City of Long Beach
Legislative Status Report 11/20/2007
Long Beach
AB 5 Wolk Flood management.
  Text Version:  C-10/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  10/10/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 366, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law establishes the 7-member Reclamation Board in the Department of Water Resources. Existing law requires the board members to be appointed and to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Existing law prescribes compensation for each board member for time spent attending meetings of the board in the amount of $100, except as specified. Existing law requires the board to elect one of its members as president. Existing law requires the board to appoint a secretary, who may be a board member, and authorizes the board to appoint a general manager, a chief engineer, and an assistant secretary. Existing law authorizes the board to employ certain other employees. This bill would rename the Reclamation Board the Central Valley Flood Protection Board. The bill would require the board to act independently of the department. The bill would state the intent of the Legislature to transfer the duties and corresponding funding allocated to the Reclamation Board as it exists on December 31, 2007, together with all necessary positions, to the board as it is reconstituted on and after January 1, 2008. The bill would prohibit the department from overturning any action or decision by the board. The bill would increase the membership of the board from 7 to 9 members. The bill would require 7 members to be appointed by the Governor, subject to Senate confirmation, 4 of whom would be required to meet specified eligibility requirements and 3 of whom would be designated as public members. The bill would require one board member to be the Chair of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water and one board member to be the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife, and would designate those 2 members as nonvoting ex officio members. The bill, with a certain exception, would require the board members to serve 4-year terms. The bill would require the board members to receive a salary identical to that received by members of the State Air Resources Board and would incorporate additional changes made by AB 933, which has been chaptered. The bill would require the Governor to select one of the board members as president. The bill would repeal provisions relating to the appointment or employment of specified personnel and, instead, authorize the board to appoint an executive officer and chief engineer and to employ legal counsel and other necessary staff. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 24 Richardson Vehicles: police pursuit.
  Text Version:  A-04/09/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law makes it a misdemeanor punishable by confinement in a county jail for not more than one year, or a felony punishable by imprisonment in state prison, or by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000, or by both the fine and imprisonment for a person who flees or attempts to elude a pursuing peace officer by driving in a willful and wanton disregard for the safety of a person or property, as defined. This bill would specify that willful or wanton disregard for the safety of a person or property includes driving or eluding in that manner within a school zone, or within a residen ce district, if the driver flees or attempts to elude for more than one mile in that reside nce district . This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 31 De Leon Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Act of 2007.
  Text Version:  A-09/07/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept., 
  Status:  09/10/2007-Re-referred to Com. on RLS.
  The Urban Park Act of 2006 (act) requires the Department of Parks and Recreation (department) to establish a local assistance program to offer grants, on a competitive basis, to various local entities and nonprofit organizations, as defined, for the acquisition or development, or both, of urban parks and recreational areas and facilities. Heavily urbanized counties are authorized to apply for these grants. This bill would change the name of the act to the Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Act of 2007. A city, regional park district, district, joint powers authority, or county, in addition to specified nonprofit organizations, would be authorized to apply for local assistance program grants. The term "critically underserved community" would replace the term "heavily urbanized county" for purposes of the act and would be defined to include a community with less than 3 acres of usable parkland per 1,000 residents or is a disadvantaged community, as defined, and can demonstrate to the Department of Parks and Recreation that the community has insufficient or no park and recreation facilities. The bill would revise the criteria for awarding grants, and require the department on or before April 1, 2009, to adopt guidelines to amplify or clarify the grant criteria or develop a procedural guide for the administration of the act and the guidance of applicants. The department would be required to offer technical assistance to all applicants and potential applicants for both grant preparation and project development to encourage full participation in the grant program. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 35 Ruskin Environment: state buildings: sustainable building standards.
  Text Version:  V-10/14/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  10/14/2007-Vetoed by the Governor
  Existing law sets forth various requirements for energy and design efficiency in construction and renovation of state buildings. This bill would enact the Sustainable Building Act of 2007 and would require a state agency, on and after July 1, 2010, that commences construction of a state building, or renovation to a building owned by the state, to design, construct, and operate that state building to meet, at a minimum, applicable certification standards described in the United States Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for a gold rating. The bill would require a state agency to also consider existing relevant information and guidelines, and would require a state agency to provide for credits for the use of specified products. 
AB 57 Soto Highways: federal funds: Safe Routes to School.
  Text Version:  C-10/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  10/14/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 673, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law authorizes certain state and local entities to secure and expend federal funds appropriated under the federal Highway Safety Act of 1973 for a number of programs relating to projects for the improvement of highway safety and the reduction of traffic congestion. This bill would instead authorize those state and local entities to secure and expend federal funds appropriated under the federal act known as SAFETEA-LU for programs relating to highway safety improvements that can reduce the number of fatal and serious injury accidents, as specified. The bill would declare the Legislature's intent that these federal funds be allocated in approximately equal amounts between state highways and local roads. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 104 Solorio Criminal records: city attorneys.
  Text Version:  C-07/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Prosecutor,Police Department, 
  Status:  07/20/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 104, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law requires the Department of Justice to maintain specified criminal history information, and requires the Attorney General to supply that information to specified law enforcement and other entities, as prescribed. This bill would additionally require the Attorney General to provide criminal history information to city attorneys pursuing civil gang injunctions, or drug abatement actions, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 121 Maze Income and corporation taxes: credits: enterprise zones: foster youth hiring preference.
  Text Version:  I-01/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management,Financial Department,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was REV. & TAX
  The Personal Income Tax Law and the Corporation Tax Law authorize various credits against the taxes imposed by those laws, including a hiring credit for qualified taxpayers who hire qualified employees, as defined, within enterprise zones, subject to specific criteria. This bill would revise the definition of "qualified employee" for this purpose, to include "qualified former foster care recipient," as defined. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 128 Dymally Pupils: Gang Violence Mitigation Pilot Programs.
  Text Version:  A-04/26/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law establishes various experimental school programs, including, among others, programs of individualized instruction, alternative schools, and the Single Gender Academies Pilot Program. This bill would require the State Department of Education to contract with the county office of education for the Compton Unified School District, the Inglewood Unified School District, the Long Beach Unified School District, the Oakland Unified School District, and the San Bernardino City Unified School District for the development, administration, and implementation of community-based Gang Violence Mitigation Pilot Programs to provide gang alternative education, counseling, and support services to pupils enrolled in any of grades 4 to 8, inclusive, in those school districts . The programs would become operative only upon the individual agreement of one or more of those school districts to participate. The county office of education for each school district that agrees to participate in a program would be required to conduct an evaluation of the program based on the Social Development Strategy developed by the Seattle Social Development Project using specified empirical data and transmit the evaluation to the department. The department also wo uld be required to prepare and submit to the Legislature an interim report and a final report regarding the programs by January 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011, respectively. These provisions would be repealed on January 1, 2012. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 196 Committee on Budget Transportation bond funds: cities and counties.
  Text Version:  C-10/08/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  10/08/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 314, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B at the November 7, 2006, general election, authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $2,000,000,000 for local streets and roads. Chapter 181 of the Statutes of 2007 enacts implementing provisions relative to the bond funds available for this purpose. This bill would require the Controller to allocate the $950,000,000 appropriated in the 2007-08 fiscal year from Proposition 1B bond funds for local streets and roads to counties in the amount of $400,000,000 and cities in the amount of $550,000,000. The bill would make other related changes to the provisions enacted by Chapter 181 of the Statutes of 2007. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 232 Price Housing and community development: Economic Opportunity Initiative Program.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was J., E.D. & E.
  Calendar:  01/08/08 9 a.m. - Room 447 ASM JOBS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE ECONOMY
  Existing law provides for various programs to promote economic development opportunities in the state. This bill would , until January 1, 2013, enact the Economic Opportunity Initiative Act of 2007, to require the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to establish a pilot project to be known as the Economic Opportunity Initiative Program. It would require the agency to enter into technical and partnership assistance agreements with economic development corporations meeting specified criteria. It would require the agency to conduct a study on the impact of the program and report the results of the study to the Governor and the Legislature on or before December 31, 2012 .  
AB 255 De Leon Air pollution: Clean Air and Energy Independence Fund: smog abatement fee.
  Text Version:  A-04/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law imposes various limitations on emissions of air contaminants for the control of air pollution from vehicular and nonvehicular sources. The State Air Resources Board is the state agency with primary responsibility for the control of vehicular air pollution, and air pollution control districts and air quality management districts have primary responsibility for the control of air pollution from all sources other than vehicular sources. This bill would create the Clean Air and Energy Independence Fund, and would continuously appropriate moneys in the fund to the state board to be used towards specified purposes, including incentives for purchasers of vehicles powered by clean alternative fuels or other efficient technologies . The bill would require the state board, in consultation with the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, to submit an annual report to the Legislature on expenditures from the Clean Air and Energy Independence Fund. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 268 Calderon, Charles Evidence: admissibility of statements.
  Text Version:  A-05/03/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  06/27/2007-In committee: Hearing postponed by committee. (Refers to 6/26/2007 hearing)
  (1) Existing law defines "unavailable as a witness," for purposes of the Evidence Code, to mean that the declarant is, among other things, exempted or precluded on the ground of privilege, disqualified, dead, or absent for a specified reason. This bill would supplement that definition to add the circumstance that the declarant refuses to testify, notwithstanding imposition of sanctions, and the statement is offered against the party that has engaged or acquiesced in wrongdoing that was intended to, and did, procure the unavailability of the declarant as a witness . This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 300 Nunez Public contracts: 2016 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
  Text Version:  C-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept., 
  Status:  04/10/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter No. 4 , Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law provides specified requirements in awarding certain public contracts. This bill would authorize the Governor to sign agreements required by the United States Olympic Committee as part of the bid process for Los Angeles to become the United States applicant city and candidate city for the 2016 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 321 Nava Vehicles: prima facie speed limits: schools.
  Text Version:  C-10/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  10/10/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 384, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law establishes a 25 miles per hour prima facie limit when approaching or passing a school building or the grounds thereof, contiguous to a highway and posted up to 500 feet away from the school grounds, with a standard "SCHOOL" warning sign, while children are going to or leaving the school either during school hours or during the noon recess period. The prima facie limit also applies when approaching or passing school grounds that are not separated from the highway by a fence, gate, or other physical barrier while the grounds are in use by children and the highway is posted with a standard "SCHOOL" warning sign. A violation of that prima facie limit is an infraction. This bill would additionally allow a city or county to establish in a residence district, on a highway with a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour or slower, a 15 miles per hour prima facie limit when approaching, at a distance of less than 500 feet from, or passing, a school building or the grounds thereof, contiguous to a highway and posted with a school warning sign that indicates a speed limit of 15 miles per hour, while children are going to or leaving the school, either during school hours or during the noon recess period. The prima facie limit would also apply when approaching, at that same distance, or passing school grounds that are not separated from the highway by a fence, gate, or other physical barrier while the grounds are in use by children and the highway is posted with one of those signs. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 327 Horton Residential facilities.
  Text Version:  I-02/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was HEALTH
  Existing law, the California Community Care Facilities Act, provides for the licensure and regulation, administered by the State Department of Social Services, of community care facilities. This bill would require the department, in consultation with, and with the assistance of, the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the State Department of Mental Health, and other appropriate state and local agencies, to establish and maintain a statewide computerized database that includes, among other things, all community care facilities except foster family homes and homes certified by foster family agencies, and alcoholism and drug abuse treatment and recovery facilities, including identifying services provided by existing licensed and unlicensed residential programs, as defined. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 391 Lieu Air quality: South Coast Air Quality Management District: board membership.
  Text Version:  I-02/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Manager, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was L. GOV.
  Existing law, the Lewis-Presley Air Quality Management Act, establishes the South Coast Air Quality Management District, in those portions of the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino included within the South Coast Air Basin, as the sole and exclusive local agency with the responsibility for comprehensive air pollution control within that basin. Existing law requires the south coast district to be governed by a district board consisting of 12 members, including 3 members appointed, one each, by the city selection committees of Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, one member appointed by cities in the western region of the County of Los Angeles, and one member appointed by the cities in the eastern region of the County of Los Angeles. Under existing law, the specified cities in the western and eastern regions of Los Angeles County are required to organize a city selection committee, one per region, and hold a public meeting to determine the appointment from each region. Existing law prescribes the cities, including Los Angeles, that comprise the western region of the County of Los Angeles, and provides that those cities not included in the western region are deemed to constitute the eastern region for the purpose of appointing members to the district board. This bill would increase the number of members on the south coast district board from 12 to 13 by adding one new member appointed by the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles from the members of the city council of the City of Los Angeles. The bill would add the Cities of Calabasas and Malibu to, and exclude Los Angeles from, the list of cities included in the western region of the County of Los Angeles. Because the bill would impose additional duties on cities within the south coast district, this bill would establish a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 401 Benoit Transportation infrastructure emergencies.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was TRANS.
  Existing law authorizes the Governor to proclaim a state of emergency, as defined, in an area affected or likely to be affected by the existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property caused by specified conditions, with certain actions to follow to address the emergency. Existing law authorizes the Director of Transportation, in times of extraordinary stress and disaster resulting from storms and floods, to declare the existence of an emergency, and authorizes the Department of Transportation to perform any work required or to take any remedial measures as necessary to avert, alleviate, repair, or restore damage or destruction to property, and provides for the Department of Finance to allocate available funds in that regard. This bill would authorize the Governor to declare a transportation infrastructure emergency for the purpose of relieving traffic congestion on any specific highway or segment of a highway for which the department has determined that the average daily vehicle hours of delay, excluding weekends, exceeds 3,000. Upon declaration of the emergency, the bill would provide for the Governor to direct the Department of Transportation to immediately create and implement an expedited process and establish deadlines for the construction of new highways or additional lanes on existing highways.  
AB 411 Emmerson Residential care facilities: overconcentration.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law, the California Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of residential care facilities for the elderly by the State Department of Social Services. This bill would permit a city or county to submit to the Director of Social Services additional information regarding the siting of a proposed residential care facility designed for 6 or fewer residents. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 414 Jones Local planning: residential development.
  Text Version:  V-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Vetoed by the Governor
  The Planning and Zoning Law requires each city, county, or city and county to prepare and adopt a general plan for its jurisdiction that contains certain mandatory elements, including a housing element. One part of the housing element is an assessment of housing needs and an inventory of land suitable for residential development in meeting the jurisdiction's share of the regional housing need. For purposes of this assessment, existing law specifies that "land suitable for residential development" includes, among other things, vacant sites zoned for nonresidential use that allows residential development. This bill would limit, as specified, the manner in which a jurisdiction utilizes, in identifying land suitable for residential development to meet the jurisdiction's share of the regional housing need, vacant sites zoned for nonresidential use that allows residential development and for which the applicable zoning and development standards allow substantially all of the site to be developed without residential use. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 419 Lieber Workers' compensation: public employees: leaves of absence.
  Text Version:  A-08/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Human Resources Department, 
  Status:  08/30/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Held under submission.
  Existing workers' compensation law requires employers to secure the payment of workers' compensation, including medical treatment, for injuries incurred by their employees that arise out of, or in the course of, employment. This bill would, for purposes of these provisions, require that these employees be employed on a regular, or full-time basis, but would eliminate the requirement that these employees be members of the Public Employees' Retirement System or the Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System or subject to the County Employees' Retirement Law of 1937. The bill would provide that the provisions pertaining to a leave of absence shall not apply to certain public safety personnel who are employees of the City and County of San Francisco. By increasing the duties of local officials with respect to the administration of this provision, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 532 Wolk State property: solar energy.
  Text Version:  C-10/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 598, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law requires the Department of General Services, in consultation with the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, to ensure that solar energy equipment is installed, no later than January 1, 2007, on all state buildings and state parking facilities, where feasible. This bill would require the department to ensure that solar energy equipment is installed no later than January 1, 2009, on these buildings and facilities, as well as state-owned swimming pools that are heated with fossil fuels or electricity, where feasible. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 554 Hernandez Public employees: benefits.
  Text Version:  C-10/08/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Financial Management,Human Resources Department, 
  Status:  10/08/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 318, Statutes of 2007
  The Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act permits an employer to elect to participate in the prefunding of health care coverage for annuitants. Under that law, if an employer elects to participate in the prefunding of health care coverage for annuitants, the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System determines the contribution rate for that employer. That law requires the board of administration to notify each employer that provides retirement benefits through the Public Employees' Retirement System of that employer's contribution rate, regardless of whether that employer participates in the prefunding of health care coverage. This bill would revise and recast those provisions to permit the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System to authorize an employer to participate in the prefunding of health care coverage and other postemployment benefits for annuitants. The bill would require a participating employer to contract with the board of administration regarding specified terms and conditions of the prefunding of health care coverage and other postemployment benefits. 
AB 568 Karnette Port Community Advisory Committee.
  Text Version:  A-07/02/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  07/11/2007-From L. GOV.: Failed passage.
  Existing law regulates the operations of ports and harbors. This bill would authorize a governing authority, after receiving a petition from a community organization, to establish a port community advisory committee (committee) to respond to specified actions and impacts on harbor area communities, including economic, environmental, public health, and public safety impacts. A committee would be composed of one representative from each community organization that petitions the governing authority for representation on the committee. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 573 Horton Community colleges: nursing education programs.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was HIGHER ED.
  (1) Existing law establishes the California Community Colleges, under the administration of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, as one of the segments of public postsecondary education in this state. Existing law establishes community college districts throughout the state, and authorizes these districts to provide instruction to students at community college campuses. This bill would require any community college district that offers a nursing education program to students to select the students to be enrolled in that program on the basis of its determination of which of those students possess more of the academic and other pertinent characteristics of a successful nursing student. The bill would prohibit a community college district from using a lottery system, or any other random selection method, for choosing candidates for any nursing education program that it offers. Because the bill would impose new duties on community college districts, it would constitute a state-mandated local program . This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 575 Arambula The Highway Safety Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006: emission reductions.
