Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all necessary agreements, all sub-grant agreements and any subsequent amendments thereto that change the terms or extend the time period for the 2011 - 2013 Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) program allocation of $379,364 to fund five projects (4 agencies) for the period of
October 1, 2011 to August 31, 2013, with an option to renew the ESG program for an additional grant period ending on August 31, 2014. (Citywide)
The Emergency Shelter Grant is a formula allocation from the Department of Housing and Urban Development as part of the City Consolidated Plan, which is managed by the Development Services Department, Neighborhood Services Bureau. The Homeless Services Division manages this component of the Consolidated Plan, in addition to the Homeless Prevention Rapid Rehousing Stimulus Funds and HOME move-in deposit assistance program as leveraged resources to the Continuum of Care system.
The purpose of the ESG program is to improve the quality and number of emergency homeless shelters for homeless individuals and families, to operate these facilities, to provide essential social services, and to help prevent homelessness. As the first step in a continuum of assistance, ESG is designed to move the homeless population steadily toward independent living. ESG funding priorities include: 1) Emergency Shelters that service the general homeless population and do not require participants to qualify for special sub-populations such as: domestic violence, mental illness, substance/drug abuse, veterans, persons with HIV/AIDS; and 2) Funding for Homeless Prevention in the form of financial and/or legal assistance for eviction prevention.
As the lead entity for the local homeless Continuum of Care, the City of Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services (Health Department) released a Request for Qualifications on May 26, 2011 for the 2011 - 2013 Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) progra...
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