Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-7106 and award a contract to Klassic Engineering and Construction, Inc., of Orange, CA, for the Alamitos Beach Concession Building Project, in the amount of $5,681,000, with a 15 percent contingency in the amount of $852,150, for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,533,150; authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into the contract, including any necessary amendments; and
Accept Mitigated Negative Declaration ND-07-17. (District 2)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with Klassic Engineering and Construction, Inc., to provide construction services for the Alamitos Beach Concession Building (Project).
The existing 2,200-square-foot concession/restroom building at 780 East Shoreline Drive (Attachment A) will be demolished to make room for a new modern beach café and concession building with a separate public restroom and recreational rental building (Attachment B). The Project is aligned with the existing pedestrian and bicycle paths east of the site, creating a promenade area in front of the Project site, facing the beach. The main café and concession building will consist of a 4,240-square-foot building with a first floor and rooftop deck to maximize beach views and the visitor experience. A large outdoor deck will wrap around the south portion of the building where a concession window will offer more traditional “grab and go” type snacks or other food options. Adjacent to the concession area will be an outdoor play area and a separate playground for smaller children. Further west, new public restrooms and a recreational rental building will be built for beach visitors. The Project will also include onsite pedestrian scaled lighting, drought tolerant coastal native plants, a shade structure, wayfinding signage, improvements to the public beach parking lot, and hardscape improvements.
This bid was advertised in the Long...
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