Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. PA-02112 authorizing City Manager to execute contracts with Galls, an Aramark Company, LLC, a Long Beach-based business (Local; not an MBE, WBE or SBE) and Quartermaster, Inc., of Cerritos, CA (not an MBE, WBE or SBE), to furnish, service and deliver uniforms and accessories to the Long Beach Fire Department (LBFD), in a total annual amount not to exceed $210,000, for a period of one year, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)
City Council approval is being requested to enter into an annual contract with Galls, an Aramark Company, LLC (Galls), and Quartermaster, Inc. (Quartermaster), for furnishing, servicing, and delivering uniforms, accessories and miscellaneous equipment to maintain LBFD dress codes and standards for uniformed personnel.
This contract was previously inclusive of all City departments that required uniforms for their employees. However, under special circumstances, where detailed specifications are required in order to capture a specific department need, a separate bid is developed. By separation of contractual needs, the various departments will receive better pricing, service and quality, as each contract has a distinct set of requirements, independent from one another. This bid was designed to provide a detailed description of the specialized criteria required to meet safety and quality standards for uniformed personnel. The bid specifications include a requirement for an online ordering system that would be capable of providing order-tracking information, as well as usage reports for record-keeping purposes. The proposed contracts will be comprised of a primary and secondary supplier of uniforms in order to ensure the availability of uniforms, accessories, and miscellaneous equipment for LBFD. Galls will be the primary supplier and Quartermaster will be the secondary supplier for this contract base...
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