Long Beach, CA
File #: 22-1210    Version: 1 Name: CM - LBRA – Addressing Health Disparities Contract Approval
Type: Contract Status: CCIS
File created: 9/29/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/18/2022 Final action: 10/18/2022
Title: Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFP HE-22-068 and award contracts to Community Medical Wellness Centers USA, of Long Beach, CA, Community Partners, of Los Angeles, CA, as a fiscal agent for Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition, of Long Beach, CA, Filipino Migrant Center, of Long Beach, CA, Interval House, of Long Beach, CA, Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc., dba Heluna Health, of City of Industry, CA, as a fiscal agent for Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee, of Long Beach, CA, Sustainable Health Empowerment, of Long Beach, CA, and The G.R.E.E.NE Foundation dba The G.R.E.E.N Foundation, of Santa Ana, CA, for COVID-19 education and vaccination outreach service, in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $1,119,189, for a period of one year, with the option to renew for one additional one-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contracts, including an...
Sponsors: City Manager
Attachments: 1. 101822-C-2sr.pdf
Related files: 36469_000, 36521_000, 36448_001, 36533_000, 36538_000, 36470_000, 36521_001, 36448_000, 36495_000


Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. RFP HE-22-068 and award contracts to Community Medical Wellness Centers USA, of Long Beach, CA, Community Partners, of Los Angeles, CA, as a fiscal agent for Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition, of Long Beach, CA, Filipino Migrant Center, of Long Beach, CA, Interval House, of Long Beach, CA, Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc., dba Heluna Health, of City of Industry, CA, as a fiscal agent for Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee, of Long Beach, CA,  Sustainable Health Empowerment, of Long Beach, CA, and The G.R.E.E.NE Foundation dba The G.R.E.E.N Foundation, of Santa Ana, CA, for COVID-19 education and vaccination outreach service, in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $1,119,189, for a period of one year, with the option to renew for one additional one-year period, at the discretion of the City Manager; and, authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contracts, including any necessary subsequent amendments.  (Citywide)



City Council approval is requested to adopt Specifications No. RFP HE22-068 and enter into contracts with the seven identified organizations for COVID-19 education and vaccination outreach services.


Long Beach Recovery Act


On March 16, 2021, the City Council adopted the Long Beach Recovery Act (LB Recovery Act), becoming one of the first major cities to approve COVID-19 recovery programs made possible through the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and other federal and State funding sources. Additional funding adjustments to the LB Recovery Act were made as part of the Adopted Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 22) Budget and periodic adjustments have been brought to the City Council as needed.  The LB Recovery Act funding and program details were originally outlined in Attachment A to the March 16, 2021, City Council letter and in subsequent updates brought to the City Council. Since then, over 80 programs have been developed with collective impact and equity in mind, focused on the three main funding categories: Healthy and Safe Community, Economic Recovery, and Securing Our City’s Future.  Additional information can be found on the LB Recovery Act website: <https://longbeach.gov/recovery>.  As part of the LB Recovery Act, under the Healthy and Safe Community category, approximately $7.7 million has been allocated for the Addressing Health Disparities Program (Program) to address health hardships that have been created by COVID-19.


1.                     Addressing Health Disparities Program


LB Recovery Act Program: Addressing Health Disparities (Healthy & Safe Community)

Selected Vendors:


COVID-19 Health Education and Outreach

                     Community Medical Wellness Centers USA: Provide health education workshops related to mask guidelines, vaccine hesitancy, and addressing misinformation. A mobile clinic will deliver COVID-19 testing and vaccinations for hard-to-reach populations.

                     Community Partners, as fiscal agent for Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition: Deliver updated COVID-19 education and vaccination outreach through social media outlets. Coordinate chronic disease prevention activities since pre-existing health conditions are linked to more severe COVID-19 illness and mortality.

                     Filipino Migrant Center: Develop the leadership of local residents in West Long Beach to support COVID-19 relief, including navigating complex healthcare and social service systems.

                     Interval House: Partner with trusted cultural institutions to enhance outreach and dispel COVID-19 myths and misinformation in English, Spanish, Khmer and Vietnamese. They will support participants with scheduling appointments to complete vaccination series and provide accompaniment services.

