Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager to execute a contract with Parkeon, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $350,000 to purchase up to 41 multi-space parking meters without advertising for bids; and increase appropriations in the Tidelands Fund (TF 411) and the Department of Public Works (PW) by $190,000 for the immediate purchase of 20 multi-space parking meters for installation at The Pike. (District 2)
On April 17, 2006, the City of Long Beach launched a gO-day trial of five new Parkeon payand-display parking pay stations that replaced 22 single-space parking meters in The Pike area downtown. These solar-powered electronic kiosks accept Mastercard or VISA debit/credit cards and coins to pay for parking.
This demonstration project was developed to address the challenge of patrons wishing to park on-street in The Pike area where the meter rate is set at $2 per hour. With individual meters, parking for the two-hour maximum time limit requires that 16 quarters be deposited into each parking meter. The Parkeon multi-space parking meters provide more flexible payment options, accepting credit and debit cards, as well as coins, which provides greater convenience for motorists.
Parkeon meters were selected for the demonstration after a city review team met with four providers of multi-space parking meters. Because this is a fairly new technology, each company was invited to bring in a working meter to demonstrate the operation of their parking pay stations, and discuss their company's experience with the operation of their systems in other locations. After considering the pros, cons and options that were presented, staff selected the Parkeon pay-and-display machines for the demonstration project, both for operational flexibility and the company's overall experience with similar operations.
Many benefits have been realized from the operation of these Parkeon multi-space meters, including better management of our parking opera...
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