Recommendation to adopt Specifications No. PA-02909 and award contracts to Matrix Environmental, Inc., HDR Corporation, Batres Alcides, Metalclad Insulation Corporation, Universal Abatement Services, Vizion’s West, Inc., and Watson Painting Corporation in the total annual amount of $500,000 for providing lead-based paint and other home hazard control services for a period of one year, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods at the discretion of the City Manager, with the option to add expenditures up to 10 percent (or $50,000) above the contract amounts, if necessary and if funds are available. (Citywide)
City Council approval is being requested authorizing the City Manager to award contracts for providing lead-based paint and other home hazard control services to ensure U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) compliance for the City's Department of Health and Human Services.
The Department of Health and Human Services has received nearly $3 million in cost-reimbursement grants from HUD, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA). The grant provides total funding of up to $1,007,350 for the control of lead-based paint hazards within affordable housing occupied by low-income residents. The grants also include support for tenant relocation, lab analysis, health education and risk assessment.
An invitation to bid was advertised in the Press-Telegram on September 15, 2009. The bid document was made available from the Purchasing Division, located on the seventh floor of City Hall, and the Division's website at www.longbeach.gov/purchasing. A bid announcement was also included in the Purchasing Division's weekly update of Open Bid opportunities, which is sent to 30 local, minority and women's business groups. Twenty potential bidders attended the Bidder's Conference and 12 bids were received. Of those 12 bidders, 1 is a Woman-owned Business Enterp...
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