Adopt resolution approving General Plan Amendment GPA 18-001 to amend the Land Use Element to change the land use designation of 14 properties located in the Midtown Specific Plan (SP-1) District from Moderate Density Residential (LUD #3B), Traditional Retail Strip Commercial (LUD #8A), Pedestrian-Oriented Retail Strip (LUD #8P), and Shopping Nodes (LUD #8N) to Mixed Uses (LUD #7); and change the designation of three properties abutting the Midtown Specific Plan (SP-1) District from Traditional Retail Strip Commercial (LUD #8A) to Moderate Density Residential (LUD #3B); the properties subject to the General Plan Amendment include 100-127 West Pacific Coast Highway, 100-130 East Pacific Coast Highway, 1795 Pine Avenue, 1814 Pine Avenue, and 1791-1815 Locust Avenue, the northern portion (Assessor’s Parcel Number 7269-010-010) of 1170 Pine Avenue, 1777 Pine Avenue, and 1775 Locust Avenue. (District 1,6)
On March 1, 2018, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve an Addendum to the Midtown Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (Attachment A - Planning Commission Report), and approve a General Plan Amendment (GPA18-001) to change the Land Use District (LUD) Map along both sides of Pacific Coast Highway between Locust Street and Pacific Avenue in the western portion of subarea 6 of the Midtown Specific Plan District (SP-1) Transit Node Low (SP-1 TN-Low). Specifically, the amendment to the LUD Map is proposed to redesignate 14 properties from Moderate Density Residential (LUD #3B), Traditional Retail Strip Commercial (LUD #8A), Pedestrian-Oriented Retail Strip (LUD #8P), Shopping Nodes (LUD #8N) to Mixed Uses (LUD #7). The properties include 100-127 W. Pacific Coast Highway, 100-130 E. Pacific Coast Highway, 1795 Pine Avenue, 1814 Pine Avenue, and 1791-1815 Locust Avenue. The area is largely developed with a mix of single-story commercial uses and several moderate density residential developments. The General Plan Amendment also proposes to redesignate three properties abutting the Midtown Specific Plan (SP-1) District from Traditional Retail Strip Commercial (LUD#8A) to Moderate Density Residential (LUD #3B) (Attachment B - Midtown Specific Plan Map).
The purpose of this General Plan Amendment is to resolve the inconsistencies and to facilitate development applications and reinvestment within this portion of the Midtown Specific Plan. A General Plan Amendment is necessary for these properties which are in one of several areas along Pacific Coast Highway that are identified in the Midtown Specific Plan for redesignation to be consistent with the development intent for the corridor. Currently, the area is largely developed with a mix of single-story commercial uses and several moderate density residential developments. At the time the Midtown Specific Plan was adopted in 2016, it was anticipated that a General Plan Amendment would be required and, a corresponding mitigation measure was adopted as part of the Midtown Specific Plan EIR.
One such development application is a Site Plan Review application at the northeast corner of Pine Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway (1814 Pine Avenue and 101 Pacific Coast Highway), which proposes to develop two existing vacant parcels totaling 16,280-square-feet in area with a three-story mixed-use building containing 24 dwelling units and 33 parking spaces. The ground floor consists of approximately 3,487 square-feet of commercial space, a residential lobby, and a parking garage. Currently, the General Plan LUD Map designates the project site as Moderate Density Residential (LUD #3B), which allows moderate density residential with a maximum of 30 dwelling units per acre, and Shopping Nodes (LUD #8N), which is intended for commercial uses and does not allow for a mix of commercial and residential uses. The project proposes 64 dwelling units per acre and a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.5 including commercial uses. Although the FAR of the development is allowed by the Midtown Specific Plan development standards, the mix of commercial and residential uses is not consistent with the current General Plan. For this and other similar developments to be approved, a General Plan Amendment is necessary. This is the third such amendment within the Midtown Specific Plan District.
There are three parcels immediately south of the Midtown Specific Plan District, two of which are developed with multi-family residential units and one that is largely developed as parking for a larger motel site, that are designated as Traditional Retail Strip Commercial (LUD #8A). If left unchanged, this would leave an isolated strip of three parcels of Traditional Retail Strip Commercial (LUD #8A) located between the LUD #7 and LUD #3B. To prevent this stand-alone designation, an amendment to the LUD of these three additional parcels is proposed. The properties include the northern portion of 1770 Pine Avenue (Assessor’s Parcel Number 7369-010-010), 1777 Pine Avenue, and 1775 Locust Avenue and would amend the area from Traditional Retail Strip Commercial (LUD #8A) to Moderate Density Residential (LUD #3B) (Exhibit A to Resolution for General Plan Amendment). This area is predominantly developed with multi-family residential uses. Two of the three lots are currently zoned Moderate Density Multiple Residential (R-4-R). The third parcel is designated as Regional Highway District (CHW) and is one of two parcels that make up a single development site. The other parcel already has a Moderate Density Residential (LUD #3) designation, despite the CHW District Zoning. Therefore, this proposal does not affect the development consistency.
The proposed General Plan Amendment will create greater consistency between the General Plan and the Midtown Specific Plan Zoning District, which supports development and reinvestment within the City. Findings for the General Plan Amendment are attached (Attachment C - Findings for General Plan Amendment GPA18-001).
Public hearing notices were distributed on March 20, 2018, and the notice was published in the Long Beach Press-Telegram, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. No responses were received as of the preparation of this report.
An addendum to the Program EIR (Exhibit A to Resolution for Addendum to Midtown Specific Plan EIR) was prepared to analyze potential new impacts resulting from the proposed General Plan Amendment. No new impacts were found; therefore, no further environmental review is warranted.
This matter was reviewed by Assistant City Attorney Michael J. Mais on March 15, 2018 and by Budget Analysis Officer Julissa Jose-Murray on March 19, 2018.
City Council action is requested on April 3, 2018. Section 21.25.103 of the Zoning Regulations requires presentation of this request to the City Council within 60 days of the Planning Commission hearing, which took place on March 1, 2018. In addition, there is a pending Site Plan Review application for 1814 Pine Avenue and 101 Pacific Coast Highway that cannot be completed until there is consistency between the General Plan and Zoning.
The request is to change the land use designation on the existing Land Use Map. There is no direct fiscal or local job impact associated with this recommendation.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,