Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding, including subsequent amendments, with the City of Signal Hill, for administration and cost-sharing of the street improvements on East Spring Street from Atlantic Avenue to Junipero Avenue, contained within City of Long Beach jurisdiction, in the amount of $502,000. (Districts 5,7)
City Council approval is requested to enter in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Signal Hill (Signal Hill) for administration and cost-sharing for street improvements on East Spring Street.
Signal Hill’s street improvement project has an approximate cost of $3,000,000. The tasks associated with the City of Long Beach (City) portions of the roadway are estimated to cost an additional $502,000. Entering into an MOU with Signal Hill and combining similar types of work associated with both jurisdiction’s scopes of street improvements achieves economies of scale and reduces overall construction management and project soft costs for the City.
The rehabilitation work consists of roadway improvements on East Spring Street, which include concrete work, pavement rehabilitation, countdown pedestrian signals, streetlights, and construction of a Class II bikeway. The Class II bikeway will be separated from vehicular traffic for connectivity to local Long Beach activity centers as included in the City’s approved Bicycle Master Plan. The City of Long Beach will share the cost of construction in an amount not to exceed $502,000, as calculated based on the proposed improvements to be completed within the City.
Complete Streets Assessment
Pursuant to Assembly Bill 1358 (the California Complete Streets Act), and as part of the implementation of the Mobility Element of the Long Beach General Plan, the City conducts a complete streets assessment for all roadway construction projects. The subject project site is zoned for medium industrial and commercial. This infrastructure encourages the use of multi-modes of transportation by motorists, bicyclists, public transit passengers, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Amy R. Webber on November 16, 2021 and by Budget Management Officer Nader Kaamoush on November, 12, 2021.
Approximately 8,030 tons of asphalt will be removed and recycled as part of this project. Asphalt being used for resurfacing will contain up to 20 percent recycled material. Additionally, 14,780 tons of road base made from recycled concrete, rock, sand, and asphalt will be used to help divert materials from landfills. This project will construct Class II bikeways on East Spring Street and encourage bicycle use by providing a safer alternate travel environment resulting in less vehicle usage and reduction of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
City Council action to execute an MOU with Signal Hill is requested on December 7, 2021, to ensure that the MOU is in place expeditiously.
The cost-sharing from the City of Long Beach is $502,000. Sufficient appropriations to support this MOU exist in the Capital Projects Fund in the Department of Public Works. This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. Approval of this recommendation will provide continued support to our local economy. The number of additional local jobs created by this project will not be known until the contractors complete their hiring and construction has commenced.
Approve recommendation.
[Enter Body Here]
Respectfully Submitted,