  Text Version:  A-05/01/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Manager,Health & Human Services Department,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, was approved by the voters as Proposition 1B at the November 7, 2006, statewide general election and authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of state general obligation bonds for specified purposes. The act requires that of the proceeds of the bonds issued and sold $1,000,000,000 be made available upon appropriation by the Legislature to the State Air Resources Board for emission reductions, not otherwise required by law or regulation, from activities related to the movement of freight along California's trade corridors. This bill would require the state board to develop guidelines meeting specified requirements for the allocation of the $1,000,000,000 in funding. The bill would, upon appropriation by the Legislature, require the state board to allocate funds on a competitive basis to projects and measures that are shown to achieve the greatest emission reductions from activities related to freight movement along California's trade corridors. The projects and measures would be required to result in emission reductions not otherwise required by law or regulation in effect as of November 8, 2006. The bill would specify that the funds only be used to implement strategies described in a required emissions reduction plan to be included in funding applications. The bill would require the state board to report annually to the appropriate fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature in writing and at scheduled legislative informational hearings on the status of the projects and measures being funded. The bill would require the costs the state board in administering the progra m to be paid in an appropriation in the annual Budget Act and would limit those costs to $15,000,000 for the duration of program funding.  
AB 579 Swanson Military base recovery areas.
  Text Version:  A-04/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/28/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was J., E.D. & E. (Refers to 4/17/2007 hearing)
  Calendar:  01/08/08 9 a.m. - Room 447 ASM JOBS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE ECONOMY
  Existing law authorizes a local governing body, as defined, to propose to the Department of Housing and Community Development a local agency military base recovery area to receive specified economic incentives to offset military base closures. The designations are binding for a period of 8 years. This bill would make the designation binding for an additional 7 years if specified conditions occur, as provided.  
AB 597 Committee on Education Career technical education: Web site pages.
  Text Version:  C-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 529, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law provides for the establishment of various programs for career technical education in the public schools, including regional occupational centers and programs. The State Department of Education has career technical education staff responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of a basic integrated statewide information system for career technical education and technical training. Existing law requires the governing board of each school district participating in a career technical education program to appoint a career technical education advisory committee to develop recommendations on the program and to provide a liaison between the district and potential employers. This bill would make the State Department of Education responsible for the creation of comprehensive, easy to access, user-friendly Web site pages with specified information about opportunities and programs available in the state on career technical education in elementary and secondary schools. The department would be required to select by July 1, 2008, and on a competitive basis, an elementary or secondary school career technical education program for pupils to develop the Web site pages as part of a career technical education course of study related to technology and Web site development. The department would be required to establish criteria and parameters for the content of the Web site pages and periodically review the work of the design process to ensure that all the criteria and legal considerations are met. These Web site pages would be required to be incorporated into the department's Web site by January 1, 2010. The department would be required to establish criteria for the posting of information and links on the Web site and provide ongoing Web site administration and maintenance. 
AB 630 Price Air emissions standards: EPA waiver.
  Text Version:  A-05/01/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Manager, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law designates air pollution control districts and air quality management districts as having the primary responsibility for the control of air pollution from all sources other than vehicular sources, subject to the powers and duties of the State Air Resources Board. The state board is authorized to adopt and implement motor vehicle emission standards, in-use performance standards, and motor vehicle fuel specifications that the state board has found to be necessary, cost effective, and technologically feasible. This bill would require, if certain requirements are met, the state board to expeditiously adopt an emissions standard or requirement proposed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District that requires a waiver or authorization under the federal Clean Air Act, and would require the state board, if necessary, to submit the standard or requirement to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for waiver or authorization. The bill would repeal these provisions on January 1, 2015. This bill contains other existing laws. 
AB 640 De La Torre Water replenishment districts.
  Text Version:  A-06/06/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Manager, 
  Status:  08/30/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Held under submission.
  The Water Replenishment District Act provides for the formation of water replenishment districts. The act grants authority to a water replenishment district relating to the replenishment, protection, and preservation of groundwater supplies within that district. The act requires the board of directors of a water replenishment district to prepare annually an engineering survey and report that includes information relating to the groundwater supplies within the district. The act requires the board to make certain determinations in connection with a decision to impose a water replenishment assessment to purchase replenishment water or to remove contaminants from the groundwater supplies of the district. The act requires the water replenishment assessment to be fixed at a uniform rate per acre-foot of groundwater produced within the district. This bill contains other existing laws. 
AB 666 Karnette Pupil instruction: home economics and career technical education.
  Text Version:  V-10/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/11/2007-Vetoed by Governor
  Existing law, to be repealed on January 1, 2008, establishes an incentive grant program for the purpose of improving, expanding, and establishing instructional programs in home economics careers and technology career technical education to improve the academic achievement and career preparation of pupils in those fields. The program is required to be implemented to the extent funds are appropriated for these purposes in the annual Budget Act. The governing board of a school district that operates a home economics careers and technology career technical education program is authorized to apply to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for an incentive grant under the program. This bill would require the Superintendent to complete and submit to the Legislature an evaluation of the incentive grant program by January 1, 2012, if funds are appropriated for that purpose, and would extend the repeal date of the program to January 1, 2013. 
AB 701 De La Torre Local agencies: legislative bodies: compensation.
  Text Version:  V-10/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Attorney, 
  Status:  10/10/2007-Vetoed by Governor
  Existing law specifies the procedures for setting the compensation of city council members and establishes a compensation schedule based on city population. This bill would raise the maximum compensation of city council members established in the compensation schedule and authorize city councils to raise the salary of council members under specified circumstances. 
AB 722 Levine Energy: general service lamp.
  Text Version:  A-06/04/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Gas & Oil Department,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was INACTIVE FILE
  The Warren-Alquist State Resources Conservation and Development Act requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to prescribe the minimum level of operating efficiency for lighting devices. This bill would require, by specified dates, general service lamps sold in the state within specified ranges of lumen output to meet a minimum energy efficiency standard of a specified lumens per watt.  
AB 724 Benoit Sober living homes.
  Text Version:  A-05/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/27/2007-In committee: Set first hearing. Failed passage. Reconsideration granted.
  Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of various community care facilities by the State Department of Social Services. Existing law also provides for the licensure and regulation by the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs of alcoholism and drug abuse recovery and treatment facilities for adults. This bill would provide that a sober living home, as defined, is exempt from licensure under these provisions. The bill also would provide that a residence housing those purporting to be recovering from drug and alcohol abuse would be presumed to be a sober living home if it has been certified, registered, or approved by a governmental or nonprofit organization that provides a credible quality assurance service for applicants or members. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 729 Mullin Recycling: e-waste.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was NAT. RES.
  The Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 requires a retailer selling a covered electronic device in this state to collect a covered electronic waste recycling fee from the consumer, as specified. The fees are deposited in the Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Account, and the California Integrated Waste Management Board and the Department of Toxic Substances Control are continuously appropriated the money in the account to make electronic waste recovery payments and recycling payments to cover the net cost of an authorized collector in operating a free and convenient system for collecting, consolidating, and transporting covered electronic wastes, and to make electronic waste recycling payments to cover an e-waste recycler's net cost of receiving, processing, and recycling covered electronic waste. This bill would require the board to adopt regulations for the proper and legal donation of covered electronic devices intended for reuse by a nonprofit organization, including, but not limited to, the development of a form that may be used by an authorized collector when a covered electronic device is transferred by a person or company for refurbishing or reuse by a nonprofit organization.  
AB 747 Levine Greenhouse gas emissions: fuel standard.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Gas & Oil Department,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/10/2007-From committee without further action pursuant to Joint Rule 62(a).
  The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases that cause global warming in order to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Under the act, the state board is required to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions levels in 1990 to be achieved by 2020, and requires the state board to adopt rules and regulations in an open public process to achieve the maximum technologically feasible and cost-effective greenhouse gas emission reductions. The state board is authorized to adopt market-based compliance mechanisms, as defined, meeting specified requirements. The act makes violations of measures adopted by the state board pursuant to the act a crime. This bill would require the state board to reduce the carbon intensity of the state's transportation fuels by at least 10% by 2020, and would require the state board to implement a low-carbon fuel standard applicable to refiners, blenders, producers, and importers of transportation fuel. Refiners, blenders, producers, and importers of transportation fuel would be allowed to meet the standard through market-based methods. Because a violation of the low-carbon fuel standard would be a crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program by creating new crime. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 784 Karnette Transportation bonds.
  Text Version:  A-04/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Proposition 1B, approved by the voters at the November 2006 general election, enacts the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, which authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes. The act provides that a portion of the bond funds shall be available, upon appropriation, to the Office of Emergency Services to be allocated, as grants, for port, harbor, and ferry terminal security improvements. This bill, with respect to those bond funds to be allocated by the Office of Emergency Services, would, notwithstanding any other provision of law, provide that applicants need not comply with competitive bidding requirements. The bill would also make findings and declarations of the Legislature.  
AB 790 Karnette State Penalty Fund: Witness Protection Program.
  Text Version:  A-04/18/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Under existing law, all fines, penalties, and forfeitures imposed by the courts for criminal offenses, other than for parking offenses, are deposited into the State Penalty Fund. Existing law specifies the disposition of the State Penalty Fund. As part of that disposition, once a month, the Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund receives 25.70% of the funds in the State Penalty Fund. This bill would reduce the amount allocated to the Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund to 21.70% and would provide that 4% of the funds in the State Penalty Fund be allocated monthly to the Department of Justice to support the California Witness Protection Program.  
AB 792 Garcia Environmentally Sustainable Affordable Housing Program.
  Text Version:  A-03/29/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/27/2007-From H. & C.D.: Read second time and amended. Re-referred to H. & C.D.
  Existing law, the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006, authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury and requires the sum of $1,500,000,000 to be deposited in the Affordable Housing Account, which the act establishes in the fund. The act continuously appropriates the money in the account in accordance with a specified schedule that requires, among other things, the transfer of the sum of $100,000,000 to the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, which the act establishes in the State Treasury, to be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development and expended for competitive grants or loans to sponsoring entities that develop, own, lend, or invest in affordable housing, and to create pilot programs to demonstrate innovative, cost-saving approaches to creating or preserving affordable housing. This bill would establish the Environmentally Sustainable Affordable Housing Program under the administration of the department, consisting of the Construction Liability Insurance Reform Pilot Program; the Green Building, Energy Efficiency, and Building Design Program; and the Affordable Housing for Teachers Program, all of which would be under the administration of the department. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 807 Hancock Workers' compensation: medical treatment.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Human Resources Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was INS.
  Existing workers' compensation law requires employers to secure the payment of workers' compensation, including medical treatment, for injuries incurred by their employees that arise out of, or in the course of, employment . Existing law provides that, for injuries occurring on and after January 1, 2004, an employee shall be entitled to no more than 24 chiropractic, 24 occupational therapy, and 24 physical therapy visits per industrial injury . This bill would specify that these limits shall not apply to chiropractic treatment, occupational therapy treatment, and physical therapy treatment prescribed as followup care after surgery when that chiropractic treatment, occupational therapy treatment, or physical therapy treatment is prescribed in accordance with evidence-based medical treatment guidelines generally recognized by the national medical community.  
AB 811 Levine Income and corporation taxes: credits: renewable energy resource.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was REV. & TAX
  The Personal Income Tax and the Corporation Tax Law authorize various credits against the taxes imposed by those laws. This bill would authorize a credit against those taxes for each taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2007, and before January 1, 2012, for the costs paid or incurred by a taxpayer for the construction of an eligible renewable resource, as defined. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 822 Levine Urban greening projects.
  Text Version:  A-04/19/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was E.S. & T.M.
  The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters at the November 7, 2006, statewide general election, authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $5,388,000,000 for the purposes of financing a safe drinking water, water quality and supply, flood control, and resource protection program. Of these bond funds, the act makes available $580,000,000 for improving the sustainability and livability of California's communities through investment in natural resources. Of those natural resources investment funds, the act requires that $90,000,000 be available for urban greening projects that reduce energy consumption, conserve water, improve air and water quality, and provide other community benefits. The act provides that appropriation of those urban greening funds may only be made upon enactment of implementing legislation. This bill would require the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, in consultation with the California Urban Forests Council, to provide state oversight for urban greening planning, including guidance, priorities, policy direction, technical assistance, evaluation of program effectiveness, and funding that supports effective urban greening . This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 830 Ma Outdoor advertising.
  Text Version:  A-05/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  07/09/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
  The Outdoor Advertising Act regulates placement of advertising signs adjacent to and within specified distances of highways that are part of the national system of interstate and defense highways and federal-aid highways. The act prohibits advertising displays from being placed or maintained on property adjacent to a section of a freeway that has been landscaped, with certain exceptions. A violation of the act is a misdemeanor. This bill would authorize the conversion of a permitted advertising display for use as a message center, subject to specified conditions.  
AB 846 Blakeslee Sales and use taxes: exemptions: Clean Marine Fuels Tax Incentive Act.
  Text Version:  A-05/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE
  The Sales and Use Tax Law imposes a tax on the gross receipts from the sale in this state of, or the storage, use, or other consumption in this state of, tangible personal property. That law provides various exemptions from that tax. This bill would exempt from those state taxes the gross receipts derived from the sale in this state of, and the storage, use, or other consumption in this state of, low-sulfur fuel products for use in a vessel's auxiliary or main engine sold to a water common carrier for use in California's territorial or internal waters, as provided. This exemption would continue until January 1, 2014, with respect to the exemption for products used in a vessel's auxiliary engine. With respect to exemption for products used in a vessel's main engine, the exemption would continue until January 1, 2014, or for 6 months following the publication of a specified finding, whichever occurs first. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 876 Davis Career technical education.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was HIGHER ED.
  Existing law requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to coordinate the development, on a cyclical basis, of model curriculum standards for a high school career technical course of study pursuant to policies developed by the State Board of Education. Existing law also requires the Superintendent to develop a career technical curriculum framework based on prescribed criteria. This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to encourage community college districts and public high schools that offer courses in career technical education to link their curricula and courses to trades needed for new public infrastructure. The bill would authorize community colleges and public high schools that offer career technical education courses to consult with appropriate industry representatives in order to provide opportunities, such as access to apprenticeship programs, to the community college students or high school pupils enrolled in these courses. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 887 De La Torre Redevelopment: eminent domain: relocation assistance.
  Text Version:  A-07/18/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/11/2007-To inactive file on motion of Senator Romero. From inactive file. To third reading. (Page 2557.)
  The Community Redevelopment Law authorizes the establishment of redevelopment agencies in communities for the purposes of addressing the effects of blight, as defined. A redevelopment agency is authorized to employ various methods for the acquisition of real property for redevelopment, including acquisition by eminent domain. This bill would require a redevelopment agency, on and after January 1, 2008, to comply with certain notification requirements prior to adopting a resolution of necessity for the purposes of acquiring property by eminent domain, and within a specified time prior to taking certain actions relating to redevelopment. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 901 Nunez Transportation: Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006.
  Text Version:  A-07/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/23/2007-In committee: Hearing postponed by committee. (Refers to 8/20/2007 hearing)
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 1B), authorizes $19.925 billion of state general obligation bonds for specified purposes. The act requires that, among other things, $3.6 billion of the proceeds from those bonds be deposited in the Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account for allocation to public transit operators and transportation planning agencies by formula. This bill would require the Department of Transportation to provide the Department of Finance and the Assembly and Senate budget committees by September 30 of each year with information describing the total amount of verified project funding needed in the budget year and the amount required by each agency seeking funding. The bill would also require the department, on a quarterly basis, to provide the Controller with instructions regarding funds to be allocated to each sponsoring entity and would require the Controller to allocate those funds accordingly. The bill would define "sponsoring entity" and "eligible project" for purposes of allocating these funds. The bill would require the California Transportation Commission to include information in its annual report to the Legislature regarding its activities relative to these funds. The bill would also impose specified auditing requirements and enact other related provisions.  
AB 911 Strickland Career technical education: regional occupational centers and programs: funding.
  Text Version:  A-05/01/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR.
  Existing law permits the governing board of any high school district, as specified, the governing board of any joint powers regional occupational center or program, or the county superintendent of schools that conducts any county-operated regional occupational center or program, to establish and maintain, in connection with any high school or regional occupational center or program under its or his or her jurisdiction, cooperative career technical education programs or community classrooms as part of a career technical education course in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. This bill would require the Superintendent, for the 2008-09 fiscal year and each fiscal year up to and including the 2014-15 fiscal year, to compute an equalization adjustment for each ROC/P, other than ROC/Ps qualifying for small school regional occupational program service funding, that has a revenue limit per uni t of average daily attendance that is below the median revenue limit for ROC/Ps for the current fiscal year computed pursuant to a specified formula. The equalization adjustment would be required to be designed to increase the revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance of a ROC/P to the level previously established as the median for ROC/P revenue limits for that fiscal year and would be required to be incorporated into the final revenue limit of a ROC/P as an addition to the revenue limit calculated pursuant to a specified formula. The final revenue limit, including the equalization adjustment, of the ROC/P in the current fiscal year would be required to be used during the next fiscal year as the revenue limit for the prior year pursuant to a specified formula. The provisions would be repealed as of January 1, 2017. This bill contains other existing laws. 
AB 922 Levine Local government: statistical districts.
  Text Version:  V-10/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/10/2007-Vetoed by Governor
  Existing law requires any state agency or department that develops and maintains data and statistics on the municipal level to make a separate breakdown of the San Fernando Valley, as specified, in the preparation and maintenance of any statistical analyses by city, and authorizes state agencies to require the City of Los Angeles to provide all necessary data. This bill would create a statistical district within the City of Los Angeles that would allow data reporting from the Wilshire Corridor Traffic Relief Planning District, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 995 Nava Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006: trade corridors.
  Text Version:  A-08/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  09/06/2007-Withdrawn from committee. Ordered placed on third reading file.
