Recommendation to receive a report and confirm the proposed Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, and direct staff to prepare the subsequent Environmental Impact Report. (Citywide)
Overview and Background
The Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) is a mechanism for the City of Long Beach (City) to establish a set of iterative programs and policies for how the City will achieve two main objectives: (1) meet the statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) target of 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and generally minimize its contribution to global GHG emissions (Action); and, (2) adapt to the impacts of climate change while maintaining quality of life, prosperity, and equity for all of its citizens (Adaptation). The City completed technical studies of climate stressors and communitywide vulnerabilities to inform development of the CAAP. The CAAP establishes a framework for creating or updating its policies, programs, practices, and incentives to reduce the City’s GHG footprint while enhancing local economic, environmental, and social benefits. The proposed plan and all its technical appendices can be found in Attachments A and B.
The City has been a leader in sustainability through efforts that have included the adoption of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan (2006) and the Sustainable City Action Plan (2010) and incorporation of sustainable policies into the City Mobility Element Update (2013) and General Plan Land Use Element Update (2019). In 2015, Mayor Robert Garcia signed the Compact of Mayors (now the Global Covenant of Mayors) signaling the City’s commitment to an array of efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and better prepare for the impacts of climate change. As part of that commitment, in December 2016, the City Council initiated development of the City’s first CAAP to meet State GHG reduction targets and provide a roadmap for preparing for climate change impacts, including intensifying heat waves, flooding, worsening air quali...
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