                     Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc., dba Heluna Health, as fiscal agent for Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee: Conduct COVID-19 outreach and engagement to families with young children ages 0-8, including vaccine hesitancy.

                     Sustainable Health Empowerment: Provide COVID-19 health education and chronic disease prevention workshops through Cambodian media outlets such as Khmer TV. Organize a health fair focusing on wellness and resource connections.

                     The G.R.E.E.NE Foundation dba The G.R.E.E.N Foundation: Partner with faith-based organizations, historically African American fraternities and sororities, and Black Chamber of Commerce to conduct outreach and education activities. Support with healthcare and social services navigation.


The Request for Proposals (RFP) was advertised in the Long Beach Press-Telegram on May 5, 2022, and 844 potential proposers specializing in outreach services were notified of the RFP opportunity.  Of those potential proposers, 114 downloaded the RFP via the City's electronic bid system.  The RFP document was made available from the Purchasing Division, located on the sixth floor of City Hall, and the Division's website at www.longbeach.gov/purchasing <http://www.longbeach.gov/purchasing>.  An RFP announcement was also included in the Purchasing Division's weekly update of Open Bid Opportunities, which is sent to 43 local, minority-owned, and women-owned business groups.  Additionally, the City engaged in additional outreach via Facebook, Twitter and lnstagram, and translated social media content in Spanish, Khmer, and Tagalog.  The opportunity was also advertised in the Go Long Beach Newsletter, City of Long Beach Equity Newsletter, and Economic Development Newsletter.


There were 62 proposals received on June 13, 2022.  Of those 62 proposers, 17 were Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBEs), 14 were Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBEs), 12 were certified Small Business Enterprises (SBEs), and 47 were Long Beach vendors (Local).  The selection committee determined that Community Medical Wellness Centers USA (Local); Community Partners (none), as a fiscal agent for Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition (Local); Filipino Migrant Center (Local); Interval House (MBE, WBE, Local); Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Inc. dba Heluna Health (none), as a fiscal agent for Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee (Local); Sustainable Health Empowerment (Local); and The G.R.E.E.NE Foundation dba The G.R.E.E.N Foundation (none), were the most qualified organizations to provide the services.  These organizations were chosen based on their meeting the minimum qualifications, demonstrated capacity and experience, strong methods of approach, communications and reporting plans, and the reasonableness of their cost proposals.


Local Business Outreach


To align with the City’s outreach goal, Long Beach businesses are encouraged to submit proposals for City contracts.  The Purchasing Division also assists businesses with registering on the Long Beach Buys database to download RFP specifications. Through outreach, 271 Long Beach vendors were notified to submit proposals, of which 65 downloaded and 47 submitted a proposal.  The Purchasing Division is committed to continuing to perform outreach to local vendors to expand the bidder pool.


This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Marsha Yasuda on September 23, 2022, Business Services Manager Tara Mortensen on September 29, 2022, and by Recovery Budget Officer Dee Okam on September 30, 2022.



The City has incorporated the Equity Toolkit in this recommendation, as requested by the City Council on April 21, 2020.  Authorizing this request will allow for a streamlined process to efficiently disburse LB Recovery Act funding intended for community recovery from the effects of the pandemic.  Long Beach residents, workers, and business owners are faced with health impacts that require action and assistance from the City, especially for the communities of color that were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.



City Council action to adopt Specifications No. RFP HE22-068 and award contracts concurrently is requested on October 18, 2022, to ensure the contracts are in place expeditiously.



The LB Recovery Act has identified $7.7 million for the Addressing Health Disparities Program.  The total aggregate cost of the contracts will not exceed $1,119,189 and is funded by the CDC Health Disparities Grant.  Sufficient appropriation for the contracts is budgeted in the Health Fund Group in the Health and Human Services Department. 


This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties for the Long Beach Recovery Office and Recovery-related staff and is consistent with existing City Council priorities identified in the Long Beach Recovery Act. The local job impact associated with this recommendation is undetermined at this time.



Approve recommendation.


Respectfully Submitted,