021.



City Council action to adopt a Resolution and award a contract concurrently is requested on December 7, 2021, to ensure the contract is in place expeditiously.



The total annual amount of the contract will not exceed $150,000. In FY 22, this amount is currently budgeted in the Gas Fund Group in the Energy Resources Department. Appropriation for subsequent years will be requested as part of the annual budget process. This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. There is no local job impact associated with this recommendation.



Approve recommendation.



[Enter Body Here]


Respectfully Submitted,