Recommendation to request City Manager to begin implementation on priority areas identified in the Downtown Parking Study and report on the progress of those initiatives.
On December 11, 2018, Development Services staff presented City Council with
the results of the Downtown Long Beach Parking Area Study (Study) that was
required as part of a Settlement Agreement with Long Beach Transportation and
Parking Solutions (LBTAPS) to assess parking within a portion of Downtown Long
Beach and Alamitos Beach (Study Area). The presentation included a summary
of the Study results and recommendations as well as an overview of the actions
and programs currently underway by various departmental staff, including Pubic
Works, Development Services, and Economic Development, to address parking
concerns in these areas of the City.
During discussion and comments on the matter, staff received feedback and
comments from Council members on their areas of concern. Staff reported that
a continued interdepartmental collaboration would ensue to identify practical and
low-cost strategies that could be implemented quickly, as well a long-range
strategy to establish a revenue stream to fund parking solutions recommended in
the Study on an ongoing basis.
As part of that effort, the following major priorities and opportunities arose:
1. Parking in City garages. Enhance promotion of the availability of longterm
and overnight parking in City garages.
2. Parking Assessment District. Initiate discussions with property owners,
business owners, and tenants in the Alamitos Beach area to establish a
parking assessment district with the objective of funding key
recommendations of the Study.
3. Overnight Parking Districts. Collaborate with residents and property
owners in the Study Area to assess the potential establishment of overnight
parking districts that would be effective during non-peak business hours.
4. Parking Meters. Assess the feasibility of installing parking meters on
major business corridors in the Study Area.
5. Garage Clean Up. Coordinate with neighborhood associations in the
Study area to host garage clean up days and educate about future
enforcement efforts requiring parking garages be used for parking rather
than storage.
6. Private Parking. Identify private parking lots that would be willing to open
their lots for long-term and/or overnight parking.
7. Bus/Shuttle Service. Coordinate with Long Beach Transit to access
available remote parking resources in the Study Area and explore
additional mobility solutions.
This request is to direct the City Manager to consider these priority areas for
implementation of the Downtown Parking Study and to report back as necessary
on status of implementation and fiscal impact.
This matter was reviewed by Budget Manager, Grace H. Yoon, on April 5, 2019.
The recommendation requests. the City Manager to begin implementation on
priority areas identified in the Downtown Parking Study and report on the progress
of those initiatives. The implementation of all of the recommendations in the
Downtown Parking Study would require significant staff time and fiscal resources.
By selecting the areas identified in the discussion section as initial priorities, City
staff can move forward with a focused approach to the study implementation. The
Public Works and Development Services departments have assessed this request
and anticipate that this recommendation will have a moderate impact on workload
and staff time beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and a moderate impact
on existing City Council priorities. With sufficient time, it is expected that staff can
conduct the implementation within existing resources. Additionally, as part of the
TAPS settlement,. there are $174,051 in funds that will become available for
implementation of these recommendations. City staff will use those funds for
implementation efforts and report back on any additional fiscal impact resulting
from this item.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,