  The Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B in the November 2006 general election, establishes the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury. Existing law requires specified moneys in the fund to be deposited in the California Ports Infrastructure, Security, and Air Quality Improvement Account to be available upon appropriation by the Legislature, for certain purposes. The act requires $1,000,000,000 from the account to be made available to the State Air Resources Board for emission reductions, not otherwise required by law or regulation, from activities related to the movement of freight along California's trade corridors. The act requires $2,000,000,000 to be transferred to the Trade Corridors Improvement Fund for infrastructure improvements along designated trade corridors. This bill would provide that projects eligible for funding from the Trade Corridors Improvement Fund would receive priority if they meet specified requirements. The bill would require the California Transportation Commission to coordinate with the state board for technical assistance in evaluating project applications.  
AB 997 Arambula Infill capital outlay project and planning grants and loans.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was H. & C.D.
  The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury, requires the sum of $850,000,000 to be deposited in the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account, which the act establishes in the fund, and makes the money in the account available, upon appropriation, for infill incentive grants for capital outlay related to infill housing development and other related infill development, and for brownfield cleanup that promotes infill housing development and other related infill development consistent with regional and local plans, subject to the conditions and criteria that the Legislature may provide in statute. This bill would require the Department of Housing and Community Development to administer the account and would require specified amounts from the account to be available, upon appropriation, to fund grants to cities, counties, cities and counties, redevelopment agencies, incorporated mutual water companies, special districts, and nonprofit organizations for capital outlay projects that will serve development on land that meets a specified definition in existing law of "infill site." The bill would provide, until December 31, 2012, that the sum of $150,000,000 would be available from the account to cities with a population of 30,000 persons or less. The bill would require the department to give preference in awarding grants under these provisions based on whether the proposed capital outlay project meets any of certain, listed criteria. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 999 Hancock Career technical education: partnership academies: green technology and goods movement.
  Text Version:  A-04/25/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law provides for the establishment of partnership academies by participating school districts and establishes criteria qualifying pupils in grades 10, 11, and 12 for enrollment in the academies. Existing law establishes the parameters for the Superintendent of Public Instruction to issue a maximum of 155 grants per year to school districts maintaining high schools that meet the partnership academy eligibility requirements. This bill would establish 2 new categories of partnership academies, the Green Technology Partnership Academies and the Goods Movement Partnership Academies. Commencing with the 2008-09 school year, the State Department of Education, in coordination with the Superintendent, with funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act for all partnership academies , would be required to issue grants for the establishment of 10 partnership academies dedicated to training young people in the emerging environmentally sound technologies related to the design and construction industries, and 4 partnership academies dedicated to training young people in goods movement occupational areas, such as port and terminal operations, shipping, logistics, trucking, rail, air, and security , as space becomes available within the total number of grants available for all partnership academies . The selection of school districts to establish the new partnership academies and the planning and development of the new partnership academies would be required to be conducted pursuant to the procedures and requirements established for all partnership academies. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1006 Maze Pawnbrokers and dealers.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was B. & P.
  Existing law regulates pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, and coin dealers (a dealer), and makes a knowing violation of those provisions a misdemeanor. Existing law requires a law enforcement agency that has knowledge that property in the possession of a dealer has been reported as lost or stolen to notify the property's claimant that the law does not require or prohibit payment for the return of the item. This bill would prohibit a dealer from charging the original claimant, as defined, for returning the stolen item if the original claimant filed a report with law enforcement within a specified time period. The bill would require a law enforcement agency to return property to a dealer if the agency is unable to establish ownership within a certain time after the property is no longer required for a criminal investigation. The bill would require a person prosecuted for pledging stolen property to pay a dealer a specified amount for the property. The bill would provide that an original claimant who filed a report within the specified time period may file a civil action against a dealer for the return or the value of the property, and would require the original claimant to disclose in court whether he or she filed a claim with or received compensation from an insurance company for the property. The bill would require an original claimant who received insurance compensation for a lost or stolen item to repay the insurance company if the item was returned. The bill would make other related changes. Because a knowing violation of the bill's provisions would be a crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1013 Krekorian Unlawful detainer: nuisance abatement.
  Text Version:  C-10/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  10/11/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 456, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law establishes the criteria for determining when a tenant is guilty of unlawful detainer, including conduct involving illegally selling a controlled substance, which is deemed to constitute committing a nuisance on the premises. This bill would add the circumstance of a person who commits an offense involving unlawful possession or use of illegal weapons or ammunition or uses the premises to further that purpose, to those circumstances that are deemed to constitute a nuisance. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1033 Caballero Contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
  Text Version:  A-07/18/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  07/18/2007-From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on PUB. S.
  Under existing law, as added by Proposition 21 of the March 7, 2000, direct primary election, any person who solicits or recruits another to actively participate in a criminal street gang, as defined, with the intent that the person solicited or recruited participate in a pattern of criminal street gang activity, as defined, is guilty of a felony. Under existing law, every person who commits an act or omits the performance of any duty which causes a minor to become a dependent of the court, or any person who induces a minor to fail to conform to a lawful order, is guilty of a misdemeanor. This bill would additionally provide that any person who causes or induces a minor to become an active participant in a criminal street gang, as defined, or to commit an offense as to which a gang enhancement or alternative penalty provisions would be imposed, as specified, or any person who, by any act or omission, or by threats, commands, or persuasion, induces or endeavors to induce any minor to do either of those acts, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Because the bill would create a new crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1053 Nunez Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account: programs.
  Text Version:  C-10/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/14/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 692, Statutes of 2007.
  The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury, requires the sum of $850,000,000 to be deposited in the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account, which the act establishes in the fund, and makes the moneys in the account available, upon appropriation, for infill incentive grants for capital outlay related to infill housing development and other related infill development, and for brownfield cleanup that promotes infill housing development and other related infill development consistent with regional and local plans, subject to the conditions and criteria that the Legislature may provide in statute. This bill would add to the definition of "eligible applicant" under the grant program a city, county, city and county, public housing authority, or redevelopment agency that has jurisdiction over a qualifying infill area and applies for funding jointly with an owners' association for a business or property improvement district that includes a qualifying infill area. This bill contains other existing laws. 
AB 1066 Laird Coastal: sea level rise.
  Text Version:  A-07/03/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept., 
  Status:  08/30/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Held under submission.
  Existing law requires the Governor's Office of Planning and Research to develop and adopt guidelines for the preparation and the content of the mandatory elements required in city and county general plans. This bill would require those guidelines, relying on , but not limited to, the technical information described in (3), to include advise that cities and counties may use to address the effects of climate change and sea level rise on the California coast and bays. In developing the guidelines, the office would be required to consult with the California Coastal Commission. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1073 Nava Workers' compensation: medical treatment utilization schedule.
  Text Version:  C-10/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Human Resources Department, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 621, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law establishes a workers' compensation system to compensate an employee for injuries sustained in the course of his or her employment. Existing law requires that the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers' Compensation, on or before January 1, 2004, adopt, after public hearings, a medical treatment utilization schedule, as specified. Existing law provides that, notwithstanding the medical treatment utilization schedule or guidelines set forth in the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine's Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, for injuries occurring on and after January 1, 2004, an employee shall be entitled to no more than 24 chiropractic, 24 occupational therapy, and 24 physical therapy visits per industrial injury, but specifies that this limit shall not apply when an employer authorizes, in writing, additional visits to a health care practitioner for physical medicine services. This bill would also prohibit the limit on the number of chiropractic, occupational therapy, and physical therapy visits from applying to visits for postsurgical physical medicine and postsurgical rehabilitative services, as provided. 
AB 1075 Cook Solid waste diversion.
  Text Version:  A-03/28/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Gas & Oil Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was NAT. RES.
  (1) Existing law defines, for the purposes of the renewable energy resources program, solid waste conversion as a technology that produces no discharges of air contaminants or emissions, including greenhouse gas emissions, as well as meeting other requirements. This bill would redefine that term as a technology that produces a net reduction in the discharges of air contaminants or emissions, as well as meeting other requirements. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1091 Bass Transit-Oriented Development Implementation Program.
  Text Version:  V-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Vetoed by Governor
  The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006, authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury, requires the sum of $300,000,000 to be deposited in the Transit-Oriented Development Account, which the act establishes in the fund, and makes the money in the account available, upon appropriation, for expenditure under the Transit-Oriented Development Implementation Program, which is established under existing law under the administration of the Department of Housing and Community Development. This bill would require developments assisted under the program to be on parcels at least a portion of which are located within 1/2 mile of a transit station via a readily walkable route. This bill contains other existing laws. 
AB 1107 Arambula Goods movement: small businesses and microenterprises.
  Text Version:  A-08/28/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/30/2007-To inactive file on motion of Senator Perata.
  Existing law requires the Department of Transportation to prepare the California Transportation Plan, which contains policy, strategies, and recommendations elements. Existing law requires the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development to lead the preparation of a biennial California Economic Development Strategic Plan with various elements relative to promoting economic development. Existing law requires $2 billion of the funds made available pursuant to the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters at the November 7, 2006, statewide general election, to be allocated by the California Transportation Commission for trade corridor improvement projects in consultation with the Goods Movement Action Plan prepared by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency and the California Environmental Protection Agency. This bill would require the California Small Business Board, within the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, in support of the preparation of the California Economic Development Strategic Plan and of the California Transportation Plan, and in collaboration with the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the Department of Food and Agriculture, to perform an assessment of shipping needs and practices of small businesses and microenterprises, and to prepare a report to be submitted to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1, 2009, containing various assessments and recommendations in that regard. The bill would require updates to the California Transportation Plan to take into account these findings and recommendations. The bill would also require the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development, in leading the preparation of the California Economic Development Strategic Plan, to consider incorporating in the plan those findings and recommendations, among others.  
AB 1117 Benoit Local government: county services areas.
  Text Version:  A-09/06/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/11/2007-Withdrawn from committee. Re-referred to Com. on RLS. (Page 2612.)
  Existing law authorizes a county services area within San Bernardino County to provide open-space and habitat conservation services, as specified. This bill would extend this authorization to Riverside County. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1134 Dymally Enterprise zones: residency training programs: tax credits.
  Text Version:  A-04/18/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was REV. & TAX
  The Personal Income Tax Law and the Corporation Tax Law authorize various credits against the taxes imposed by those laws. The bill would authorize a credit against those taxes for each taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2008, in an amount equal to ____% of the qualified amount, as defined, for the support of a qualified primary care residency training program. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1150 Lieu Solid waste: transformation.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was NAT. RES.
  The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 establishes an integrated waste management program administered by the California Integrated Waste Management Board and requires each city, county, and regional agency, if any, to develop a source reduction and recycling element of an integrated waste management plan containing specified components. The first and each subsequent revision of the element is required to divert 50% of the solid waste subject to the element, on and after January 1, 2000, through source reduction, recycling, and composting activities and this 50% diversion requirement is limited to including not more than 10% through transformation. The act defines the term "transformation" as meaning incineration, pyrolysis, distillation, or biological conversion other than composting. This bill would instead define transformation as the incineration of solid waste, or the processing of solid waste through a noncumbustion thermal, chemical, or biological process. The bill would create a state-mandated local program by imposing new duties upon local agencies with regard to meeting the act's diversion requirements. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1159 Coto Insurance: California Earthquake Authority.
  Text Version:  A-09/07/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management, 
  Status:  09/11/2007-Re-referred to Com. on RLS. pursuant to Senate Rule 29.10. (Ayes 4. Noes 0.) Re-referred to Coms. on B., F. & I. and APPR. pursuant to Senate Rule 29.10. (Page 2588.) From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 15. Noes 0.) .
  Existing law authorizes the California Earthquake Authority, administered under the authority of the commissioner to transact basic residential earthquake insurance and defines "available capital," for the purpose of issuing policies. This bill would revise the definition of "available capital," as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1169 DeVore Redevelopment plans: approval.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was PRINT
  Existing law, the Community Redevelopment Law, authorizes the establishment of redevelopment agencies in communities in order to address the effects of blight, as defined, in those communities and requires those agencies to prepare, or cause to be prepared, and approve a redevelopment plan for each project area. Existing law requires a redevelopment plan to describe generally the proposed method of financing the redevelopment of the project area. This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would prohibit a legislative body from adopting a redevelopment plan that provides for the use of tax-increment financing, amending a redevelopment plan in a manner that would decrease the amount of property tax revenues received by a county, or merging redevelopment project areas unless a state agency reviews and approves of the plan, amendment, or merger.  
AB 1170 Krekorian State mandates.
  Text Version:  A-07/17/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Department, 
  Status:  08/30/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Held under submission.
  Under the California Constitution, whenever the Legislature or a state agency mandates a new program or higher level of service on any local government, including school districts, the state is required to provide a subvention of funds to reimburse the local government, with specified exceptions. Existing law establishes a procedure for local governmental agencies to file claims for reimbursement of these costs with the Commission on State Mandates. Under this procedure, the commission is required to hear and decide upon each claim for reimbursement and then determine the amount to be subvened for reimbursement, which the Controller shall pay to eligible claimants. The procedure also provides that a reimbursement claim for actual costs filed by a local agency or school district is subject to an audit by the Controller no later than 3 years after the date that the actual reimbursement claim is filed or last amended, whichever is later, but that, if no funds are appropriated or no payment is made to a claimant for the fiscal year for which the claim is filed, the audit shall be commenced no later than 3 years from the date of the initial payment of the claim. This bill would require the commission to issue a decision upon a local agency or school district test claim no later than 36 months after the date the claim is filed if the claim was filed on or after January 1, 2009, and no later than December 31, 2013. It would require the commission to include in a specified semiannual report to the Legislature a list of each test claim for which a decision was not issued within the 36-month period and an explanation of why it was not met. It also would, with respect to a reimbursement claim that is filed or last amended on or after January 1, 2009, and no later than December 31, 2013, delete the provision that authorizes the Controller to commence an audit no later than 3 years from the date of the initial payment of the claim if certain conditions exist.  
AB 1202 Richardson Port security: bond funds.
  Text Version:  A-05/02/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Proposition 1B, approved by the voters at the November 2006 general election enacted the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, which authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $100 million for allocation by the Office of Emergency Services, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for port, harbor, and ferry terminal security improvements. The act provides that eligible applicants for these funds shall be publicly owned ports, harbors, and ferryboat and ferry terminal operators. The act also requires the office to report to the Legislature on March 1 of each year on expenditures under these provisions. This bill would provide for the administration of the grant program to enhance port security by the Office of Homeland Security under the supervision of the Office of Emergency Services. This bill would require funds for grants to be appropriated over a phased 2-year period commencing with the 2007-08 Budget Act and would require the Office of Homeland Security, in consultation with the California Maritime Security Council, to develop port security grant request proposals. The bill would also require that any projects approved by the Office of Homeland Security be submitted to the Budget Committees of the Senate and Assembly for consideration and appropriation in the annual Budget Act and would require the office to also submit a list of the approved projects to the Governmental Organization Committees of the Assembly and Senate. This bill would further require the Office of Homeland Security to issue a final report to the Governor and Legislature when all grant funds have been expended.  
AB 1209 Karnette State Air Resources Board: emission reduction projects and measures.
  Text Version:  A-07/18/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/23/2007-In committee: Hearing postponed by committee. (Refers to 8/20/2007 hearing)
  Existing law creates the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 to authorize $19.925 billion of state general obligation bonds for specified purposes. The Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006 requires $3,100,000,000 of these funds to be deposited in the California Ports Infrastructure, Security, and Air Quality Improvement Account within the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006, and requires $1,000,000,000 of these funds to be made available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to the State Air Resources Board for emissions reductions, not otherwise required by law or regulation, from activities related to the movement of freight along California's trade corridors. This bill would require the state board to develop guidelines meeting specified requirements for the allocation of the $1,000,000,000 in funding. The bill would, upon appropriation by the Legislature, require the state board to allocate funds on a competitive basis to projects and measures that are shown to achieve the greatest emission reductions from activities related to freight movement along California's trade corridors. The projects and measures would be required to result in emission reductions not otherwise required by law or regulation in effect at the time the state board issues a notice of funding availability. The bill would specify that the funds only be used to implement strategies described in a required emissions reduction plan included in funding applications. The bill would require the state board to report annually to the appropriate fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature on the status of the projects and measures being funded. The bill would require the administrative costs of the state board to be paid in an appropriation in the annual Budget Act and limit those costs to $15,000,000 for the duration of program funding.  
AB 1239 Garrick Property taxation: exclusion from newly constructed: fire safety devices.
  Text Version:  A-08/28/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Fire Department, 
  Status:  08/28/2007-Set, first hearing. Testimony taken. Further hearing to be set. From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
  The California Constitution generally limits ad valorem taxes on real property to 1% of the full cash value of that property. For purposes of this limitation, "full cash value" is defined as the assessor's valuation of real property as shown on the 1975-76 tax bill under "full cash value" or, thereafter, the appraised value of that real property when purchased, newly constructed, or a change in ownership has occurred. The California Constitution authorizes the Legislature to exclude from classification as "newly constructed" the construction or installation on or after November 7, 1984, of any fire sprinkler system, other fire extinguishing system, fire detection system, or fire-related egress improvement, as defined by the Legislature. Existing property tax law implementing this exclusion provides that the exclusion only applies to the construction or installation of these items in an existing building. This bill would provide that this exclusion from "newly constructed" also applies to the construction or installation, on and after the operative date of the bill, of any fire sprinkler system, other fire extinguishing system, or fire detection system in a new building. This bill would also specify, for purposes of this exclusion, that "the construction or installation of any fire sprinkler system, other fire extinguishing system, or fire detection system" includes the construction of any fire sprinkler system, other fire extinguishing system, or fire detection system in a new building, as defined, in which the owner-builder incorporated the fire sprinkler system, other fire extinguishing system, or fire detection system in the initial construction of the building and the owner-builder does not intend to occupy or use the building. This bill would provide this exclusion to the initial purchaser of the new building, but only if the owner-builder did not receive an exclusion for the same system and the initial purchaser purchased the new building prior to that building becoming subject to reassessment to the owner-builder, as provided . In the case of a new nonresidential building, this bill would specify that "fire sprinkler system, other fire extinguishing system, or fire detection system" does not include such items that are required by the California Fire Code to be included in the new building. This bill would require the county assessor to reduce the base-year value of these buildings by the value of such items, as specified. This bill would require the State Board of Equalization, in consultation with the California Assessor's Association, to prescribe the manner and form for a taxpayer to claim this exclusion. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1252 Caballero Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Act of 2007.
