Recommendation to request a report from City Manager on food distributions in City parks and public spaces and prepare a strategy to ensure a consistent process to protect public safety and minimize City costs.
The City of Long Beach 2010 Strategic Plan calls for providing high quality and well-maintained public infrastructure, parks and public facilities in each neighborhood (N4) and eliminating common neighborhood nuisances (S5).
Community members have expressed concerns regarding various organizations providing food distributions at City parks and public spaces. It is my understanding that the enforcement of the City’s health regulations is under the responsibility of the Department of Health and Human Services. Their mission includes ensuring that “the conditions affecting the public’s health afford an environment in which to live, work and play.”, It is important for the City to develop policies regarding the use of public spaces by food and social service providers to minimize health and safety hazards to the general public.
I would like to request a report regarding the on-going efforts to regulate the distribution of food and services at City parks and public spaces. The report should include the participation of the City Attorney and City Prosecutor to develop a Citywide policy for the enforcement of State and Local regulations
pertaining to individuals and organizations permitted to distribute food three times in a 90-day period. I strongly believe that this is necessary to limit the City’s exposure for costs associated with these programs while maintaining every
person’s right to legal assembly and freedom of speech and expression.
[Timing Considerations]
[Fiscal Impact]
Approve recommendation.
[Enter Body Here]
Respectfully Submitted,
[Respectfully Submitted,]