Recommendation to request City Manager to: 1) work with the Long Beach Unified School District Superintendent, the Commission on Youth and Children, and the Long Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force to make recommendations on working together to introduce more directed enrichment at the Recreation Park Teen Center; and 2) ensure that the students that use the Center are given the opportunity to participate in programs at Woodrow Wilson Senior High School and at other local centers.
The Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine has temporarily scheduled the closing of the Recreation Park Teen Center due to budget considerations.
Currently, the center serves anywhere from 5-20 students a day and many of the programs are also being offered across the street at Wilson High School.
However, it is important that the students that currently use the Recreation Park center are given the opportunity to participate in programs at Wilson and at other local centers.
Furthermore, I would like the City Manager to work with the Long Beach Unified School District Superintendent, the Commission on Youth and Children and the Long Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force to make recommendations on how we can work towards introducing more directed enrichment at the Recreation Park Teen Center.
The Jefferson Academy after-school program is an excellent example of a private-public partnership that serves its students successfully. Perhaps the Jefferson Academy model could be looked at when making changes to the Recreation Park Center.
It is our hope to re-open the center sometime in January of 2006.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,