  Text Version:  A-09/07/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/10/2007-Withdrawn from committee. Ordered placed on third reading file. (Ayes 24. Noes 15. Page 2541.)
  The Urban Park Act of 2006 (act) requires the Department of Parks and Recreation (department) to establish a local assistance program to offer grants, on a competitive basis, to various local entities and nonprofit organizations, as defined, for the acquisition or development, or both, of urban parks and recreational areas and facilities. Heavily urbanized counties are authorized to apply for these grants. This bill would change the name of the act to the Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Act of 2007. A city, regional park district, district, joint powers authority, or county, in addition to specified nonprofit organizations, would be authorized to apply for local assistance program grants. The term "critically underserved community" would replace the term "heavily urbanized county" for purposes of the act and would be defined to include a community with less than 3 acres of usable parkland per 1,000 residents or is a disadvantaged community, as defined, and can demonstrate to the Department of Parks and Recreation that the community has insufficient or no park and recreation facilities. The bill would revise the criteria for awarding grants, and require the department on or before April 1, 2009, to adopt guidelines to amplify or clarify the grant criteria or develop a procedural guide for the administration of the act and the guidance of applicants. The department would be required to offer technical assistance to all applicants and potential applicants for both grant preparation and project development to encourage full participation in the grant program. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1253 Caballero Water: Salinas Valley State Prison wastewater treatment plant.
  Text Version:  C-10/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  10/14/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 695, Statutes of 2007.
  Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control board prescribe waste discharge requirements for publicly owned treatment works and other dischargers in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. This bill would make legislative findings and declarations relating to the wastewater treatment situation in the City of Soledad and the Salinas Valley State Prison. The bill would authorize the Director of General Services to sell, lease, convey, or exchange at fair market value specified real property at the Salinas Valley State Prison containing the prison's wastewater treatment facility to the City of Soledad upon those terms and conditions and subject to those reservations and exceptions as the Director of General Services determines are in the best interests of the state. The bill would require that the Department of General Services be reimbursed for any costs or expenses incurred in the disposition of the specified real property. The bill would require the Director of General Services, in implementing these activities, to except and reserve to the state all mineral deposits, as defined, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the deposits. The net proceeds of any moneys received from the disposition of the property would be paid into the Deficit Recovery Bond Retirement Sinking Fund Subaccount, a continuously appropriated fund. By increasing the amount transferred into a continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1254 Caballero Property tax revenue allocations: ERAF reduction: affordable housing.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing property tax law requires the county auditor, in each fiscal year, to allocate property tax revenue to local jurisdictions in accordance with specified formulas and procedures, and generally requires that each jurisdiction be allocated an amount equal to the total of the amount of revenue allocated to that jurisdiction in the prior fiscal year, subject to certain modifications, and that jurisdiction's portion of the annual tax increment, as defined. Existing property tax law also reduces the amounts of ad valorem property tax revenue that would otherwise be annually allocated to the county, cities, and special districts pursuant to these general allocation requirements by requiring, for purposes of determining property tax revenue allocations in each county for the 1992-93 and 1993-94 fiscal years, that the amounts of property tax revenue deemed allocated in the prior fiscal year to the county, cities, and special districts be reduced in accordance with certain formulas. It requires that the revenues not allocated to the county, cities, and special districts as a result of these reductions be transferred to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) in that county for allocation to school districts, community college districts, and the county office of education. This bill would, for the 2008-09 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter to the 2014-15 fiscal year, inclusive, require the county auditor to reduce the total amount of ad valorem property tax revenue otherwise required to be allocated to the county ERAF by the countywide affordable housing amount, as defined, and to increase the amount of ad valorem property tax revenue otherwise required to be allocated to a qualified local agency, as defined, by that agency's affordable housing amount. This bill would specify that a qualified local agency's affordable housing amount is equal to the ad valorem property tax revenue lost by the agency as a result of the granting of a specified exemption from property taxes for affordable housing developments for which certificates of occupancy are issued on or after January 1, 2008, as provided. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1256 Caballero Density bonus: exemption: local inclusionary ordinance.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was L. GOV.
  The Planning and Zoning Law requires a city, county, or city and county to provide a housing developer with a density bonus and other incentives or concessions for the production of lower income housing units or the donation of land within a development when the developer proposes a housing development within the local government's jurisdiction and meets certain requirements. This law requires that an applicant for a bonus agree to continued affordability for 30 years or longer of low-and very low-income units that qualified the applicant for the award of the density bonus. This bill would exempt a city, county, or city and county from complying with the density bonus requirement, and the incentive and concession requirement, if the local government has in effect a local inclusionary ordinance, as specified, that meets certain requirements.  
AB 1261 Caballero Infrastructure financing.
  Text Version:  A-08/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  08/20/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
  Existing law permits a governmental agency to solicit proposals and enter into agreements with private entities for the design, construction, or reconstruction by, and may lease to, private entities, for specified types of fee-producing infrastructure projects. Existing law permits these agreements to provide for the lease of, or ownership of, infrastructure facilities owned by a governmental entity, but constructed by a private entity, to that private entity for a period of up to 35 years. This bill would authorize a local governmental agency, as defined, to enter into an agreement with a private entity for financing for specified types of revenue generating infrastructure projects. The bill would require an agreement entered into under these provisions to include adequate financial resources to perform the agreement, and would permit the agreements to lease, license, or provide other permitted uses by the governmental agency to extend for a term of up to 50 years, after which time the project would revert to the governmental agency.  
AB 1272 Arambula General obligation bonds: administration and oversight.
  Text Version:  A-04/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  The Bergeson-Peace Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act generally sets forth the duties and authority of the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank in administering various programs for economic development activities in the state. This bill would require the bank to establish a local assistance program to provide technical support to small and rural communities in the state in obtaining financing for local infrastructure projects, as defined, and subject to specified criteria. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1315 Ruskin Bond funds: Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act: park projects.
  Text Version:  A-04/16/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was W.,P. & W.
  The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. The act makes $850,000,000 of those bond funds available for, among other things, infill housing development and other related infill development, subject to conditions and criteria that the Legislature may provide in statute. The act also makes $200,000,000 of those bond funds available for housing-related parks grants in urban, suburban, and rural areas, subject to conditions and criteria that the Legislature may provide in statute. This bill would provide that, in implementing those provisions, priority shall be given to park projects around transportation hubs and train stations, projects connecting infill development and schools, projects mitigating traffic in school routes, and projects connecting urban areas with open-space parks and trails.  
AB 1338 Huffman Public resources: local coastal programs: nonpoint source pollution.
  Text Version:  A-08/21/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/21/2007-From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on N.R. & W.
  The California Coastal Act of 1976 establishes procedures for the preparation, approval, and certification of local coastal programs. Under the act, a local government with a certified local coastal program, among other things, assumes review and permitting authority over coastal land and resources in the coastal zone, as defined. This bill would enact the California Coastal Protection Act of 2007. Every local coastal government when preparing and adopting a local coastal program for certification by the California Coastal Commission would be required to include a nonpoint source pollution prevention element within its local coastal program. A local coastal government submitting to the commission major amendments to a certified local coastal program also would be required to submit with those amendments a nonpoint source pollution prevention element. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1340 Jones Safe and Secure Court Facility Bond Act of 2008.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was JUD.
  The Trial Court Facilities Act of 2002 establishes the State Court Facilities Construction Fund and provides that money in that fund may be used to acquire, rehabilitate, construct, or finance court facilities, as defined, and to implement trial court projects, as specified. This bill would enact the Safe and Secure Court Facility Bond Act of 2008 which, if adopted, would authorize the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of $2,000,000,000 in bonds, the proceeds of which would be deposited in the 2008 Safe and Secure Court Facility Bond Act Fund for specified purposes relating to the acquisition, design, construction, or renovation of court facilities. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1350 Nunez Transportation bond funds.
  Text Version:  A-06/01/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/23/2007-In committee: Hearing postponed by committee. (Refers to 8/20/2007 hearing)
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B in the November 2006 general election, establishes the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury. Specified moneys in the fund are required to be deposited in the Transit System Safety, Security, and Disaster Response Account to be made available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for capital projects that provide increased protection against a security and safety threat, and for capital expenditures to increase the capacity of transit operators to develop disaster response transportation systems. This bill would require these funds to be allocated to transit operators for eligible projects, as defined, based on various formulas, and would require funds to be allocated by the Office of Emergency Services in consultation with the Office of Homeland Security. An eligible applicant would be required to annually advise the Office of Emergency Services of the applicant's need for funding in the following fiscal year, and the office would submit a request to the Department of Finance and to the legislative budget committees in that regard. The bill would enact other related provisions .  
AB 1351 Levine Transportation: state-local partnerships.
  Text Version:  A-07/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/30/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Held under submission.
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B in the November 2006 general election, establishes the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury. The act authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $1 billion for the State-Local Partnership Program, to be allocated by the California Transportation Commission to eligible transportation agencies, subject to appropriation by the Legislature. Existing law requires a dollar-for-dollar match of local funds for projects funded with these bond funds. This bill would make various findings regarding transportation infrastructure and funding in California and would state the purpose of the State-Local Partnership Program. The bill would state the intent of the Legislature to appropriate $200,000,000 for the program from bond funds in each of 5 fiscal years beginning in the 2010-11 fiscal year. The bill would define local funds under the program for purposes of the required dollar-for-dollar match as revenues from any locally imposed sales tax for transportation. The bill would require the commission to allocate the program funds to certain local public entities who apply to the program for funding of eligible projects, as defined, according to certain procedures and unspecified deadlines, but subject to reallocation to other projects if the applicant fails to meet various requirements for timely use of funds. The bill would require the commission to include in its annual report to the Legislature a summary of its activities related to the program, as specified. The bill would require the commission, in conjunction with the Department of Transportation, the State Air Resources Board, the Office of Emergency Services, and any other implementing entities , to report annually to the Legislature on the status of implementing the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006.  
AB 1355 Houston State hospitals for the mentally disordered: liability for patient costs of care.
  Text Version:  A-08/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Oppose 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  08/21/2007-Re-referred to Com. on PUB. S.
  Existing law sets forth the liability of relatives for the costs of a patient in a state hospital for the mentally disordered. This bill would repeal the provisions setting forth a relative's liability for cost of a patient in a state hospital and would, instead, enact state hospital cost of care liability provisions that are similar to statutory provisions establishing a relative's liability for the costs of services for beneficiaries under the Medi-Cal program. This bill contains other existing laws. 
AB 1398 Arambula Targeted economic development areas: tax credits.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/28/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was J., E.D. & E. (Refers to 4/17/2007 hearing)
  Calendar:  01/08/08 9 a.m. - Room 447 ASM JOBS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE ECONOMY
  The Personal Income Tax Law and the Corporation Tax Law authorize various credits against the taxes imposed by those laws, including a hiring credit for qualified taxpayers who hire qualified employees, as defined, within enterprise zones, Manufacturing Enhancement Areas, targeted tax areas, and LAMBRAs, subject to specified criteria. The qualified taxpayer is required to obtain a certification from specified entities regarding the eligibility of the qualified employee. This bill would, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2008, suspend the operation of those separate provisions that authorize these credits under both of those laws and would, instead, authorize one hiring credit under those respective laws for qualified taxpayers who hire qualified employees, as defined, within a geographically targeted economic development area, as defined. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1414 Hancock Career Technical Education Revitalization Act of 2007.
  Text Version:  A-04/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law requires a school district maintaining any of grades 7 to 12, inclusive, to offer to all otherwise qualified pupils in those grades a course of study that provides an opportunity for those pupils to attain entry-level employment skills in business or industry upon graduation from high school, and encourages the district to provide all pupils with a rigorous academic curriculum that integrates academic and career skills, incorporates applied learning in all disciplines, and prepares all pupils for high school graduation and career entry. This bill would establish the Career Technical Education Revitalization Program to be administered by the department. The bill would appropriate $250 million from the General Fund to the State Department of Education in the first fiscal year after the 2007-08 fiscal year in which the minimum funding for kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, education and community colleges is calculated pursuant to Test 1 of the 3 minimum funding tests, for career technical education funding for additional credentialed career technical education teachers, innovated career technical education projects, and other career technical education programmatic support. Appropriations would be required for the same purposes in each subsequent fiscal year, as follows: $500 million would be required in the 2nd year, $750 million in the 3rd fiscal year, $1 billion in the 4th fiscal year, and an amount equal to the amount appropriated in the prior fiscal year plus inflation in the 5th fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter. Of the funds appropriated each fiscal year, 95% would be allocated by the department to school districts and county offices of education based on their individual shares of the statewide average daily attendance for grades 9 and 10, and 5% would be allocated by the department based on competitive grants for which a school district or county office of education would be permitted to apply for purposes of serving its pupils or any pupils statewide through use of the Internet. This bill contains other existing laws. 
AB 1430 Garrick Political Reform Act of 1974: contribution limitations.
  Text Version:  C-10/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Attorney, 
  Status:  10/14/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 708, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law provides that, for the purposes of contribution limits imposed by the Political Reform Act of 1974, payments for communications to an organization's members, employees, shareholders, or their family members, to support or oppose a candidate or ballot measure are not contributions or expenditures if not made for general public advertisements, such as broadcasting, billboards, or newspaper ads. However, existing law requires that payments by a political party for communications to registered party members that would otherwise qualify as contributions or expenditures be reported in accordance with provisions governing the filing of periodic campaign reports, and governing the filing of reports online or electronically with the Secretary of State. This bill would provide that certain restrictions and limitations by a local jurisdiction on payments for a member communication, as defined, would conflict with these provisions and would be prohibited. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1431 Arambula California small business financial development corporations: investment guarantee program.
  Text Version:  A-05/02/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  The California Small Business Financial Development Corporation Law authorizes the establishment of nonprofit California small business financial development corporations and establishes the California Small Business Expansion Fund, a continuously appropriated fund, in the State Treasury for the purposes of promoting the economic development of small businesses by making available capital, general management assistance, and other resources. A small business financial development corporation is authorized to guarantee, endorse, or act as surety on the bonds, notes, contracts, or other obligations of, or assist financially, any person, firm, corporation, or association, subject to certain conditions. This bill would specifically provide that a small business financial development corporation may offer loan guarantees of $7,000,000 or less for the purpose of assisting eligible small businesses in obtaining early stage private equity financing subject to certain conditions required under existing law as well as additional requirements. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1459 Levine California Coastal Act of 1976: coastal development.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was NAT. RES.
  The California Coastal Act of 1976 provides that the use of private lands suitable for visitor-serving commercial recreational facilities designed to enhance public opportunities for coastal recreation shall have priority over private residential, general industrial, or general commercial development, but not over agriculture or coastal-dependent industry. This bill would prohibit in the coastal zone a unit in an overnight visitor-serving commercial facility from being sold for individual ownership or being used for part-time private occupancy. The bill would also prohibit in the coastal zone the conversion, in whole or part, of an overnight visitor-serving commercial facility to a full-time or part-time private residential facility.  
AB 1470 Huffman Solar energy: Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007.
  Text Version:  C-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Gas & Oil Department, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 536, Statutes of 2007
  Under existing law, the Public Utilities Commission has regulatory authority over public utilities, including gas corporations. The commission is required to implement elements of the California Solar Initiative, which modifies the self-generation incentive program for distributed generation resources and provides incentives to customer-side photovoltaics and solar thermal electric projects under one megawatt. The commission is required to award monetary incentives for up to the first megawatt of alternating current generated by solar energy systems that meet the eligibility criteria established by the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (Energy Commission). The commission is required to adopt a performance-based incentive program for solar energy photovoltaic systems and is authorized to award monetary incentives for solar thermal and solar water heating devices in a total amount up to $100,800,000. This bill would establish the Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007. The bill would make findings and declarations of the Legislature relating to the promotion of solar water heating systems and other technologies that reduce natural gas demand. The bill would define several terms for purposes of the act. The bill would require the commission to evaluate the data available from a specified pilot program, and, if it makes a specified determination, to design and implement a program of incentives for the installation of 200,000 solar water heating systems in homes and businesses throughout the state by 2017. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1489 Huffman Resource bond funds: Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Act.
  Text Version:  A-08/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept., 
  Status:  08/30/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Held under submission.
  The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (initiative bond act) authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $5,388,000,000. The Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond Act of 2006 authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $4,090,000,000 for the purposes of financing a disaster preparedness and flood prevention program. This bill would declare legislative intent to establish through its enactment principles to guide the implementation of the initiative bond act. The bill would require applicants for funding for projects that assist local public agencies to meet the long-term water needs of the state to identify the manner in which the proposed project will contribute to meeting the performance standards included in the applicable integrated regional water management plan. The bill would require the Department of Water Resources to conduct a study, consistent with an existing provision of the initiative bond act, to determine the status and effectiveness of groundwater management plans and programs. The bill would define administrative costs for the purposes of the initiative bond act. The bill would require the Secretary of the Resources Agency to prepare and submit to the Legislature an annual report with regard to the expenditure of funds pursuant to the initiative bond act. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1493 Saldana Affordable Housing Innovation Fund: housing trust fund.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was H. & C.D.
  The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury and requires the sum of $1,500,000,000 to be deposited in the Affordable Housing Account, which the act establishes in the fund. The act continuously appropriates the money in the account in accordance with a specified schedule that requires, among other things, the transfer of the sum of $100,000,000 to the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, which the act establishes in the State Treasury, to be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development and expended for competitive grants or loans to sponsoring entities that develop, own, lend, or invest in affordable housing, and to create pilot programs to demonstrate innovative, cost-saving approaches to creating or preserving affordable housing. This bill would require the sum of $20,000,000 from the funds in the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund to be used for the purposes of making matching grants under the Local Housing Trust Fund Matching Grant Program to cities and counties, or a city and county, and existing charitable nonprofit organizations that have created, funded, and operated housing trust funds prior to January 1, 2003. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1496 Swanson Local government: cities and counties: civil service.
