Recommendation to find that all requirements of the final subdivision map for a single lot subdivision to construct thirty-eight (38) condominium townhomes, at 5100 Long Beach Boulevard, have been met; approve the final map for Tract No. 77096; authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute subdivision agreements; and
Determine that the project is within the scope of the project previously analyzed as part of Mitigated Negative Declaration IS/MND-03-20 (State Clearinghouse No. 2020050231) and no further environmental review is required. (District 8)
In accordance with Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC) Chapter 20.16, State of California Government Code, Section 66458, and applicable local subdivision ordinances and subsequent rulings, a final subdivision map conforming to State Subdivision Map Act requirements is required to be approved by the City Council. The developer, City Ventures Homebuilding, LLC, requests to subdivide to construct thirty-eight (38) condominium unit townhomes, at 5100 Long Beach Boulevard (Attachment A). The Public Works Department (Public Works) has submitted a duly certified final map of Tract No. 77096 which is in conformance with the conditions and requirements placed on the tentative map approved by the Planning Commission on June 18, 2020 (Attachments B and C).
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines, Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) IS/MND-03-20 (State Clearinghouse No. 2020050231), was prepared for this Project. On June 18, 2020, the Planning Commission also recommended that the City Council adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration MND03-20 (State Clearinghouse SCH# 2020050231) which was adopted by the City Council on August 11, 2020 (Attachment D).
On August 11, 2020, the City Council adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration MND03-20 (State Clearinghouse SCH# 2020050231), in accordance with the provisions of the CEQA and State and local Guidelines. On August 11, 2020, the City Council also declared an ordinance approving a zone change from Community Commercial Automobile-Oriented and Single-Family Residential, to a Community R-4-N. Additionally, the City Council approved a Site Plan Review SPR17-063 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 77096 VTTM17-002, to allow the construction of thirty-eight (38) for-sale three-story townhomes (Attachment D). Public Works is now requesting the City Council’s approval of the final map for Tract No.77096.
Subdivision agreements providing for the off-site improvements, conditioned on this Project, have been prepared. Public Works seeks the City Council authorization to execute the subdivision agreements.
This matter was reviewed by Principal Deputy City Attorney Erin Weesner-McKinley on November 30, 2021 and by Budget Management Officer Nader Kaamoush on November 29, 2021.
City Council Action is requested on December 7, 2021, to allow for a timely completion of the development.
A subdivision processing fee of $10,439 was deposited in the General Fund Group in the Public Works Department. This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. There is no local job impact associated with this recommendation.
Approve recommendation.
[Enter Body Here]
Respectfully Submitted,