Recommendation to use City Prosecutor Department (CP) budget savings from FY 13, increase appropriations in the General Fund (GP) in the City Prosecutor Department (CP) by $138,142 and in the General Grants Fund (SR 120) in the City Prosecutor Department (CP) by $138,278. (Citywide)
Prior to the end of FY 13, the City Prosecutor/General Fund budget had savings of $138,142 and requested the budget savings be re-appropriated to a subsequent year. The Finance Department suggested waiting until FY 14 to reallocate the funds. Since those funds are now in the fund balance of the General Fund, they are available to appropriate in FY 14. This is consistent with past practice where a prior year's budgetary savings were re-appropriated in a subsequent year. Increasing the City Prosecutor/General Fund budget will enable these funds to be transferred to the General Grants Fund. By transferring these funds to the General Grants Fund, the funds will be able to be spent over a multiyear period instead of being limited to one fiscal year. Funds will be used for the City Prosecutor's Gang Prevention Strategy and are expected to be fully spent in 12-18 months.
City Council action is requested on February 11, 2014 to fund ongoing gang prevention efforts.
There is sufficient fund balance in the General Fund from FY 13 budget savings to support the increased appropriation request. There will be no impact to the General Grants Fund since its appropriation increase will be fully offset by the transfer from the General Fund. Additionally, there are $136 of interest earnings from existing grants which have not been budgeted and are included in the General Grants Fund appropriation increase.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,