  Text Version:  A-05/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Civil Service,Human Resources Department, 
  Status:  07/11/2007-In committee: Set, first hearing. Testimony taken. Further hearing to be set.
  Existing law establishes the County Civil Service Enabling Law for the purpose of enabling any county to adopt a limited civil service system that is adaptable to its size and type. Existing law also enables the legislative body of any city to adopt a personnel system, merit system, or civil service system that is adaptable to the size and type of that city. This bill would require any city or county , except a charter city or county, or a charter city and county that provides a civil service system of employment in its charter , that adopts a civil service system or its equivalent, as specified, to provide for the classification of all employment positions. The bill would allow for the exclusion from that classification requirement, substitute and short-term employees, as defined, and apprentices or professional experts employed on a temporary basis for a specific project. Further, prior to the hiring of any short-term employee, the bill would require the legislative body of a city or county to, at a public meeting, report on the specifics of that hiring and certify the ending date of service. The bill would require any existing system to conform to the above-described requirements by March 1, 2008. The bill would exempt from these provisions the continued employment or classification of a county or city employee who is appointed or deputized as a reserve or auxiliary peace officer, as defined, or who is a volunteer or reserve firefighter in the employ of a regularly organized fire department of a county or city.  
AB 1544 Richardson Career technical education.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was ED.
  Existing law requires each school district maintaining any of grades 7 to 12, inclusive, to offer to all otherwise qualified pupils in those grades a course of study that provides an opportunity for those pupils to attain entry-level employment skills in business or industry upon graduation from high school and that meets or exceeds the specified standards for career technical education curriculum, in addition to offering to all otherwise qualified pupils in those grades a course of study fulfilling the requirements and prerequisites for admission to the California public institutions of postsecondary education. Various programs also are established to meet the need for career technical education outside the traditional school setting, including, but not limited to, regional occupational centers and programs. This bill would require the State Department of Education to establish a career and vocational counseling program consisting of electronic information sharing between high school pupils and counselors and community colleges that would include the creation of an Internet Web site that would be a clearinghouse of information regarding career technical education in the state .  
AB 1577 Richardson School districts: pupil attendance alternatives.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  07/05/2007-From committee without further action pursuant to Joint Rule 62(a).
  Existing law requires each person between 6 and 18 years of age to attend compulsory education in the school district in which the residence of either the parent or legal guardian is located, except as specified. This bill would authorize a resident of the City of Lakewood who is the parent or legal guardian of a person subject to compulsory education to enroll that person in either the school district where the residence of the parent or guardian is located, or in the Paramount Unified School District pursuant to the terms of an agreement mutually adopted by the Paramount Unified School District and the Long Beach Unified School District.  
AB 1597 Solorio Counties: sheriffs' duties: coastline, harbors, and inland waterways.
  Text Version:  A-05/29/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was PUB. S.
  Existing law requires each county in this state to have an elected sheriff. The sheriff is required to, among other things, preserve peace, as specified. The California Constitution provides that a city may make and enforce within its limits all local, police, sanitary, and other ordinances and regulations that are not in conflict with general laws. Existing law also requires the sheriff of each county to give all possible aid and assistance to vessels stranded on its coast and to the persons on board, as specified. This bill would provide that the Sheriff of the County of Orange is the sole and exclusive authority to provide security and safety for the coastlines, harbors, and inland waterways in that county. By requiring the sheriff to provide the law enforcement services for the coastlines, harbors, and inland waterways in the county regardless of the jurisdiction of the areas concerned, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1602 Nunez Environment: Sustainable Communities and Urban Greening Program.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Planning & Building Dept,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/14/2007-Referred to Com. on E.Q.
  The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006, an initiative statute adopted by the voters at the November 7, 2006, statewide general election, among other things, makes $580,000,000 in bond funds available for improving the sustainability and livability of the state's communities through investment in natural resources. The initiative requires $90,000,000 of those bond funds to be available for urban greening projects that reduce energy consumption, conserve water, improve air and water quality, and provide other community benefits, and requires implementing legislation to provide for planning grants for urban greening programs. This bill would establish in the Resources Agency, the Sustainable Communities and Urban Greening Grant Program and would provide that moneys made available by those bond funds may be expended for this program. The bill would require the Resources Agency, in consultation with the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, to develop and administer a program of grants to local public agencies and nonprofit organizations for the purpose of improving the sustainability and livability of communities through the development of green infrastructure that provides multiple benefits, including improved air and water quality, energy and water conservation, climate change mitigation, and recreational and other community benefits. The bill would specify eligible projects.  
AB 1603 Caballero Emergency services: cities.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Fire Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was HEALTH
  Existing law authorizes each county to develop an emergency medical services program and requires each county developing a program to designate a local emergency services agency for the purposes of administering and overseeing local emergency medical services in that county. Existing law also requires that an emergency medical care committee be established in each county with duties that include reviewing the operations of ambulance and other emergency medical services in the county. This bill would provide that, notwithstanding any other provision of law or any prior statement of intent to not provide ambulance transportation service, any city, district, or other local government agency that currently provides paramedic service may elect to provide ambulance transportation service within its geographic jurisdiction, provided that this service complies with guidelines established by the emergency services agency for the county in which that city, district, or other local government agency is located.  
AB 1625 Solorio Crime prevention: criminal gangs.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law creates several crime suppression programs. This bill would make legislative findings relating to gang violence and the lack of a state program that is specifically designed to coordinate multijurisdictional task forces that target gang activity. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1636 Mendoza Workers' compensation: supplemental job displacement benefits.
  Text Version:  V-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Human Resources Department, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Vetoed by Governor
  Existing law establishes a workers' compensation system, administered by the Administrative Director or the Division of Workers' Compensation, to compensate an employee for injuries sustained in the course of his or her employment. Existing law requires the payment of disability benefits to eligible individuals for injuries sustained in the course of employment that cause permanent disability, and specifies that the amount of those payments be computed in accordance with a prescribed formula. This bill would require, for injuries occurring on or after January 1, 2008, if the employee has not returned to work within 60 days of a disability becoming permanent and stationary, the provision of such a voucher to an injured employee no later than 74 days after the date the disability has been determined to be permanent and stationary. The bill would require the employer, if the percentage of permanent disability has not been determined, to provide a voucher based on the reasonable estimate of the percentage of permanent disability, as specified, and would require the employer, if the percentage of permanent disability is later determined to be higher than that estimate, to provide the additional voucher amount immediately upon determining the correct percentage of permanent disability. The bill would require an employer, if the percentage of permanent disability is later determined to be lower than the estimate, to reissue the voucher in the correct amount, and to notify the employee that any unused portion of the original voucher in excess of the appropriate amount is no longer available. The bill would also require an employer to notify the employee, in a manner prescribed by the administrative director, of an employee's determination of permanent disability consistent with those provisions, and of any delay in determining the employee's correct percentage of permanent disability benefits. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1672 Nunez California Transportation Commission.
  Text Version:  C-10/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  10/14/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 717, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B in the November 2006 general election, establishes the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury. Existing law requires specified moneys in the fund to be deposited in designated accounts and funds to be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for allocation by the California Transportation Commission for certain transportation-related purposes. This bill would require the commission to provide written notification to the chairs of the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature not less than 30 days prior to adopting changes to any guidelines for the expenditure of funds pursuant to the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality and Port Security Act of 2006. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1684 Emmerson Local government records: recordings.
  Text Version:  A-06/28/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  06/28/2007-From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on L.GOV.
  Existing law authorizes the head of a department of a county, a city or city and county, and a special district to destroy, after one year, recordings of routine video monitoring, unless the recordings are evidence in any claim filed or pending litigation, in which case the recordings shall be retained until the matter is resolved. Existing law provides that, for this purpose, routine video monitoring means videotaping by a video or electronic imaging system designed to record regular and ongoing operations of the entity of local government, including mobile in-car video systems, jail observation and monitoring systems, and building security taping systems. Existing law also requires a transit agency operated by a county, a city or city and county, or a special district, when installing new security systems, to purchase and install equipment capable of storing recorded data for at least one year, unless the transit agency, after diligent efforts, determines that the technology to store recorded data in an economically and technologically feasible manner for one year is not available and the agency has instead purchased and installed the best available technology. With respect to videotapes or recordings made by a security system operated as part of a public transit system, existing law provides an additional exemption from the one-year retention requirement if a transit agency utilizes a security system that was purchased or installed prior to January 1, 2004, and, in this case, instead authorizes retention for as long as the installed technology allows. This bill would reduce the retention requirement for recordings of routine video monitoring from one year to 210 days for each entity of local government , except that the retention period for recordings made by security systems operated as part of a public transit system, or by a security system purchased or installed prior to January 1, 2007, would be 210 days or as long as the installed technology allows, whichever is shorter, as specified . It would require each entity of local government, when installing new video monitoring security systems, to purchase and install the best available technology with respect to storage capacity that is both economically and technologically feasible at that time.  
AB 1685 Garrick Before and after school programs: grants.
  Text Version:  C-06/28/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept., 
  Status:  06/28/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 22, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law establishes the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens Program for the purpose of creating incentives for establishing locally driven after school enrichment programs that partner schools and communities to provide academic support and safe, constructive alternatives for high school pupils after the regular schoolday, and that may assist pupils in passing the high school exit examination. The participating high school after school programs are required to submit to the State Department of Education annual outcome-based data for evaluation including research-based indicators and measurable pupil outcomes, including, but not limited to, academic performance, school attendance, positive behavioral changes, and, to the extent possible, performance on the high school exit examination and graduation rates. This bill would require that certain measures of program effectiveness related to reporting of positive behavioral changes or skill development consistent with the program elements be based on reporting by schoolday teachers or after school staff who directly supervise pupils, rather than schoolday or after school teachers. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
AB 1720 Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and the E Enterprise zones: reports.
  Text Version:  I-03/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  07/16/2007-From Consent Calendar. To inactive file on motion of Senator Lowenthal.
  Existing law requires a geographically targeted economic development area (G-TEDA), to report to the Department of Housing and Community Development by October 1, 2008, and every 2 years thereafter, on progress made towards its existing goals and objectives and plans for the following 2-year period. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive corrections to this provision.  
AB 1721 Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and the E Economic development.
  Text Version:  C-10/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 631, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law provides for various programs and activities in the development of economic opportunities for businesses in the state. This bill would define the terms "economic development," "economic development corporation," "local economic development organization," and "regional economic development organization," and would make related legislative findings and declarations. This bill contains other related provisions. 
AB 1722 Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and the E California International Trade and Investment Act: Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing: duties.
  Text Version:  I-03/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/17/2007-Referred to Com. on B., P. & E.D.
  Under the California International Trade and Investment Act, the Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing is required to develop an international trade and investment policy based on specified criteria. This bill would require the secretary to submit the international trade and investment policy to specified legislative entities not later than February 1, 2008. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
ACA 2 Walters Eminent domain.
  Text Version:  A-07/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  07/10/2007-ASM. JUD. Vote - Be adopted and be re-referred to the Committee on Rules.
  The California Constitution authorizes private property to be taken or damaged for public use only when just compensation has been paid to, or into court for, the owner of the property. This measure would prohibit the taking or damaging of private property without the express written consent of the owner for purposes of economic development, increasing tax revenue, or private use, or when the same use will be maintained following the taking. The measure would require that, prior to the commencement of eminent domain proceedings, the public use for which the property is to be taken be stated in writing. The measure would provide that a property owner's acceptance of money deposited as the probable amount of just compensation does not prejudice the owner's right to challenge the amount of compensation or whether the taking is for a private use. The measure would entitle a property owner to an award of attorney's fees from the condemnor upon a court finding that the condemnor's actions were not in compliance with the measure's provisions. The measure would define "public use" for these purposes, and would permit the leasing of limited space for privately owned and operated business activity incidental to, and compatible with, the public work or improvement, subject to specified restrictions. The measure would permit private property to be taken to eliminate a specific, recurring, and ongoing threat to public safety, if certain conditions exist on each parcel to be taken, and pursuant to a certain process. The measure would provide that if property taken by eminent domain ceases to be used for the public use stated at the time of the taking, or fails to be put to that use within 10 years following the date of the taking, the former owner and heirs shall have the right to acquire the property at fair market value at the time of the reconveyance. The measure would provide that it applies to both new and pending projects that involve the exercise of the power of eminent domain, except if a resolution of necessity was adopted, as specified, prior to the effective date of the measure. The measure would except from the application of its provisions real property that is within a duly formed redevelopment project as of January 1, 2008, that has a specific connection with a military facility.  
ACA 8 De La Torre Eminent domain.
  Text Version:  A-09/06/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/11/2007-Read third time, refused adoption. (Ayes 45. Noes 31. Page 3270.) Motion to reconsider made by Assembly Member De La Torre. (Page 3271.)
  The California Constitution authorizes private property to be taken or damaged for public use only when just compensation has been paid to, or into court for, the owner of the property. This measure would require the public use for which the private property is taken to be stated in writing, prior to the commencement of eminent domain proceedings. This bill contains other existing laws. 
AJR 32 Karnette C-17 Aircraft production.
  Text Version:  C-10/02/2007  html  pdf Position:  Sponsor 
  Status:  10/02/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State. Res. Chapter 152, Statutes of 2007.
  This measure would implore the Congress and the President of the United States to more quickly make available the funding necessary to ensure the continued vitality of the C-17 Globemaster III Transport Jet production program.  
SB 2 Cedillo Local planning.
  Text Version:  C-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Oppose 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 633, Statutes of 2007
  The Planning and Zoning Law requires the housing element of the general plan of a city, county, or city and county to contain, among other things, an assessment of housing needs, including an inventory of land suitable for residential development, and a program with a 5-year schedule of actions that the local government is undertaking or intends to undertake to implement the goals and objectives of the housing element. This program is also required to identify adequate sites with zoning that permits owner-occupied and multifamily residential use by right, including the development of farmworker housing for low- and very low income households. This bill would add emergency shelters to these provisions, as specified, and would add provisions to the housing element that would require a local government to identify a zone or zones where emergency shelters are allowed as a permitted use without a conditional use or other discretionary permit. The bill would also authorize a local government to satisfy all or part of this requirement by adopting and implementing a multijurisdictional agreement, as specified, and would delete multifamily residential use from these provisions. By increasing the duties of local public officials, the bill would create a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 4 Oropeza Public resources: state beaches and parks: smoking ban.
  Text Version:  I-12/04/2006  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Police Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was N.R. & W.
  Existing law makes it an infraction for a person to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or other tobacco-related product within 25 feet of a playground or tot lot sandbox area. This bill would make it an infraction for a person to smoke, as defined, a pipe, cigar, or cigarette on a state coastal beach or in a unit of the state park system, as defined. The bill would establish a state-mandated local program by creating a new crime. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 5 Machado Flood management.
  Text Version:  C-10/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  10/10/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 364, Statutes of 2007
  The Planning and Zoning Law requires a city, county, and city and county to adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the city, county, or city and county that addresses a number of elements. The law authorizes the legislative body of a city or county to adopt zoning ordinances regulating, among other things, the use of buildings, structures, and land. The law authorizes a city or county to enter into a development agreement with a person having a legal or equitable interest in real property for the development of the property. This bill would require each city, including a charter city, and county within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley, within 24 months of the adoption of a specified flood protection plan by the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, to amend its general plan to include data and analysis contained in that flood protection plan, goals and policies for the protection of lives and property that will reduce the risk of flood damage, and related feasible implementation measures. The bill would require each city, including a charter city, and county within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley, within 36 months of the adoption of that flood protection plan but not more than 12 months after the amendment of the general plan under the bill' s provisions, to amend its zoning ordinance so that it is consistent with the general plan, as amended. By establishing requirements on cities and counties, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 6 Oropeza Land use planning: flood control.
  Text Version:  A-04/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was N.R. & W.
  (1) The Planning and Zoning Law requires the legislative body of each county and city to adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the county or city and of any land outside its boundaries that bears relation to its planning. That law requires this general plan to include several elements, including, among others, land use, open-space, safety, and conservation elements, which are required to meet specified requirements. This bill would require the land use, open-space, safety, and conservation elements of the general plan to include provisions relating to areas that are subject to flooding based on existing climate predictions regarding ocean levels. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 7 Oropeza Smoking in vehicles with minor passengers.
  Text Version:  C-10/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  City Manager,Health & Human Services Department, 
  Status:  10/10/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 425, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law makes it an infraction for a person to smoke a cigarette, cigar, or other tobacco-related product within 25 feet of a playground or tot lot sandbox area. This bill would make it an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding $100 for a person to smoke a pipe, cigar, or cigarette in a motor vehicle, whether in motion or at rest, in which there is a minor. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 9 Lowenthal Trade corridor improvement: transportation project selection.
  Text Version:  A-08/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/30/2007-Set, second hearing. Held in committee and under submission.
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of state general obligation bonds for specified purposes, including high-priority transportation corridor improvements. This bill would establish a process administered by the California Transportation Commission for allocation of these funds. The bill would designate 4 trade corridors eligible to receive funding. The bill would establish criteria for project selection based on improvement of mobility of freight and improvement of air quality, as specified, and would require a proposed project to be included in a corridor plan developed by affected agencies specified in the bill. The bill would also provide for $50,000,000 to be allocated to projects located o utside of those trade corridors that meet the selection criteria. The bill would require projects to be ready for construction by June 30, 2013. The bill would require the commission to adopt guidelines for the allocation of these funds by April 1, 2008, would require an annual report to the Legislature and Governor beginning on January 1, 2009, and would enact other related provisions. This bill contains other existing laws. 
SB 12 Lowenthal Planning and zoning: housing element: Southern California Association of Governments.
