Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement, and all necessary documents, with the Los Angeles County Transportation Authority, to receive and expend funding for eligible capital projects related to pedestrian and bicycle facilities;
Increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $297,264, offset by Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 revenue; and
Increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department by $297,264, offset by transfer from State Transportation Development Act Fund. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to increase appropriations in the Capital Projects Fund Group for TDA funds to be received from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). The Mills-Alquist-Deddeh Act (SB 325) was enacted by the California Legislature to improve existing public transportation services and encourage regional transportation coordination. Known as the Transportation Development Act (TDA) of 1971, this law provides funding to be allocated to transit and non-transit related purposes that comply with regional transportation plans.
By ordinance, MTA is responsible for administering the program and establishing its policies. TDA revenues are derived from ¼ cent of the 7.25-cent retail sales tax collected statewide and returned to each county according to the amount of tax collected in that county. The funds are disbursed on July 1, in accordance with the approval of the State’s Budget. TDA, Article 3 funds are used by cities within Los Angeles County for the planning and construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities and amenities, including wheelchair ramps, as well as:
• Engineering expenses leading to construction;
• Right-of-way acquisition;
• Construction and reconstruction;
Retrofitting existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities, including installation of signage, to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
• Route improvements such as signal controls for cyclists, bicycle loop detectors, rubberized rail crossings and bicycle-friendly drainage grates; and,
• Purchase and installation of bicycle facilities such as secure bicycle parking, benches, drinking fountains, changing rooms, restrooms and showers, which are adjacent to bicycle trails, employment centers, park-and-ride lots, and/or transit terminals, and are accessible to the general public.
In the past, the TDA funds were appropriated as part of the City’s regular budget process in October. However, because the TDA funds are from the State, the subsequent appropriation shortened the drawdown period of the State’s fiscal year-end in July, which resulted in the need to spend the TDA funds too quickly to satisfy the TDA funding agreement. The requested City Council action will allow the City 12 full months to drawdown the TDA funds before the State’s deadline.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Erin Weesner-McKinley on May 26, 2020 and by Budget Analysis Officer Julissa José-Murray on May 21, 2020.
Overall, improvements resulting from TDA funds reduce vehicle miles traveled and the associated carbon emissions by encouraging non-motorized forms of transportation such as walking and cycling. Any landscaping included in projects will help reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff and make use of drought tolerant plants to minimize water use. Any demolition of concrete or other materials used will be recycled and diverted from landfills.
City Council action to increase appropriations is requested on June 9, 2020, to ensure the funds are spent before the State fiscal year-end deadline.
An appropriation increase in the amount of $594,528 is requested in the Capital Projects Fund Group in the Public Works Department. Of this amount $297,264 will be offset by reimbursable revenues received from the State Transportation Development Act Fund on July 1, 2020. The remaining $297,264 is a technical appropriation to allow for the transfer of funds from the State Transportation Development Act Fund, a fund within the Capital Projects Fund Group This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. Approval of this recommendation will provide continued support to the local economy.
Approve recommendation.
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Respectfully Submitted,