Recommendation to increase appropriations in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department by $10,550, offset by the Fifth Council District One-Time District Priority Funds transferred from the Citywide Activities Department to provide a donation to the following:
1) Rancho Los Cerritos Foundation, in the amount of $2,500,
in support of their annual fundraising event;
2) International City Theatre, in the amount of $300, to support
their annual fundraising event;
3) Long Beach Branch NAACP, in the amount of $2,000, in
support of their annual fundraising event;
4) Bixby Knolls Community Foundation, in the amount of $3,000,
in support of their mission to activate the spaces in and
around Bixby Knolls;
5) Long Beach Public Library Foundation, in the amount of $2,750
to support their annual fundraising event; and
Decrease appropriations in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department by $10,550 to offset a transfer to the City Manager Department.
Councilwoman Stacy Mungo Flanigan would like to support the following annual events and community programming:
• Rancho Los Cerritos Foundation: Sponsorship of their annual fundraising event on September 24th, in support of their mission to honor diverse perspectives, enrich collaborative conversations, and inspire broader understanding through stewardship of Rancho Los Cerritos’ natural and cultural history.
• International City Theatre: Sponsorship of their annual fundraising event on October 12th, in support of their efforts to reach Long Beach youth and families to experience professional theatrical productions.
• Long Beach Branch NAACP: Sponsorship of their annual fundraising event on September 24th, in support of the branch operations and programs including Wealth Empowerment, Civil Rights Investigation, Senior Services, Health Disparities, Veterans' Services, Economic Development, Program, Labor and Industry, Environmental Justice Programs, and First-Time Home Buyers Program.
• Bixby Knolls Community Foundation: Funds in support of their mission to activate the areas in and around Bixby Knolls and deliver Clean and Safe programs like security patrols, litter, weed and graffiti abatement, and provide special events to keep the area vibrant and connected.
• Long Beach Public Library Foundation: Sponsorship of their annual fundraising event on September 18th, in support of their mission to provide crucial funding to Library programs, activities, and resources that help bridge educational, digital, economic, and cultural divides.
This matter has been reviewed by Budget Manager Grace H. Yoon on August 22, 2022.
This recommendation requests the City Manager to provide contributions of $2,500 to Rancho Los Cerritos Foundation, $300 to International City Theatre, $2,000 to Long Beach Branch NAACP, $3,000 to Bixby Knolls Community Foundation, and $2,750 to the Long Beach Public Library Foundation to support their events and programs as written above. The total appropriation increase of $10,550 in the General Fund Group in the City Manager Department will be offset by a decrease of appropriation of Fifth Council District One-Time District Priority Funds in the General Fund Group in the Citywide Activities Department. This recommendation is anticipated to require a minimal level of staff hours beyond normal budgeted scope of duties and is expected to have a minimal impact on existing City Council priorities.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,