  Text Version:  C-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  04/10/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter No. 5 , Statutes of 2007.
  The Planning and Zoning Law requires a city or county general plan to include specified mandatory elements, including a housing element that identifies and analyzes existing and projected housing needs and includes a statement of goals, policies, quantified objectives, financial resources, and scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing. This bill, until January 1, 2015, would substantially revise the procedure for the Southern California Association of Governments, or delegate subregion, as applicable, to develop a final allocation plan for distributing the existing and projected regional housing need to cities and counties within the region or subregion. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 13 Wyland School facilities funding process: career technical education facilities.
  Text Version:  C-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 519, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law, the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2006, in part, authorizes the sale of $7,329,000,000 of state general obligation bonds to provide aid to school districts, county superintendents of schools, and county boards of education to construct and modernize education facilities. The Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act of 1998 (the Greene Act) requires the State Allocation Board to allocate to applicant school districts, prescribed per-unhoused-pupil state funding for construction and modernization of school facilities, including hardship funding, and authorizes the board to allocate supplemental funding for site development and acquisition. The Greene Act requires the career technical education advisory committee of a school district, in conjunction with an application of the district for funding of any construction or modernization project, and as a condition of the district receiving funds for the project, to provide written confirmation that the need for vocational and career technical education facilities is being adequately met within the district, as specified. The Greene Act prohibits the board from apportioning funds to a school district unless the applicant school district has certified that the services for design professionals working on the project have been obtained through a specified competitive bidding process and has obtained written approval from the State Department of Education that the site selection, and the building plans and specifications, comply with the standards adopted by the department. This bill would require the State Department of Education to include in its application for new construction plan approval certain questions relating to career technical education facilities, including whether the project will include facilities related to career technical education and if not, how the applicant district plans to meet the needs of pupils related to career technical education. The department would be required to maintain the answers to those questions in a publicly accessible manner and to provide a summary of the responses to those questions to the Office of Public School Construction on a quarterly basis. The Office of Public School Construction would be required to post the summary to its Web site as soon as possible after receiving it. 
SB 19 Lowenthal Trade corridors: projects to reduce emissions: Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program.
  Text Version:  A-07/17/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  07/17/2007-From committee with author's amendments. Read second time. Amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
  Existing law requires that of the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, a specified amount of those deposited in the California Ports Infrastructure, Security, and Air Quality Improvement Account in the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006, be made available, upon appropriation by the Legislature and subject to the conditions and criteria contained in a statute enacted by the Legislature, to the State Air Resources Board for certain emission reductions from activities related to the movement of freight along California's trade corridors. This bill would require the state board to implement the Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program. The bill would create eligibility requirements for funding pursuant to this program. The state board would be required to adopt guidelines and funding criteria for the program consistent with certain requirements. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 46 Perata Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006: Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account.
  Text Version:  A-07/16/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management,Health & Human Services Department,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  07/16/2007-Read second time. Amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
  The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury, requires the sum of $850,000,000 to be deposited in the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account, which the act establishes in the fund, and makes the money in the account available, upon appropriation, for infill incentive grants for capital outlay related to infill housing development and other related infill development, and for brownfield cleanup that promotes infill housing development and other related infill development consistent with regional and local plans, subject to the conditions and criteria that the Legislature may provide in statute. This bill would establish the Infill Incentive Grant Program of 2007, to require the Department of Housing and Community Development, upon appropriation by the Legislature of the funds in the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account for certain purposes, to establish and administer a competitive grant program to allocate those funds to selected qualifying infill projects, as defined, for capital outlay related to infill housing development and related infill infrastructure needs. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 47 Perata Transportation bonds.
  Text Version:  I-12/22/2006  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was RLS.
  Proposition 1B, approved by the voters at the November, 2006, general election enacts the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, which authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $1 billion for the State-Local Partnership Program, to be allocated by the California Transportation Commission to eligible transportation projects nominated by transportation agencies, subject to appropriation by the Legislature. Existing law requires a dollar for dollar match of local funds for projects funded with these bond funds. This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact provisions governing project eligibility, matching fund requirements, and the application process relative to allocation of bond proceeds to the State-Local Partnership Program.  
SB 77 Ducheny Budget Act of 2007.
  Text Version:  C-08/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management, 
  Status:  08/24/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 171, Statutes of 2007.
  This bill would make appropriations for support of state government for the 2007-08 fiscal year. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 82 Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review Administration of Justice.
  Text Version:  C-08/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  08/24/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 176, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law designates the Judicial Council as the entity having full responsibility, jurisdiction, control, and authority over trial court facilities for which title is held by the state, including the acquisition and development of facilities. The bill would make a statement of legislative findings. This bill would require the Judicial Council, for court facility proposals, to develop performance expectations that meet specified criteria. The bill would require the Director of Finance, in reviewing a court facility proposal that includes a public-private partnership component, to consider any terms that could create long-term funding commitments and how those terms may be structured to minimize risk to the state's credit ratings. The bill would require the Judicial Council, following the approval of the Director of Finance, to notify the Joint Legislative Budget Committee of the performance expectations and benchmark criteria for the proposal at least 30 days prior to the release of initial solicitation documents for a court facility project. The bill would provide that the Judicial Council may proceed with the solicitation 30 days after giving that notice, if the Joint Legislative Budget Committee does not express opposition or concerns. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 86 Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review State government.
  Text Version:  C-08/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management,Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  08/24/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 179, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law, the Unclaimed Property Law, governs the disposition of unclaimed property, including the escheat of certain property to the state. Those provisions require a person holding funds or other property escheated to the state to report to the Controller certain information regarding the property and the owner, and set forth procedures whereby a person may file a claim to the property or to the net proceeds from its sale. Those provisions also specify the procedures for transferring the property from the holder of the property to the state and for administering the property. This bill would modify the procedures governing the disposition of unclaimed property. The bill would provide that, within 165 days after the final date for filing the report described above, the Controller shall mail a notice, as specified, to each person having an address listed in the report who appears to be entitled to property of the value of $50 or more escheated under these provisions. It would require the Controller to establish and conduct a notification program designed to inform owners about the possible existence of unclaimed property received pursuant to these provisions. The bill would make specified changes regarding the duties of a holder of property that has escheated and the duties of the Controller after receiving the property, including a requirement that the Controller retain the property for 18 months from specified dates. The bill would make other related changes. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 88 Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006: implementation.
  Text Version:  C-08/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/24/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 181, Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B at the November 7, 2006, general election, authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for specified purposes, including reducing emissions and improving air quality in trade corridors, State Route 99 corridor enhancements, port security projects, schoolbus retrofit and replacement purposes, state transportation improvement program augmentation, public transit and passenger rail improvements, transit security projects, local bridge seismic retrofit projects, highway-railroad grade separation and crossing improvement projects, state highway safety and rehabilitation projects, and local street and road improvement, congestion relief, and traffic safety projects. Existing law specifies the responsibilities of various agencies with regard to implementing the bond act. Existing law also establishes various programs for the reduction of vehicular air pollution, including the Lower-Emission School Bus Program adopted by the State Air Resources Board. This bill would designate administrative agencies for each of the programs funded by the bond act, which would be the California Transportation Commission, the State Air Resources Board, the Controller, the Office of Homeland Security, the Office of Emergency Services, or the Department of Transportation, as specified. The bill would impose various requirements on these agencies relative to adopting program guidelines, making of allocations of bond funds, and reporting on projects funded by the bond funds. The bill would enact other related provisions. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 103 Cedillo Economic development subsidies: review by local agencies.
  Text Version:  V-10/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/05/2007-Vetoed by Governor
  Existing law provides for various programs for economic development activities by state and local agencies. This bill would, beginning January 1, 2008, require each local agency to provide specified information to the public before approving an economic development subsidy, as defined, within its jurisdiction, and to review, hold hearings, and report on those subsidies at specified intervals. 
SB 113 Calderon Elections: presidential primary elections.
  Text Version:  C-03/15/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Clerk, 
  Status:  03/15/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter No. 2, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law specifies that the presidential primary election be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June in any year evenly divisible by the number 4. Existing law also specifies that the statewide direct primary election be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of each even-numbered year, and be consolidated with the presidential primary election in any year in which the statewide direct primary election is in a year evenly divisible by the number 4. This bill would require that the presidential primary election be held on the first Tuesday in February in any year evenly divisible by the number 4. By increasing the duties on county elections officials due to the presidential primary election in February, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 145 Corbett Court facilities.
  Text Version:  A-08/31/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/12/2007-In Senate. To unfinished business.
  Existing law requires the Judicial Council, in consultation with the superior court of each county and the county, to enter into agreements concerning the transfer of responsibility for court facilities from that county to the Judicial Council. Transfer of responsibility may occur not earlier than July 1, 2004, and not later than June 30, 2007. Existing law requires counties to remit to the state, for deposit in the Court Facilities Trust Fund, county facilities payments composed of the costs of various items related to court facility operation and maintenance. This bill would extend the deadline for the transfer of responsibility for court facilities to December 31, 2008. The bill would require that any transfer agreement that is executed on or after January 1, 2008, and on or before June 30, 2008, contain a requirement that the county pay an additional amount annually, to be calculated pursuant to a specified method. The bill would provide that the county is not required to make the additional payment if the county , before January 1, 2008, has submitted a proposed county facilities payment in connection with court facilities. The bill would further require that any transfer agreement that is executed on and after July 1, 2008, contain a requirement that the county facilities payment be calculated pursuant to the greater of 2 specified methods. The bill would make related, conforming changes. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 156 Simitian California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2008.
  Text Version:  A-05/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Library,Financial Management, 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law establishes the California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 1988 and the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2000. Existing law authorizes the issuance of bonds, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, in the amount of $75,000,000 in the 1988 act and in the amount of $350,000,000 in the 2000 act, for the purpose of financing library construction and renovation. This bill would enact the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2008, for submission to the voters at the 2008 statewide general election. The bill, if approved by the voters, would authorize the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount not to exceed a total of $4,000,000,000 for the purpose of financing library construction and renovation pursuant to a program administered by the State Librarian.  
SB 167 Negrete McLeod General plans: planning grants and incentives.
  Text Version:  A-06/04/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was APPR.
  The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 allocates $580,000,000 for revitalizing communities and making them more sustainable and livable by investing in sound land use planning, local parks, and urban greening, and specifically authorizes $90,000,000 for planning grants and incentives, as specified, to encourage, among other things, the development of specified regional and local land use plans. The act also requires that these funds be made available upon appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the Governor's to administer multiple programs, as specified, to award (1) grants and loans to cities and counties to prepare and adopt general plans, including, among other things, a preference for a grant or loan if one or more criteria are met, (2) loans to cities and counties to prepare and adopt programs to implement city and county general plans, including specific plans, habitat conservation plans, zoning ordinances, and design standards, (3) grants to counties and the cities, if any, in those counties to prepare collaborative strategic growth plans, subject to specified criteria, and (4) grants and loans to local agency formation commissions to prepare and adopt municipal service reviews and spheres of influence. The bill would also provide that the funding for the programs under (1), (2), and (4) includes the costs of complying with the California Environmental Quality Act. The bill would require the office to prepare and adopt regulations for this purpose that meet specified criteria and would require the office to cooperate with the Secretary of the Resources Agency in any independent audits of expenditures pursuant to these provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 207 Padilla Parks and recreation: Outdoor Environmental Education and Recreation Program.
  Text Version:  A-04/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept., 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law establishes the Office of Education and Environment in the Integrated Waste Management Board for the purpose of implementing a statewide environmental education program. This bill would establish the Outdoor Environmental Education and Recreation Program, to be administered by the Director of Parks and Recreation (director), for the purpose of increasing the ability of underserved and at-risk populations to participate in outdoor recreation and educational experiences by awarding grants to education programs that are available to the public and are operated by public entities or no nprofit organizations . The bill would create the Outdoor Environmental Education and Recreation Fund in the State Treasury that, upon appropriation by the Legislature, would be used for awarding grants pursuant to the program. The bill would authorize the director to accept for, and require the director to deposit in, the fund voluntary private donations made for support of the program. The bill would express the Legislature's intent that the fund be capitalized with moneys from the General Fund and donations. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 262 Runner Transportation : trade corridors improvement.
  Text Version:  I-02/14/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was T. & H.
  Proposition 1B, approved by the voters at the November, 2006, general election enacts the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, which authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $2 billion to be deposited in the Trade Corridors Infrastructure Fund in the California Ports Infrastructure, Security, and Air Quality Improvement Account to be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for allocation by the California Transportation Commission to highway system and freight rail system improvements along federally designated trade corridors of national significance. This bill would require the commission, when allocating these funds to projects, to consider the impact of a project on goods movement and port operations in the Southern California region and the potential of a project to benefit the inland port concept in order to relieve congestion at and in the vicinity of the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach.  
SB 266 Steinberg Motor vehicle speed contest: forfeiture.
  Text Version:  A-05/01/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was APPR.
  Existing law allows a peace officer to arrest and take into custody a person that a peace officer determines was engaged in a motor vehicle speed contest and permits the peace officer to cause the removal and seizure of the motor vehicle used in the contest, in accordance with specified statutory procedures. A vehicle impounded under these provisions is required to be impounded for not more than 30 days, with specified exceptions. Existing law permits the release of the motor vehicle prior to the end of the impoundment period in specified circumstances. The registered owner or his or her agent is responsible for, among other things, all towing and storage charges related to the impoundment and any authorized administrative charges, except under specified circumstances. This bill would extend those provisions to persons engaged in reckless driving on a highway, reckless driving in an offstreet parking facility, or an exhibition of speed on a highway. It would require the impounding agency to release the vehicle to the registered owner prior to the conclusion of the impoundment period if the registered owner was neither the driver nor a passenger in the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation, or was unaware that the vehicle was being used to engage in the prohibited activities.  
SB 271 Cedillo Criminal street gangs: injunctions.
  Text Version:  C-07/06/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  07/06/2007-Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter No. 34 , Statutes of 2007.
  Existing law allows the Attorney General to maintain an action for money damages on behalf of a community injured as a result of a nuisance created by gang activity, as specified. This bill would, in addition, allow any district attorney or any prosecuting city attorney to maintain the action for money damages, as specified. 
SB 286 Lowenthal Transportation bonds: implementation.
  Text Version:  A-07/16/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/22/2007-Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
  Proposition 1B, approved by the voters at the November 2006, general election, enacts the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, which authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $2 billion to be allocated by the Controller to cities and counties, by formula, for local street and road purposes, subject to appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would require the first payments of bond funds for local street and road purposes to be allocated by the Controller no later than January 1, 2008. The bill would require the Controller to use the population figures from the Department of Finance as of January 1, 2007, in making allocations to cities. The bill would require an applicant for these funds to submit a list of projects expected to be funded with bond funds to the Department of Finance, as specified, and to report various information to the Department of Finance. The bill would require funds to be encumbered within 3 fiscal years from the date of allocation, and would require unencumbered funds to be returned to the Controller for reallocation. The bill would make other related changes. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 292 Wiggins State bond funds: allocation.
  Text Version:  A-04/30/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (bond act) authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $5,388,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to fund various public resources projects. Among other things, the bond act makes available the sum of $90,000,000 for urban greening projects that reduce energy consumption, conserve water, improve air and water quality, and provide other community benefits. The bond act requires implementing legislation to provide for planning grants for urban greening programs. Not less than $20,000,000 of the $90,000,000 is required to be available for urban forestry projects pursuant to the California Urban Forestry Act of 1978. This bill would require the Secretary for Environmental Protection and the Secretary of the Resources Agency to develop a planning grant program for local and regional agencies to develop urban greening plans. The bill would require the planning grant program to comply with the requirements of the bond act pertaining to urban greening projects. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 303 Ducheny Local government: land use planning.
  Text Version:  A-06/25/2007  html  pdf Position:  Oppose 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  07/03/2007-Set, first hearing. Held under submission.
  The Planning and Zoning Law requires a city, county, or city and county to adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the city, county, or city and county that addresses a number of elements, including, among other things, a housing and an open-space element. Existing law provides that the general plan may be adopted as a single document or as a group of documents relating to subjects or geographic segments of the planning area. This bill would require the general plan, and each of its elements to encompass a planning and projection period of at least 20 years, except for the housing element , and would require each element, except for the housing , conservati on, and open-space elements, to be updated at least every 10 years. The bill would require the housing element to be updated as specified, and would require the conservation element and the open-space element to be updated concurrently with the housing element. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 307 Dutton Goods movement.
  Text Version:  I-02/16/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was RLS.
  The Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $2 billion to be deposited in the Trade Corridors Infrastructure Fund in the California Ports Infrastructure, Security, and Air Quality Improvement Account to be available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for allocation by the California Transportation Commission to highway system and freight rail system improvements along federally designated trade corridors of national significance. In determining projects eligible for funding, the commission is required to consult the Goods Movement Action Plan prepared by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency and the California Environmental Protection Agency. This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to incorporate the Southern California National Freight Gateway Strategy into the Goods Movement Action Plan.  
SB 314 Wyland Career technical education: advisory committee.
  Text Version:  A-07/17/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Status:  08/22/2007-Set, first hearing. Referred to APPR. suspense file.
  Existing law requires the governing board of each school district participating in a career technical education program to appoint a career technical education advisory committee to develop recommendations on the program and to provide a liaison between the district and potential employers. The committee is required to consist of one or more representatives of the general public knowledgeable about the disadvantaged, students, teachers, business, industry, school administration, and the field office of the Employment Development Department. The committee is required to be in place in order for a comprehensive high school or joint power authority to be eligible for specified career technical education facilities funding pursuant to the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2006. This bill would delete the requirement that the members of the committee who are representatives of the general public be knowledgeable about business and industry in addition to other specified subjects and, instead, would require the governing board of a school district to appoint the representatives of career technical education industry sectors from lists of recommended individuals that local industry organizations would be authorized to provide for their respective industry sectors . The committee would be composed of one or more school district-appointed members of the general public who meet the revised requirements, as well as one or more industry-recommended and district-appointed industry sector representatives of each of 5 industry sectors selected by the governing board of the district based on the needs of that district. The bill would provide that if a school district demonstrates that it is unable to find representatives from the specified list of industry sectors, that school district is authorized to appoint potential employer liaisons from other industry sectors. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 341 Lowenthal Enterprise zones: environmental impact reports.
