Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute all necessary agreements between the City of Long Beach and the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) to accept funding in the amount of $3,500, effective July 31, 2015, to provide capacity building funds for the Long Beach Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). (Citywide)
In June, 2007, the Office of the Surgeon General permitted Long Beach to develop a Medical Reserve Corps to aid the Department of Health and Human Services in emergency and disaster response. Since 2006, the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) has awarded funding to qualifying Medical Reserve Corps throughout the country for capacity building (i.e., training disaster responders, background checks of MRC members, ID badges, etc.) for its members. The Long Beach MRC will be utilized to support Department efforts in the event of a bioterrorist threat, or other public health emergencies in Long Beach, including preparedness and response for natural disasters (i.e., earthquakes, heat emergencies) and communicable disease outbreaks.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Linda Vu on January 26, 2015 and by Budget Management Officer Victoria Bell on January 30, 2015.
City Council action on this matter is requested on March 3, 2015, as funding will be allocated to the Department of Health and Human Services once the contract is approved and sent to NACCHO.
The total amount of the agreement is $3,500. This NACCHO grant alleviates expenditures on CDC and State Public Health Emergency Management grants that were previously used for MRC capacity building. Sufficient funds are currently budgeted in the Health Fund (SR 130) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HE). There is no local job impact associated with this recommendation.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,
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