Recommendation to authorize City Manager to submit to the City Council purchase transactions for critical technology infrastructure needs. (Citywide)
At a special City Council study session on October 24, 2017, staff presented an overview of four categories of unfunded critical technology infrastructure needs totaling $88 million (Exhibit A). Staff advised the City Council that details of these technology infrastructure needs would be provided at its November 14, 2017 meeting. Exhibit B provides the details on these items, including their cost and potential financing/funding.
Staff is seeking City Council approval to bring forward, for future City Council consideration, proposed purchases and financing for various items encompassing three categories of unfunded critical technology infrastructure needs:
Installing a fiber optic system to interconnect City buildings to save on current and future communication costs and to form a basis for a potential future digital inclusion (see Exhibit C - Fiber Network Infrastructure memorandum);
Replacing outdated technology that is becoming unreliable and will not support new systems or the new Civic Center; and,
Furnishing needed systems to meet key critical City needs and prevent malicious system attacks, data loss, or service outages.
The total of these items is $67 million. The remaining $21 million is in a fourth need category, replacing public safety communications technology, which is not being recommended for action at this time as additional information pertaining to extended support is anticipated to become available from in the next few months.
If the recommended action is approved, staff will finalize the specific purchases, secure vendors through existing or new contracts or bids, secure funding and financing in conformance with the mechanism outlined in this letter, and return to the City Council for authorization of individual purchase transactions.
The purchases would be financed an...
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