  Text Version:  C-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Economic Development, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 643, Statutes of 2007
  The Enterprise Zone Act requires the lead agency filing a preliminary application for designation of an area under its jurisdiction as an enterprise zone, to provide an initial study and a notice of preparation to the Department of Housing and Community Development, the state clearinghouse, and all responsible agencies. Only an entity chosen by the department as a final applicant for designation is required to prepare or cause to be prepared, a draft environmental impact report, subject to specified criteria. Prior to final designation, the applicant is required to complete and certify a final impact report, and no further environmental impact report is required if specified conditions are met. This bill would instead require the submission of a notice of preparation and a draft environmental impact report if an environmental impact report is to be prepared. It would require the submission by an applicant lead agency chosen as a final applicant of a draft environmental impact report, negative declaration, or mitigated negative declaration, as required by specified provisions of law, and would delete the exceptions to the requirement of further environmental impact reports for preliminary applications filed on and after October 1, 2007. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 372 Steinberg High-speed rail: educational and vocational training programs.
  Text Version:  A-05/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law creates the High-Speed Rail Authority with various duties and responsibilities relative to the planning and construction of a high-speed train system between Northern and Southern California. Existing law, pursuant to Chapter 44 of the Statutes of 2006, places a $9.95 billion general obligation bond measure on the November 4, 2008, general election ballot for the purposes of funding construction of a high-speed train system and for other related purposes. This bill would require the Superintendent, in cooperation with the High-Speed Rail Authority, to develop an inventory of future educational and vocational training programs that are necessary for the high-speed train project. The Superintendent would be required, in cooperation with the High-Speed Rail Authorityand the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, to develop courses of study and vocational and technical training necessary to meet the demand for new skills and training associated with the implementation and operation of the high-speed train project. The Superintendent also would be required to report to the Legislature, no later than one year after the date of the election in which the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act is approved by the voters , on the inventory of vocational and technical training programs required for the high-speed train and any related recommendations. These requirements would become operative on the date of the election in which the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act is approved by the voters . This bill contains other existing laws. 
SB 375 Steinberg Transportation planning: travel demand models: sustainable communities strategy: environmental review.
  Text Version:  A-09/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Oppose 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  09/12/2007-From committee with author's amendments. Read second time. Amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR. (Corrected October 18.)
  Existing law requires certain transportation planning activities by the Department of Transportation and by designated regional transportation planning agencies, including development of a regional transportation plan. Existing law authorizes the California Transportation Commission, in cooperation with the regional agencies, to prescribe study areas for analysis and evaluation. This bill would require the commission, by July 1, 2008, to adopt guidelines for travel demand models used in the development of regional transportation plans by certain transportation planning entities. The bill would require the Department of Transportation to assist the commission, on request, in this regard, and would impose other related requirements. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 376 Migden Unfair competition: actions by city attorneys.
  Text Version:  C-06/28/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Attorney, 
  Status:  06/28/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 17, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law authorizes specified governmental agencies to bring an action for unfair competition and to recover a civil penalty from the defendant in those actions. Under existing law, a city attorney for a city or city and county with a population in excess of 750,000 or for a city and county if the district attorney has consented may bring an unfair competition action and recover a civil penalty. This bill would instead allow an unfair competition action to be brought and allow recovery of a civil penalty by a city attorney for any city and county. 
SB 412 Simitian State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission: natural gas.
  Text Version:  A-08/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Gas & Oil Department, 
  Status:  08/30/2007-Set, second hearing. Held in committee and under submission.
  The Warren-Alquist State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Act (act) establishes the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (Energy Commission) and requires the commission to prepare a biennial integrated energy policy report containing specified information related to major energy trends and issues facing the state, as well as a biennial energy policy review. The act requires the commission to certify sufficient sites and related facilities that are required to provide a supply of electricity sufficient to accommodate projected demand for power statewide. This bill would enact the Liquefied Natural Gas Market Assessment Act and would require the Energy Commission, in consultation with affected state agencies, including, but not limited to, the Public Utilities Commission, the State Air Resources Board, the State Lands Commission, the Department of Water Resources, and the California Coastal Commission, to adopt and submit to the Legislature and the Governor, on or before July 1, 2008, the Liquefied Natural Gas Market Assessment Report of 2008 that would be incorporated into the integrated energy policy of 2007 and would contain specified information. The Energy Commission would be required to prepare a draft report, on or before April 1, 2008, to solicit public comments in the preparation of the report, and to hold 2 public hearings, one in Los Angeles and the other in the San Francisco Bay area , to consider the results of the liquefied natural gas needs assessment study and to provide an opportunity for public comment. The Energy Commission would be required to include a Liquefied Natural Gas Market Assessment Report in every integrated energy policy report adopted after January 1, 2009. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 432 Lowenthal Streets and highways: description and traffic control.
  Text Version:  A-07/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  09/10/2007-Placed on inactive file on request of Assembly Member Bass.
  Existing law provides that the Department of Transportation has full possession and control of all state highways. Existing law describes the authorized routes in the state highway system and establishes a process for adoption of a highway on an authorized route by the California Transportation Commission. Existing law authorizes the commission to relinquish certain state highway segments to local agencies. This bill would revise certain state highway route descriptions to reflect relinquishments to various cities that have been completed. The bill would also describe Route 275 and would make technical corrections to the descriptions of other state highway routes. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 450 Oropeza Alcoholic beverages: licensees: local government review: signs.
  Text Version:  I-02/21/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was G.O.
  Existing law requires the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to notify the appropriate sheriff, chief of police, district attorney, city or county planning agency, and legislative body of an application for the issuance or transfer of a liquor license, and prohibits the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control from issuing or transferring a license until at least 30 days after these notices are provided. Existing law authorizes the department to extend that 30-day period for a period not to exceed an additional 20 days if a proper written request is made by any local law enforcement agency. This bill would authorize the department to extend the 30-day period for a period not to exceed an additional 20 days if a proper written request is made by any entity or official receiving the required notification. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 465 Lowenthal Housing: grant and loan programs.
  Text Version:  A-09/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/11/2007-From committee: Do pass as amended. (Ayes 4. Noes 2.) Read second time. Amended. To third reading.
  (1) The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury, requires the sum of $850,000,000 to be deposited in the Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account, which the act establishes in the fund, and makes the money in the account available, upon appropriation, for infill incentive grants for capital outlay related to infill housing development and other related infill development, and for brownfield cleanup that promotes infill housing development and other related infill development consistent with regional and local plans, subject to the conditions and criteria that the Legislature may provide in statute. This bill would add to the definition of "eligible applicant" under the grant program an owners' association for a business or property improvement district that includes the qualifying infill area , jointly with a city, county, city and county, public housing authority, or redevelopment agency . This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 531 Oropeza Emissions.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was RLS.
  Existing law imposes various limitations on emissions of air contaminants for the control of air pollution from vehicular and nonvehicular sources, and generally designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency with the primary responsibility for the control of air pollution. This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to reform the regulation of emissions of toxic air pollutants.  
SB 545 Cox Affordable Housing Innovation Fund.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was T. & H.
  The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury and requires the sum of $1,500,000,000 to be deposited in the Affordable Housing Account, which the act establishes in the fund. The act continuously appropriates the money in the account in accordance with a specified schedule that requires, among other things, the transfer of the sum of $100,000,000 to the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, which the act establishes in the State Treasury, to be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development and expended for competitive grants or loans to sponsoring entities that develop, own, lend, or invest in affordable housing, and to create pilot programs to demonstrate innovative, cost-saving approaches to creating or preserving affordable housing. This bill would authorize the Legislature, in awarding funds from the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, to review and adopt policies that alleviate identified obstacles associated with the construction of workforce housing in communities residing within the jurisdiction of a bistate compact.  
SB 546 Ducheny Department of Housing and Community Development: bond fund expenditures: report.
  Text Version:  A-06/25/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/04/2007-Placed on inactive file on request of Assembly Member Bass.
  The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002 authorizes, for purposes of financing various existing housing and code enforcement programs, and additional specified programs subject to the enactment of enabling legislation, the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,100,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. This bill would require the specified report to include certain information relating to the programs funded under the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002 and the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006. This bill contains other existing laws. 
SB 586 Dutton Affordable Housing Innovation Fund: Affordable Housing Revolving Development and Acquisition Program.
  Text Version:  C-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 652, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law, the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006, authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,850,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law. Proceeds from the sale of these bonds are required to be used to finance various existing housing programs, capital outlay related to infill development, brownfield cleanup that promotes infill development, and housing-related parks. The act establishes the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury and requires the sum of $1,500,000,000 to be deposited in the Affordable Housing Account, which the act establishes in the fund. The act continuously appropriates the money in the account in accordance with a specified schedule that requires, among other things, the transfer of the sum of $100,000,000 to the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, which the act establishes in the State Treasury, to be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development and expended for competitive grants or loans to sponsoring entities that develop, own, lend, or invest in affordable housing, and to create pilot programs to demonstrate innovative, cost-saving approaches to creating or preserving affordable housing. This bill would establish the Affordable Housing Revolving Development and Acquisition Program under the administration of the department. The bill would authorize applicants under the program to apply for loans to purchase real property for the development or preservation of housing affordable to low-income households and would require applicants to demonstrate certain qualification factors. The bill would require the department to adopt guidelines and regulations establishing the minimum criteria required of the fund manager and applicants, as well as a point system for prioritizing requests in the event that requests exceed the funds available for the program in any given year. The guidelines and regulations would give priority to applicants who can demonstrate specified criteria. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 597 Oropeza Aerospace business.
  Text Version:  I-02/22/2007  html  pdf Position:  Sponsor 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was RLS.
  Existing law, the Military and Aerospace Support Act, until January 1, 2009, establishes the Office of Military and Aerospace Support in the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency. Existing law requires that office to, among other things, provide a specified network designed to increase aerospace enterprise in California. This bill would declare the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to support the attraction of new aerospace business to the state.  
SB 619 Migden Public contracts: retention proceeds.
  Text Version:  A-03/29/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management, 
  Status:  09/11/2007-Placed on inactive file on request of Assembly Member Bass.
  Existing law authorizes the Department of General Services, or any other department with authority to enter into contracts, to contract with suppliers for goods and services. Existing law provides that in a contract between the original contractor and a subcontractor, and in a contract between a subcontractor and any subcontractor thereunder, the percentage of retention proceeds withheld cannot exceed the percentage specified in the contract between the public entity and the original contractor. This bill would instead require that retention proceeds not exceed 5% of the payment, as specified, for all contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2008, between a public entity, as defined, and an original contractor, between an original contractor and a subcontractor, and between all subcontractors thereunder. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 669 Torlakson Continuous regional recreation corridors.
  Text Version:  V-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept., 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Vetoed by the Governor
  Existing law requires the Delta Protection Commission to adopt a plan and implementation program for a continuous regional recreation corridor around the delta, including bicycle and hiking trails and a finance and maintenance plan. This bill would additionally require the plan to promote water conservation, encourage greater infill and compact development, protect natural resources and agricultural lands, and revitalize urban and community centers, consistent with a delta resource management plan adopted by the commission. 
SB 690 Calderon Criminal history.
  Text Version:  C-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Prosecutor,Police Department, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 560, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law requires the Department of Justice to maintain specified criminal history information, and requires the Attorney General to supply that information to specified law enforcement and other entities, as prescribed. This bill would additionally require the Attorney General to provide criminal history information to city attorneys pursuing civil gang injunctions or drug abatement actions, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 698 Torlakson Eminent domain.
  Text Version:  C-10/10/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/10/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 436, Statutes of 2007
  The California Constitution authorizes governmental entities to take or damage private property for public use only when just compensation, ascertained by a jury unless waived, has first been paid to, or into court for, the owner. The bill would provide that, if the defendant opposes the motion to take possession of the property prior to judgment, and if the written opposition asserts a hardship, it shall be supported by a declaration signed under penalty of perjury stating facts supporting the hardship. The bill would also require a public entity exercising the power of eminent domain, at the time it makes the offer to acquire the property, as described above, to provide the property owner an informational pamphlet outlining the process of eminent domain and the property owner's rights under the Eminent Domain Law. This bill contains other existing laws. 
SB 708 Dutton Group homes.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was HUM. S.
  Existing law deems a state-authorized, certified, or licensed family care home, foster home, or group home serving 6 or fewer mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped persons or dependent and neglected children to be a residential use of property if these homes provide 24-hour care. Existing law requires these homes to be a permitted use in all residential zones. This bill would provide that no group home serving 6 or fewer mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped persons or dependent and neglected children may be licensed as such unless the city in which the group home is located issues a conditional use permit to the owner of the group home.  
SB 709 Dutton Residential care facilities.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law, the California Community Care Facilities Act, permits a city and county to request the State Department of Social Services to deny a residential care facility license on the basis of overconcentration of residential care facilities. This bill would permit a city and county to submit to the Director of Social Services additional documentation and evidence regarding the siting of a proposed residential care facility designed for 6 or fewer residents. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 716 Perata Transit operators.
  Text Version:  A-07/11/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Status:  07/11/2007-Read second time. Amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
  Existing law, the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B in the November 2006 general election, establishes the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 in the State Treasury. $3.6 billion of the moneys in the fund are required to be deposited in the Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account to be made available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to transportation agencies for transit capital projects pursuant to a specified formula. This bill would specify the requirements for an eligible project sponsor, as defined, to receive an allocation of funds appropriated from the account. The bill would require the California Transportation Commission and the Controller to administer these provisions.  
SB 732 Steinberg Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006.
  Text Version:  A-09/07/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Planning & Building Dept,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/10/2007-Placed on inactive file on request of Assembly Member Bass.
  The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006, an initiative statute approved by the voters at the November 7, 2006, statewide general election makes about $5.4 billion in bond funds available for safe drinking water, water quality and supply, flood control, natural resource protection, and park improvements. This bill would require the various departments that are to implement the provisions of the initiative, among other things, to develop and adopt guidelines and regulations, consult with other entities, conduct studies, and follow certain procedures for establishing a project, grant, loan or other financial assistance program implementing the initiative. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 745 Oropeza Transportation funding: part security.
  Text Version:  A-04/09/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Fire Department,Police Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was T. & H.
  Proposition 1B, approved by the voters at the November, 2006, general election, enacts the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, which authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $100,000,000 for allocation by the Office of Emergency Services (OES) for port, harbor, and ferry terminal security improvements. This bill would require OES to develop criteria for allocating these bond funds, based on certain factors.  
SB 748 Corbett Transportation: state-local partnerships.
  Text Version:  A-07/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  08/30/2007-Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
  Proposition 1B, approved by the voters at the November 2006 general election, enacts the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, which authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $1 billion for the State-Local Partnership Program, to be allocated by the California Transportation Commission to eligible transportation projects nominated by transportation agencies, subject to appropriation by the Legislature. Existing law requires a dollar-for-dollar match of local funds for projects funded with these bond funds. This bill would state the purposes of the State-Local Partnership Program and would require the California Transportation Commission to adopt guidelines for the program. The bill would define eligible local matching funds under the program for purposes of the required dollar-for-dollar match, and would establish an application procedure for eligible applicants to nominate projects. The bill would limit the amount of bond funding for a single project to $25,000,000 in a single funding cycle. The bill would describe the categories of projects that may be funded through the program, would establish timelines for expenditure of the funds, and would provide for the reallocation of funding if those timelines are not met. The bill would require the commission to include in its annual report to the Legislature a summary of its activities related to the program, as specified.  
SB 753 Correa Mobilehomes and manufactured homes: purchase.
  Text Version:  C-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 561, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law establishes the CalHome Program under the administration of the Department of Housing and Community Development to provide grants and loans to enable low- and very low income households to become or remain homeowners. Existing law specifically includes mutual housing and limited equity cooperative housing among the types of housing that are eligible to receive assistance under the program, subject to certain conditions. This bill would, except as specified, authorize funds under the program to be used to finance the purchase of the land beneath a mobilehome or manufactured home by the owner of the home, or the purchase of both a mobilehome or manufactured home lot and the home. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 765 Ridley-Thomas Economic development: California Partnership for Urban Communities: pilot project.
  Text Version:  A-09/06/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/06/2007-Placed on inactive file on request of Assembly Member Bass.
  Existing law provides for various programs and activities in the development of economic opportunities for businesses in the state. This bill would, until March 1, 2012, establish the California Partnership for Urban Communities Pilot Project, administered by the Commission on Economic Development and other newly created committees, with specified duties with respect to coordinating and improving government efforts for at-risk urban communities, as defined. The bill would appropriate $75,000 to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Commission for Economic Development for purposes of operating the pilot program and a program to distribute matching grants, as specified, and would create the California Partnership for Urban Communities Fund as a special fund in the State Treasury for the purpose of receiving federal, local, and private funds to be coninuously appropriated to the Lieutenant Governor for purposes of the program .  
SB 777 Kuehl Discrimination.
  Text Version:  C-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Manager, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 569, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law states that it is the policy of the state to afford equal rights and opportunities to all persons in the public or private elementary and secondary schools and postsecondary educational institutions of the state regardless of their sex, ethnic group identification, race, national origin, religion, or mental or physical disability and prohibits a person from being subjected to discrimination on those bases and contains various provisions to implement that policy. This bill would revise the list of prohibited bases of discrimination and the kinds of prohibited instruction and activities and, instead, would refer to disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic contained in the definition of hate crimes that is contained in the Penal Code. The bill would define disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation for this purpose. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 815 Migden Tidelands and submerged lands: City and County of San Francisco: seawall lots: Treasure Island.
  Text Version:  C-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 660, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law grants to the City and County of San Francisco the right, title, and interest of the State of California in and to certain tidelands and submerged lands in trust for certain purposes. Under existing law, the Burton Act, and the Burton Act transfer agreement, the interest of the state in and to the Harbor of San Francisco was transferred in trust to the City and County of San Francisco. The State Lands Commission has jurisdiction over tidelands and submerged lands of the state. This bill would authorize the City and County of San Francisco to lease, sell, or otherwise transfer all or any portion of certain tidelands and submerged lands constituting "paper streets" in the City and County of San Francisco to any person, as defined, free of the public trust and of any additional restrictions on use or transfer created by the Burton Act or Burton Act transfer agreement upon a finding and declaration of specified conditions by the State Lands Commission. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 823 Perata Private postsecondary education: California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2007.
  Text Version:  A-08/20/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/11/2007-Hearing postponed by committee. (Refers to 8/30/2007 hearing)
  The Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act of 1989 generally set forth minimum standards of instructional quality, ethical and business practices, health and safety, and fiscal responsibility for private postsecondary and vocational educational institutions, as defined. The act established in the Department of Consumer Affairs the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, which, among other things, was required to review and investigate all institutions, programs, and courses of instruction approved under the act. This bill would recast, revise, and reenact the provisions of the Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act of 1989 as the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2007. The bill would establish the Board for Private Postsecondary Education in the Department of Consumer Affairs, and would provide that the board would generally succeed to the duties assigned to the bureau under the 1989 act. The bill would repeal the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2007 on January 1, 2015. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 844 Calderon Crime: school zones.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was PUB. S.
  Existing law provides that a "safe school zone" as an area that encompasses any specified places during regular school hours or within 60 minutes before or after the schoolday or 60 minutes before or after a school-sponsored activity at the schoolsite. This bill would specify for that purpose that "school" includes any public or private school. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 857 Correa Taxation: credits: air pollution.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was E.Q.
  The Personal Income Tax Law and the Corporation Tax Law authorize various credits against the taxes imposed by those laws. This bill would authorize the San Joaquin Unified Air Pollution Control District and the South Coast Air Quality Management District to prepare a study and report to the Legislature, as specified, on the dollar amount that would be appropriate to authorize a tax credit for the purchase or replacement of qualified property, as defined, that is placed into service for the purpose of reducing air pollution. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 872 Ackerman State-Local Partnership Program.
  Text Version:  A-05/08/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  Existing law provides various sources of funding for transportation capital projects. Proposition 1B, approved by the voters at the November 7, 2006, statewide general election, enacts the Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality , and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, which authorizes the issuance of $19.925 billion of general obligation bonds for various transportation purposes, including $1 billion for the State-Local Partnership Program Account, to be allocated by the California Transportation Commission over a 5-year period to eligible transportation projects nominated by transportation agencies, subject to appropriation by the Legislature. This bill would create the State-Local Partnership Program and state the intent of the Legislature to appropriate $200,000,000 per year for 5 years beginning in the 2010-11 fiscal year. The bill would provide for allocation of state funds to eligible highway and mass transit guideway projects nominated by local agencies that are to be funded with at least 50% of local funds derived from a locally imposed transportation sales tax. The bill would specify the process for applying for, receiving, and expending these funds. The bill would state the intent of the Legislature in that regard.  
SB 884 Lowenthal California Coastal Commission: gift or gratuity.
  Text Version:  C-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Attorney, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 663, Statutes of 2007
  The California Coastal Act of 1976 prohibits a commission member or alternate from making, participating in making, or in any other way attempting to use his or her official position to influence a commission decision about which the member or alternate has knowingly had an ex parte communication, and which has not been reported as required by the act. This bill would prohibit an interested person, as defined, from giving, conveying, or making available gifts, as defined, aggregating more than $10 in a calendar month to a commissioner or a member of the commission's staff. A commissioner or member of the commission's staff would be prohibited from accepting gifts aggregating more than $10 in a calendar month from an interested person. A commissioner, member of the commission's staff, or interested person who violates this prohibition, in addition to any other applicable penalty, would be subject to a civil fine, not to exceed $500 for each violation. A person who for compensation attempts to influence or affect the outcome of a commission decision or action and who violates this prohibition, in addition to any other applicable penalty, may be barred from any activity seeking to influence or affect the outcome of a commission decision or action for up to one year from the date of the finding of the violation. 
SB 886 Negrete McLeod Management districts: district board.
  Text Version:  C-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  City Manager, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 664, Statutes of 2007
  The Lewis-Presley Air Quality Management Act establishes the South Coast Air Quality Management District in those portions of the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino included within the South Coast Air Basin as the local agency with the responsibility for comprehensive air pollution control within the basin. The act requires the election of a chairperson of the south coast district board every 2 years, and requires that no member serve more than 2 consecutive terms as chairperson. This bill would delete all of the above-referenced prohibitions on a member serving more than 2 consecutive terms as chairperson. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 917 Migden Watershed Conservation Protection Program.
  Text Version:  A-04/17/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Parks, Rec & Marine Dept.,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was N.R. & W.
  The California Watershed Protection and Restoration Act authorizes state agencies with jurisdiction over watershed planning and protection to provide technical assistance to watershed management partnerships, to the extent funds are available. This bill would enact the Watershed Conservation Protection Program, within the act, to fund regional cooperative conservation partnership accounts, natural resource protection and restoration programs, regional watershed protection and recovery programs, and watershed improvement programs in counties or water basins that are the sources of water that is bottled or vended in the state. The bill would create the Watershed Conservation Protection Fund in the State Treasury, administered by the Secretary of the Resources Agency. All funds available for watershed planning, management, and restoration projects and cooperative conservation partnerships, appropriated by the act or any other measure, would be required to be deposited into the fund. Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the funds would be allocated as described. This bill contains other existing laws. 
SB 919 Machado Unclaimed property.
  Text Version:  A-05/24/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/01/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). Last location was REV. & TAX
  The Unclaimed Property Law provides for the escheat to the state of abandoned property, including certain deposits, accounts, shares, or other interests with a banking or financial organization, business association, or other holder of personal property. The law requires the Controller to mail a notice to the apparent owner, as specified, and to publish a notice within one year after payment or delivery of escheated property in a newspaper of general circulation that the Controller determines is most likely to give notice to the apparent owner of the property. This bill would require the Controller to mail a notice to each apparent owner within one year after the receipt of a report of escheated property and the escheated property. The bill would further require the Controller to establish and conduct an outreach program designed to inform owners about the possible existence of unclaimed property received pursuant to the law, and to establish a procedure to locate and notify owners of unclaimed property. The bill would require a state or local governmental agency, upon the request of the Controller, to furnish to the Controller from its records the address or other identification or location information that could reasonably be used to locate an owner of unclaimed property. By increasing the duties of local governmental entities with respect to the provision of this information, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 923 Oropeza Local government: housing.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Planning & Building Dept, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was RLS.
  Existing law requires local governments to adopt a general plan that consists of a number of elements including the housing element. The housing element must be updated at specified intervals, and in updating the housing element, the local government must take into account regional housing needs for various income levels. Existing law permits local governments to conduct a review or appeal regarding allocation data provided by the Department of Housing and Community Development or the council of governments regarding the locality's share of the regional housing need or the submittal of data or information for a proposed allocation. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to this provision.  
SB 934 Lowenthal Housing and infrastructure zones.
  Text Version:  A-05/01/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  06/08/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(8). Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE
  The Community Services District Law identifies the procedures for district formation and specifies the services that a district may provide. Among those services are the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of recreation facilities, including parks and open space, and community facilities, including libraries, and child care facilities; supplying water for any beneficial use; the collection, treatment, or disposal of sewage, wastewater, recycled water, stormwater, and solid waste; and the acquisition, construction, improvement, and maintenance of streets, roads, rights-of-way, bridges, culverts, drains, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and any incidental works. This bill would establish a pilot project allowing for the formation, under criteria developed by specified councils of governments and the Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing, of 100 housing and infrastructure zones in the state. A city or county would be eligible to apply to its council of governments or the agency, as applicable, in order to establish a housing and infrastructure zone, subject to approval by the bank, and specified reporting requirements. By requiring local governments to perform certain duties with respect to the selection and establishment of zones, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 938 Oropeza Local sales and use taxes.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Financial Management, 
  Status:  05/07/2007-In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk.
  The Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law authorizes counties and cities to impose sales and use taxes pursuant to the adoption of local ordinances, and requires the State Board of Equalization to administer those taxes. This bill would make clarifying changes to those provisions that require the board to administer those taxes.  
SB 942 Migden Workers' compensation: disability.
  Text Version:  V-10/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Human Resources Department, 
  Status:  10/12/2007-Vetoed by Governor
  Existing Workers' Compensation Law requires employers to secure the payment of workers' compensation, including medical treatment, for injuries incurred by their employees that arise out of, or in the course of, employment. This bill would, instead, provide that, for injuries occurring on or after January 1, 2008, if the injury causes permanent partial disability and the injured employee does not return to work for the employer within 60 days after the disability becomes permanent and stationary, the employee shall be entitled to receive a supplemental job displacement benefit, and would revise the amounts of benefits an injured employee would be eligible to receive, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 949 Wyland Career technical education.
  Text Version:  I-02/23/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/14/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(3). Last location was RLS.
  Existing law requires the adopted course of study for grades 7 to 12, inclusive, to include courses in career technical education designed and conducted to prepare youth for gainful employment in the occupations and in the numbers appropriate to the personnel needs of the state and the community served and relevant to the career desires and needs of the pupils. Existing law defines vocational-technical education as having the same meaning as career technical education. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to the provision establishing that definition.  
SB 964 Romero Local agencies.
  Text Version:  V-10/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  City Attorney, 
  Status:  10/05/2007-Vetoed by Governor
  The Ralph M. Brown Act requires that all meetings of a legislative body of a local agency be open and public and all persons be permitted to attend unless a closed session is authorized. The act prohibits any use of direct communication, personal intermediaries, or technological devices that is employed by a majority of the members of the legislative body to develop a collective concurrence as to action to be taken on an item, with an exception for an authorized teleconference. An appellate court in Wolfe v. City of Fremont (2006) 144 Cal.App.4th 533 held that a violation of this prohibition occurs only if a series of meetings by members of a body results in a collective concurrence. This bill would instead prohibit a majority of members of a legislative body of a local agency from using a series of communications of any kind, directly or through intermediaries, to discuss, deliberate, or take action on any item of business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body. It also would state the Legislature's declaration that it disapproves the holding of the court in the case named above to the extent it construes the prohibition on serial meetings and would state its intention that the changes made by this bill supersede that holding. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 974 Lowenthal Ports: congestion relief: air pollution mitigation: regulatory fee.
  Text Version:  A-09/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  City Manager,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  09/10/2007-Placed on inactive file on request of Assembly Member Bass.
  Existing law regulates the operation of ports and harbors. This bill would require the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland to collect a user fee on the owner of container cargo moving through the Port of Los Angeles, the Port of Long Beach, or the Port of Oakland at a rate of $30 per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU). This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 989 Ridley-Thomas Criminal street gangs.
  Text Version:  A-04/12/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was PUB. S.
  Existing law, as amended by Proposition 21 of the March 7, 2000, statewide general election, defines a "pattern of criminal gang activity" to include the commission or attempted commission of a specified offense. This bill would include within the list of specified offenses the commission of a hate crime, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 992 Wiggins Substance abuse: adult recovery maintenance facilities.
  Text Version:  A-09/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  09/11/2007-Reconsideration granted. Placed on inactive file on request of Assembly Member Bass.
  Existing law provides for the licensure, certification, and regulation of alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities serving adults, administered by the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. Existing law requires the department to grant certification to any alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment program requesting the certification. This bill would require the department to also administer the licensure and regulation of adult recovery maintenance facilities, as defined and would require the department to adopt emergency regulations, applicable only to adult recovery maintenance facilities, to implement the fee process for initial licensure, among other things, and other provisions for the extension of licensure .  
SB 1000 Harman Substance abuse: adult recovery maintenance facilities.
  Text Version:  A-04/18/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Police Department,Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was HEALTH
  Existing law provides for the licensure, certification, and regulation of alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities serving adults, administered by the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. Existing law authorizes the department to conduct site visits to licensed facilities for compliance purposes. Existing law requires the department to grant certification to any alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment program requesting the certification. Existing law prohibits the department from levying a fee for certification or licensure of nonprofit organizations or local governmental entities under these provisions. This bill would , among other things, permit the department to authorize local code enforcement officials to conduct the site visits. It would also require that the department administer the licensure, certification, and regulation of adult recovery maintenance facilities, as defined. This bill would delete the prohibition against levying fees for certification or licensure of nonprofit organizations or local governmental entities. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 1001 Perata California regional water quality control boards: membership and program withdrawal.
  Text Version:  V-10/14/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  10/14/2007-Vetoed by the Governor
  Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California regional water quality control boards prescribe waste discharge requirements in accordance with the federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit program established by the federal Clean Water Act, and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Porter-Cologne). Existing law designates the state board as the state water pollution control agency for all purposes stated in the Clean Water Act and any other federal act. Federal regulations provide for program revision and withdrawal and the voluntary transfer of program responsibilities when a state program no longer complies with the requirements of the Clean Water Act and the state fails to take corrective action. This bill would make legislative findings and declarations related to the regional boards and their responsibilities under the Clean Water Act and Porter-Cologne. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws. 
SB 1020 Padilla Solid waste: diversion.
  Text Version:  A-06/26/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Gas & Oil Department,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  09/17/2007-Hearing postponed by committee. (Refers to 8/30/2007 hearing)
  The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, which is administered by the California Integrated Waste Management Board, requires each city, county, and regional agency, if any, to develop a source reduction and recycling element of an integrated waste management plan containing specified components. The source reduction and recycling element of that plan is required to divert 50% of all solid waste from landfill disposal or transformation by January 1, 2000, through source reduction, recycling, and composting activities. The bill would require the board, by July 1, 2009, to develop a strategic and comprehensive plan to achieve, on or before January 1, 2020, a diversion of 75% of solid waste statewide from landfill disposal or transformation. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 1024 Kehoe Telecommunications: Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Act.
  Text Version:  A-05/03/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Technology Services Dept., 
  Status:  05/09/2007-Set, first hearing. Testimony taken. Further hearing to be set.
  Existing provisions of the Warren-911-Emergency Assistance Act establishes the number "911" as the primary emergency telephone number of use in the state. The existing Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Act ("911" surcharge act) generally imposes a surcharge on amounts paid by every person in the state for intrastate telephone service and is imposed at a percentage rate, not less than 0.5% nor more than 0.75% that is annually estimated to provide revenues sufficient to fund "911" emergency telephone system costs for the current fiscal year. Surcharge amounts are paid to the State Board of Equalization on a monthly basis by the telephone service supplier and are deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of the State Emergency Telephone Number Account in the General Fund, to be expended for limited purposes, including to pay the Department of General Services for its costs in administration of the "911" emergency telephone number system. Existing law defines a "service supplier," for purposes of the "911" surcharge act, as meaning a person supplying intrastate telephone communication services, as defined, pursuant to California intrastate tariffs to any service user, as defined, in the state and includes any person supplying intrastate telephone communications services for whom the Public Utilities Commission has eliminated the requirement for filing an intrastate tariff. This bill would expand the definition of a "service supplier," for purposes of the "911" surcharge act, to include any person supplying Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service capable of originating a "911" emergency call from any service user in this state . This bill would specify that the "911" surcharge act applies to VoIP service, as defined , but would provide that the surcharge does not apply to customers whose primary place of using the services is outside the state. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SB 1028 Padilla State Air Resources Board: regulations: ambient air quality standards: vehicles.
  Text Version:  C-10/13/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  City Manager,Public Works Department, 
  Status:  10/13/2007-Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter Number 669, Statutes of 2007
  Existing law designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency responsible for the preparation of the state implementation plan required by the federal Clean Air Act, and requires the state board to coordinate the activities of local air districts to comply with the act. The state board is authorized to adopt and implement motor vehicle emission standards, in-use performance standards, and motor vehicle fuel specifications for the control of air contaminants and sources of air pollution which the state board has found to be necessary, cost effective, and technologically feasible. This bill would require the state board to adopt and implement motor vehicle emission standards, in-use performance standards, and motor vehicle fuel specifications for the control of air contaminants and sources of air pollution which the state board has found to be necessary, cost effective, and technologically feasible. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SCA 1 McClintock Eminent domain: condemnation proceedings.
  Text Version:  A-02/05/2007  html  pdf Position:  Watch 
  Assigned:  Community Development Department, 
  Status:  05/02/2007-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2). Last location was JUD.
  The California Constitution authorizes governmental entities to take or damage private property for public use only when just compensation, ascertained by a jury unless waived, has first been paid to, or into court for, the owner of the property. It also authorizes the Legislature to provide for possession by the condemnor following commencement of the eminent domain proceedings upon deposit in court, and prompt release to the owner of the property, of the money determined by the court to be the probable amount of just compensation. This measure would further provide that private property may be taken or damaged only for a stated public use, and not without the consent of the owner for purposes of economic development, increasing tax revenue, or any other private use, nor for maintaining the present use by a different owner. The measure would also require that property acquired in eminent domain be owned and occupied by the condemnor, except as specified, and be used only for the public use stated at the time of the taking. This bill contains other related provisions. 
SCA 12 Torlakson Local government: property-related fees.
  Text Version:  A-06/18/2007  html  pdf Position:  Support 
  Assigned:  Public Works Department, 
  Status:  07/12/2007-Read second time. To third reading.
  The California Constitution, with the exception of fees or charges for sewer, water, and refuse collection services, conditions the imposition or increase of a property-related fee or charge upon approval by either a majority vote of the owners of the properties subject to the fee or charge or, at the option of the agency imposing the fee or charge, by a 2/3 vote of the voters residing in the area affected by the fee or charge. This measure would additionally exclude fees and charges for stormwater and urban runoff management from these approval requirements for the imposition or increase of a property-related fee or charge.